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The preparedness of selected company and his employees in Tabor District for the release of chemical substance from the operation
NOVOTNÁ, Karolína
The bachelor thesis describes the issue of preparedness of selected company and its employees for leakage of chemicals from operation. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of the selected enterprise, the actual chemical accident that occurred in the selected enterprise, legislation related to the topic of work, the behavior of residents in the event of a dangerous chemical leakage, staff training and terms such as chemical accident, emergency planning, fire evacuation plan are explained here. The aim of the work was to evaluate the readiness of the selected company and its employees in the Tábor district for leakage of chemicals from operation. Employee preparedness was evaluated by means of a questionnaire survey, the preparedness of the company by comparing the applicable legislation with internal documents. The research question was formulated as: "What is the real preparedness of the company for leakage of chemicals from operation?" During the research it was found out that the selected company had prepared internal documents in accordance with the valid legislation and by means of a questionnaire survey it was found that its employees are well prepared for leakage of chemicals. So the real preparedness of the company is good. The methodology of the work describes how research was conducted among randomly selected respondents. Despite good preparedness, it was found that all respondents would not behave correctly when a dangerous chemical leaked out of operation, and not all employees were trained in regular fire protection intervals. The results of this work will be provided to the selected company for the purpose of assessing preparedness for leakage of chemicals from operation.

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