National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Fire station
Brož, Matěj ; Bartolšicová, Eva (referee) ; Matějka, Libor (advisor)
The aim of my diploma thesis is a design of fire station. The object is designed to be fire station type C and it is for fire brigade. The object is designed in Czech Budweis. The building has two above ground floor. The structural system of building is wall system and reinfroced concrete frame. The roof is warm flat roof. The facade is ventilated with cladding and sandwich facade panel. Drawing part processed in a computer program ArchiCAD.
Fire station
Brož, Matěj ; Bartolšicová, Eva (referee) ; Matějka, Libor (advisor)
The aim of my diploma thesis is a design of fire station. The object is designed to be fire station type C and it is for fire brigade. The object is designed in Czech Budweis. The building has two above ground floor. The structural system of building is wall system and reinfroced concrete frame. The roof is warm flat roof. The facade is ventilated with cladding and sandwich facade panel. Drawing part processed in a computer program ArchiCAD.

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7 BROŽ, Michal
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