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Design of a "Cyclist/Pedestrian Dummy" platform for testing advanced assistance systems
Bartuněk, Jiří ; Ramík, Pavel (referee) ; Štětina, Josef (advisor)
The aim of this master's thesis is to design a remote-controlled platform for testing advanced assistance systems in modern cars. The work focuses on the detailed construction of a robust undercarriage powered by electric motors. This undercarriage must be capable of carrying various dummies, such as a pedestrian, child, or cyclist, and withstand being overrun by a vehicle, which is verified using the finite element method. The thesis also includes the development of a specialized attachment system for dummies that minimizes potential damage to the tested vehicle. The result is a complete design of the platform, including a detailed description of the selection and integration of electronic components, providing a comprehensive basis for the manufacture of a testing prototype. The thesis is supplemented with drawing documentation.

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