National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Business tendency surveys in selected countries and their forecasting ability
Březinová, Eliška ; Fischer, Jakub (advisor) ; Dubská, Drahomíra (referee)
Business tendency survey as a part of expectations surveys should provide valuable information on the future evolution of the economy represented by the indicator of gross domestic product. The thesis contains a brief description of the Harmonized System of the Business tendency survey that is created by the European Commission and the OECD. The system provides advice and recommendation to member and non member countries of the European Union. The aim of this thesis is to compare models containing gross domestic product and the various confidence indicators compiled for the six selected countries of the European Union. Emphasis is placed on verification of the ability of each indicator to predict the evolution of gross domestic product. The thesis uses appropriate methods of time series analysis, especially cointegration analysis and VAR models.
Geometric probability
Březinová, Eliška ; Malá, Ivana (advisor) ; Čabla, Adam (referee)
This thesis deals with geometric probability applied on practical exercises. It covers Buffon's needle problem in detail; Laplace's conclusions about pi are supported by my own trial. Next, Bertrand's paradox is solved, and the conclusions are demonstrated on computer programs, which simulate the experiment. One chapter is dedicated to eight different exercises, which can be often found in textbooks. In the end we will mention practical usage of geometric probability, especially in the medicine field. We will point out to usage of modified Buffon's principle, which is used to estimate lengths of planar structures.

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6 Březinová, Eva
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