National Repository of Grey Literature 29,504 records found  beginprevious29488 - 29497next  jump to record: Search took 0.96 seconds. 

A Syntactic-semantic Anylysis of Selected Prepositional Groups
Chvátalová, Klára ; Panevová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Janovec, Ladislav (referee)
Na příkladu předložkové skupiny za + 4 jsme se zabývali rozlišením adverbiálních syntaktických funkcí formálně homonymních předložkových skupin. Naším cílem bylo formulování a otestování automatických, poloautomatických a manuálních kritérií, která na základě kontextu jednotlivé věty umožní adekvátní určení syntaktické funkce. Nutným předpokladem dosažení vytyčeného cíle je však existence přehledné a co možná jednoznačné typologie příslovečných určení, tomu jsme věnovali velkou část svého úsilí. Nejprve jsme sledovali zařazení předložkové skupiny za + 4 v rámci typologií popisovaných hlavními syntaxemi 2. poloviny 20. století a doplňovaných v dílčích otázkách dalšími relevantními pracemi. Podrobné shrnutí odhalilo mnohé rozdíly: Všeobecná shoda panovala v zásadě pouze kolem příslovečného určení místa. Příslovečné určení času jako celek bylo vymezováno také shodně, nikoli však již jeho jednotlivé podtypy. Různé přístupy se uplatňovali také ohledně výrazů typu Chytit / vést za ruku; zatahat za rukáv; viset za nohy, převažovalo však zařazení k příslovečnému určení prostředku, resp. nástroje. Zdaleka nejvíce možných řešení se nabízelo pro zařazení výrazů typu Koupil jsi za osm, prodal jsi za dva, tedy typicky spojených s přesunem peněz. Ve větší míře se jimi zabývají pouze starší syntaxe (Trávníček, 1949;...

Petr Eben: Piano Trio
Fialová, Terezie ; Leichner, Emil (advisor) ; Bilinská, Kvitoslava (referee)
I would like to begin by mentioning how long I pondered the overall structure of my thesis. Peter Eben´s work, nowadays unfortunately already completed, has been subject of broad scale scholarly interest. Although there are two major works dealing with this topic, I still think there is a significant lack in detailed analysis of his works one by one. This is the reason of my focusing on his Piano Trio, a piece I myself have performed and subsequently also recorded in a studio. This personal experience should be the basis for my honest analysis of this work. I start the thesis with the author´s brief biography, followed by a short overview of his works of other genres, which are all very well worth noticing. After this introduction I analyze the Trio itself. I hope it will be an interesting and capturing piece of reading, opening to the reader yet unexplored niches of Eben´s work.

Specifics of support from the Environment Fund - exploitation for the region's development
The topic of this thesis is how the State Environmental Fund (SEF) of the Czech Republic contributes to the region's development through the financial support. Within thesis are chosen two regions. The Southwest Region with relatively balanced environment and the Moravia-Silesia Region with a damaged environment. The theoretical part is focused on the history of the Environment of the Czech Republic. There is also characterized by funding environmental resources of Czech Republic and EU resources. In this part is also characterized the quality of life and methods of measuring. The practical part deals with the analysis of financial support from the SEF to regions, as well as an analysis for what components to environmental flows the most investment and non investment expenses from all sources of the Regions of the Czech Republic. And the last part of the thesis deals with the quality of life in the selected two regions. Quality of life is evaluated by analyzing selected three components of the environment - air, water, forests. In another part of the quality of life is assessed by EPI index, which is modified for this thesis. This index assesses what was the environment in 2004 and in 2011, if has improved state of the environment or not.

Financial analysis of insurance companies
Janďourková, Petra ; Bokšová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Randáková, Monika (referee)
Financial analysis - the classical and special ratios for insurance industry and how to analyse them.

The burn-out syndrome and rescue workers
Koudela, Ondřej ; Remr, Jiří (advisor) ; NÁHRADNÍ, OPONENT (referee)
This paper offers a basic insight into the probelmacy of rescuery - using his own expiriences and literature, the author provides elementaric introduction to emergency medicine. He explaines some basic therms and characteristics, using them in the practical part below. At the same time the paper introduces the burn-out syndrome. On this theoretical part concurs a quantitative sociological survey, connecting together the two theoretical themes mentioned above. First, it deals with the incidency of the burn-out at rescue workers in The Czech Republic, second, it investigates choice possible predictors of this phenomenon within the frame of emergency medicine. The survey-part follows also the regional disproportions of emergency medical care in The Czech Republic. Aside from the theoretical introduction to the emergency medical care and the burn-out syndrome problemacy, also interresting findings are to be found here: how the rescuers are afflicted with the burn-out syndrome, what are they mostly frustrated with and last, but not least, how is this connected with the region they work in. Powered by TCPDF (

The ireality in the short prose by José Donoso: Tres novelitas burguesas
Pěstová, Helena ; Vydrová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Housková, Anna (referee)
Donoso je autor, který čtenáře nejprve poněkud zaskočí příběhy lidí, kteří jsou v zajetí různých obsesí a traumat, posléze si však k němu vnímavý čtenář nalezne cestu, protože pochopí jeho úmysly a jeho způsob psaní mu začne pronikat "pod kůži". Téma ireality se objevuje ve více Donosových dílech. S jejími prvky se můžeme setkat i v některých jeho povídkách, jako například v Puerta cerrada (Zavřené dveře), Santélices, Ana María, CharZestón nebo Paseo (Procházka). Jeho román EZ Obsceno pájaro de Za noche (Obscénní pták noci) je plný neobvyklých situací, které jsou výplodem bludu protagonisty příběhu Mudita. Obscénní pták noci je nesporně velmi zajímavým románem, pokud jde o hojně se vyskytující prvky ireality v díle. Mě však z tohoto hlediska nejvíce zaujaly Tres novelitas burguesas (Tři měšťácké románkyl), tři krátké prózy autora, které svým pojetím mají možná blíže k povídkovému žánru než k románu nebo k novele. Své tvrzení se budu snažit dokázat v následující kapitole o krátkých výpravných prózách. Tyto prózy mě zaujaly i proto, že se v nich objevují všechna hlavní Donosova obsedantní témata, a zároveň je jim vlastní jistá dávka ironie, což ukazuje na určitý autorův odstup. Už se zde nejedná o blouznivé stavy potřeštěné mysli Mudita. Už zde nejde jenom o příval slova myšlenek psychicky nemocného jedince....

An analysis of some economic and legal aspects of governance of Central European joint-stock companies
Pustówka, Tomasz ; Urban, Jan (advisor) ; Hraba, Zdeněk (referee)
The Analysis of Some Economic and Legal Aspects of Corporate Governance of Central European Corporations There are three main goals of the thesis: 1) To identify the biggest economic risks of present Czech corporate governance 3) to recommend appropriate measures how to regulate corporate governance of publicly owned companies 2) to consider the question how appropriate it is to regulate corporate governance by hard law rules or when soft law rules could be appropriate enough. The thesis is divided into two parts - the theoretical part and the practical one. The theoretical part is subdivided into four chapters. The first contains a general introduction to the corporate governance, the second includes a description of the system of corporate governance regulation, the next one is dedicated to financial crisis impact on the corporate governance regulation, and the final chapter deals with the comparison of Polish and Czech law regulation of corporate governance in publicly owned companies. The practical part consists of three case studies. The first case study analysis the main findings of the report, which was worked out as a result of the independent audit of supervisory boards in publicly owned companies. The second case study examines the corporate governance system of state-owned companies PKN...

Internal audit in the telecommunication company
Kárová, Ladislava ; Dvořáček, Jiří (advisor) ; Boráková, Helena (referee)
The diploma work is focused on the internal audit issue. The goal of the work is on a basic of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to explain and describe the internal audit and the internal auditor job. The work is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical one is focused on the internal audit history, internal auditor character and profession, internal audit quality assessment and compare internal audit with the external audit. The practical one is focused on the internal audit unit in the business company and at first describes the internal audit regulatory frame and after that is already focused on the internal auditor job from audit planning, over the audit performance and audit report, to the monitoring of corrective measures.

Stabilized operation and short - circuit conditions within E.ON 110 kV power network supplied from Čebín 110kV switching station, during the period of 2011
Chrástek, Radim ; Janda, Petr (referee) ; Blažek, Vladimír (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to project an operation of bridge connection in distribution network in Čebín’s nodal area. The main task is to check a fulfilment of voltage tolerance in distribution substations 110 kV, load transformer control (400/110 kV, 110/VN kV), distribution power line 110 kV control and short - circuit conditions control. Relevant calculations are performed by dispatching control system, which works with the actual parameters of all distribution network‘s 110 kV facilities. The theoretical part of this thesis is devoted to the way of the calculation of stabilized operation and the short-circuit conditions. In practical part, first we perform an analyse of stabilized operation and the short-circuit conditions of distribution network 110 kV in actual operation. Next step deals with bridge connection design and analysing its operation. The operation of bridge connection is verificated even in specific conditions (disturbance state, increased load). The next section evaluates the results of the calculations. First we deal with actual operations evaluation and proposed the bridge connection. In the next section we evaluate the operation of the bridge connection in the specific operating conditions. Finally, we evaluate the losses in the distribution network 110 kV. If the calculations of the stabilized operation or the short-circuit conditions of distribution network discovers that some of its elements are overloaded, we propose changes to ensure safe and reliable operation of the distribution network.

Distributed Processing of IP flow Data
Krobot, Pavel ; Kořenek, Jan (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with the subject of distributed processing of IP flow. Main goal is to provide an implementation of a software collector which allows storing and processing huge amount of a network data in particular. There was studied an open-source implementation of a framework for the distributed processing of large data sets called Hadoop, which is based on MapReduce paradigm. There were made some experiments with this system which provided the comparison with the current systems and shown weaknesses of this framework. Based on this knowledge there was created a specification and scheme for an extension of current software collector within this work. In terms of the created scheme there was created an implementation of query framework for formed collector, which is considered as most critical in the field of distributed processing of IP flow data. Results of experiments with created implementation show significant performance growth and ability of linear scalability with some types of queries.