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The young and their lifestyle.
Brož, Michal ; Klusoňová, Hana (advisor) ; Jílek, Petr (referee)
Michal Brož Young people's lifestyle Diplomová práce Univerzita Karlova v Praze Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci králové Studijní obor: Farmacie Background: - to define a situation in the area of using legal and illegal habit forming substances among students at the age from 16 to 20 years - to analyse the dependence of development of psychic problems on using habit forming drugs Methods: - questionnaire study: anonymous questionnaire (contains questions on smoking, alcohol, habit forming substance and the BSI form) - opened, closed and semi closed questions - 343 students (106 males, 2237 females) at the age 16 - 20 years (average age 18,58 year) - data analysed in SPSS for Windows, version 16.0 Results: Legal substances: - 57,4% of students have an experience with smoking tobacco - only 17,8% of respondents smoke regularly and only 8,7% smoke daily - 86,9% of students have an experience with drinking alcohol Illegal substance: - 39,7% have an experience with using illicit substance (47,2% male and 36,3% female) - the most frequently used drug is marijuana (32,7%), then hashish (13,7%), Cocaine (8,7%), sleeping pills (7,3%) and amphetamine and LSD - as the most dangerous substance are considered heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, methadone and amphetamine Psychical disorders: - a two-sided...
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The young and their lifestyle.
Brož, Michal ; Jílek, Petr (referee) ; Klusoňová, Hana (advisor)
Michal Brož Young people's lifestyle Diplomová práce Univerzita Karlova v Praze Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci králové Studijní obor: Farmacie Background: - to define a situation in the area of using legal and illegal habit forming substances among students at the age from 16 to 20 years - to analyse the dependence of development of psychic problems on using habit forming drugs Methods: - questionnaire study: anonymous questionnaire (contains questions on smoking, alcohol, habit forming substance and the BSI form) - opened, closed and semi closed questions - 343 students (106 males, 2237 females) at the age 16 - 20 years (average age 18,58 year) - data analysed in SPSS for Windows, version 16.0 Results: Legal substances: - 57,4% of students have an experience with smoking tobacco - only 17,8% of respondents smoke regularly and only 8,7% smoke daily - 86,9% of students have an experience with drinking alcohol Illegal substance: - 39,7% have an experience with using illicit substance (47,2% male and 36,3% female) - the most frequently used drug is marijuana (32,7%), then hashish (13,7%), Cocaine (8,7%), sleeping pills (7,3%) and amphetamine and LSD - as the most dangerous substance are considered heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, methadone and amphetamine Psychical disorders: - a two-sided...
Business valuation of ZON spol. s r. o.
Brož, Michal ; Pláničková, Markéta (advisor) ; Krch, Přemysl (referee)
Diploma thesis "Business valuation of ZON spol. s r. o." is formed as an expert opinion and its goal is to find a market value for hypothetic sale on the date 31. 12. 2014. Thesis is divided into five parts. The first part is devoted to the description of company. In next parts financial and strategic analyses follow. In the next part value drivers are analysed and planned, which result in completing financial plan of business for years from 2015 to 2020. In the last part ZON spol. s r. o. is valued by DCF APV method using parametric formula for the second phase.
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Use of Drama in Psychoterapy
BROŽ, Michal
This thesis deals with usage of drama in psychotherapy. The introductory part refers to drama and theatre, their connection to ritual, their history and mostly to their theory. The Important terms of theatre theory in general and thoughts of chosen theatre theorists, relevant to this work are included in this part. The possibilities of drama techniques as psychotherapeutical instruments and their utilization within chosen therapeutical movements are defined in psychotherapy part. The conclusion of the theoretical part is dedicated to psychodrama and dramatherapy. There are some of important ideas concerning the usage of drama in psychotherapy summarized within the final interview with the dramatherapist.