National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 

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Matched Filter
Dvořák, Petr ; Sysel, Petr (referee) ; Číž, Radim (advisor)
The main objective of this work is to study methods of reducing BER and suggest possible resolution of matched filter. In the first part, the methods are theoretically analyzed and subsequently their function models are sugested in the computer programme Matlab Simulink. On these models, the behaviour for different input values is simulated and on their basis, the output depending on probability of the false income on SNR for each of models is worked out. In the second part, the design of the laboratory preparation with a view to the matched filter is described. This suggestion is divided into the parts which are subsequently described and outputs from the implementation of the suggested resolution are added. Thereinafter, the implementation of the proposed resolution and the results achieved at measurement of the realized produkt are closely described. This product is to be made for educational and laboratory purposes in terms of lessons The Theory of Communication.

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