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Communication Strategies of Municipalities of the Third Grade
Bláhová, Marta ; Krbová, Jana (advisor) ; Motyčka, Michal (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the present communication strategy of the Prague 8th municipal district and the relevant data collected in the questionnaire in order to recommend a set of amendments. Following methods were used in the thesis: synthesis, description, analysis and a field research. The theoretical part provides definitions of basic concepts connected to the subject of this research, practical part provides the assessment of a current communication strategy of the municipal district Prague 8th. The thesis includes a custom designed questionnaire the outcomes of which will help to answer the research question, will verify or refute the hypotheses posed in this research, and will facilitate amendments to the present communication strategy.

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7 BLAHOVÁ, Monika
8 BLÁHOVÁ, Marie
18 BLÁHOVÁ, Markéta
11 BLÁHOVÁ, Martina
8 BLÁHOVÁ, Michaela
1 BLÁHOVÁ, Miloslava
7 BLÁHOVÁ, Monika
6 Blahová, Marcela
8 Blahová, Marie
18 Blahová, Markéta
11 Blahová, Martina
8 Blahová, Michaela
2 Bláhová, Magdalena
6 Bláhová, Marcela
8 Bláhová, Marie
18 Bláhová, Markéta
11 Bláhová, Martina
8 Bláhová, Michaela
7 Bláhová, Monika
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