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Development of Czech water law and legal relations related to water
Urban, Michael ; Kindl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee) ; Vojáček, Ladislav (referee)
Development of Czech water law and legal relations related to water Abstract This dissertation thesis deals with the development of the legal regulation of water law and legal relations related to water in the Czech Republic. It provides an interpretation of the issue from the beginnings of the Czech state to the present. The thesis is divided into sixteen chronological chapters focusing on individual periods of development of this issue. The individual chapters are divided into sub-chapters dealing with sub-fields of water law and legal relations related to water. The first four chapters provide a theoretical introduction and a common basis for the other chapters. The first chapter contains an analysis of the concept of water law and the systematics of water law. The second chapter provides an outline of the development of water law in antiquity as an illumination of the earliest roots of water law. The third chapter discusses the foundations and structure of Roman water law as the methodological basis of the field of water law. The fourth chapter deals with the basic features of the development of water law in the territory of states neighbouring the Czech Republic. Chapters 5-15 form the core of the thesis and deal with individual periods of development of Czech water law and legal relations related to...

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