National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Problems of the Lechery and Adultery in the Pentateuch
The work deals with exegetic-ethical analysis of sexual motives in the Pentateuch. It aims to analyse as well as to systematize the issue of human sexuality in the Five Books of Moses, and to create a compact illustration of the problem. The major part of the work includes an analysis of sexual motives in significant legal regulations - the Ten Commandments, the Covenant Code, the Holiness Code and the Deuteronomic Code. However, the other parts of the Pentateuch must not be left out of consideration and are covered in a separate chapter. The final part tries to synthesize the obtained findings and evaluate systematically the basic sexual questions appearing in the Five Books of Moses.
Attitude of the Current Czech Society towards the Issue of the Decalogue
The thesis looks into the relationship of the current Czech society towards the issue of the Decalogue. The first two chapters deal with the theological-anthropological reflection on man in relation to human freedom and corresponding norms. The third part enquires into the problems of the Decalogue as a codex of ethical norms with regard to the biblical rootage, and ethical and catechistic features. Further, the work outlines the level of value orientation and religiousness of the current Czech society with reference to the European context. Following the findings and results of a research carried out at a public secondary school in České Budějovice, the fifth part reflects the position of the Decalogue in the society

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