National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Selected aspects of the Viet ethnic group paremiology
Dušková, Andrea ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (advisor) ; Slavická, Binh (referee)
This thesis examines selected aspects of the Việt Ethnic group paremiology based on field research which was carried out from January to June 2012 in Ho Chi Minh City. First, the thesis focuses on facts about paremiology and the Việt Ethnic group's language in general. Then, field research based on a quantitative survey regarding usage and knowledge about proverbs in Vietnam is included. Thesis deals in detail with the basic contextual symbolic nature of proverbs. Finally, chronological examination of some proverbs and their approximate age is incorporated.
Proverbs of the Viet minority
Dušková, Andrea ; Strašáková, Mária (referee) ; Slavická, Binh (advisor)
This thesis propose to analyze proverbs of Viet Ethnic with the formal, historical, social, grammar but also comparative view. At first the text shows methodological distinction of phraseological units than historical subtext of the Viet Ethnic phraseology and short analysis of proverbs origin. Next interest of this thesis is in meaning of Viet Ethnic proverbs in society with an emphasis to relationships between children and parents, husband and wife and also to relationships within society. The Viet Ethnic proverbs are analysed in the light of grammar, especially with the view to sentence construction, verbs, pronouns and rhyme. The last analysis provides comparation of few Viet Ethnic proverbs with Czech proverbs. The difficulties of translation is included in this analysis as well.

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4 DUŠKOVÁ, Aneta
1 Dušková, Adéla
5 Dušková, Alena
4 Dušková, Aneta
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