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Microbial profile of model cheese
Lavičková, Ivana ; Veselá, Mária (referee) ; Vítová, Eva (advisor)
This Diploma thesis deals with the identification of microorganisms in samples of experimentally produced cheese. Model samples of cheese were produced in association with a private manufacturer. Raw organic milk was used to make the cheese. The theoretical part provides an overview of the issues such as the characteristics of the cheese, its properties and compounds. A special chapter is dedicated to molecular diagnostic methods, which serve for identification of microorganisms. In the experimental part of the thesis were identified some microorganisms in the samples. A polymerase chain reaction was used. The DNA was isolated from coarse lysates using phenol extraction; it was amplified using specific primers and demonstrated by gel electrophoresis. DNA of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus spp.) and yeast was ascertained in the cheese. The samples do not contain DNA of pathogenic genera Bacillus and Salmonella.

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