National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Recruitment process of international companies in the light of national cultures: France and the Czech Republic
Bočanová, Magda ; Kašparová, Eva (advisor) ; Kubernátová, Eva (referee)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to analyze and describe cultural differences between France and the Czech Republic in connection with recruitment processes of international companies operating in these countries. The thesis is divided into two main parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part involves the basic terminology in the field of human resource management and cultural specifics. It defines the terms and procedures of the recruitment process as a key component of human resource management as well as connection and influence of cultural characteristics on the process. The practical part describes recruitment processes using the example of two international companies doing business on the Czech and French market. It also contains a comparison of the recruitment processes of these companies in the light of the national specifics of France and the Czech Republic. The practical part also includes detection of expectations and attitudes of Czech university students and graduates towards one of the international companies in relation to the activities of its HR marketing.
Corporate culture of Russian companies
Bočanová, Magda ; Müllerová, Františka (advisor) ; Trojanová, Kamila (referee)
The Bachelor's thesis is focused on a corporate culture of Russian companies. The theoretical part of the thesis tries to familiarize the reader with the general concept of culture and corporate culture specializing in Russian area, including its specifics and cultural differences. Questionnaire surveys are carried out in the analytical part of the thesis in order to determine characteristic points for culture practically used in Russian enterprises. The aim of the thesis is to compare the survey results of individual companies with theoretical solutions obtained from different sources. Furthermore, to determine the differences between culture of Russian companies and corporate culture applied in international companies operating on the Russian market.

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2 BOČANOVÁ, Marcela
2 Bočanová, Marcela
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