National Repository of Grey Literature 239 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 

Motion in Faulkner: An Analysis of Movement in The Sound and the Fury
Hesová, Petra ; Ulmanová, Hana (advisor) ; Matthews, John Thomas (referee)
The Gothic is an extremely viable mode in the history of American literature. As a genre concerned principally with distortions and aberrations, it provides a platform for writers to voice their concerns about periods of transformation and destabilized boundaries. William Faulkner, one of the leading authors of the American South, frequently employs the Gothic mode in his portrayals of the South as a traumatized region trying to cope with the echoes of the Civil War and with the disintegration of old aristocratic values, which manifests itself in the decay of institutions (such as the family) as well as a collapse of individual minds. This emphasis on the human psyche is evident especially in the novel The Sound and the Fury, whose main characters and narrators are representatives of the various extremities of the human psyche (severe mental retardation, suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia and paranoia). Faulkner's use of the Gothic mode is rather unorthodox and innovative, employing inversions and parody which can be appropriately demonstrated by the category of motion and his use of the traditional Gothic devices and character types. The traditional motion patterns - flight and pursuit, quest and purposeless wandering - that are originally connected predominantly with only one Gothic type (the...

The Voice of a Woman in the First Novels of George Sand
Tylová, Kateřina ; Petrová, Jana (advisor) ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (referee)
Mon mémoire intitulé "Hlas ženy v prvních románech George Sand" ("La voix de la femme dans les premiers romans de George Sand") est consacré à 1 une des femmes écrivains les plus importantes non seulement dans 1 histoire de la littérature française mais aussi en égard aux problématiques liées à la littérature féminine. George Sand est une femme de lettre qui était admirée par de bien grandes personnalités, citons par exemple Honoré de Balzac, Victor Hugo ou F M. Dostojevskij. Dans ses romans, elle était très actuelle, elle voulait influencer surtout ses contemporains au 19e siècle, c est pourquoi son oeuvre a été plutôt oubliée au 20e siècle. Mais à la charnière du 20 et du 21 e siècle, on peut voir une certaine résurrection de 1 intérêt à son égard, pour son oeuvre et sa vie. Cela est notamment dû à 1 édition de sa correspondance par Georges Lubin qui a montré aussi d'autres côtés de sa personnalité. En 2004, on a célébré le bicentenaire de sa naissance, le ministère de la Culture de France a profité de cette occasion pour proclamer cette date ,,1'année de George Sand" . Sa vie était toujours plus connue que ses romans parce qu'elle était une femme extraordinaire et exceptionnelle à son époque. Par sa vie, elle conviendrait plutôt au 21e siècle. Elle ne pouvait pas exercer le rôle de la femme soumise dans...

Language aspects of vituperative humor of Hašek's Švejk in comparison with his Bulgarian translation
Dichev, Bogdan ; Gladkova, Hana (advisor) ; Rangelová, Albena (referee)
The diploma paper consists of an introductory part, four chapters of presentation and a conclusion. The preface introduces Jaroslav Hasheck's novel and the person of its Bulgarian translator - Professor S. Ivanchev. The first chapter presents general methodological and theoretical matters. It pitches on the frequently negative contingent readers' reception of Hasheck's novel related to a lexical specificity of his - the usage of slang and vulgarisms; it examines the possible differentiation of the vulgarisms as inert and functional according their humorous effect; it alludes to the idea of a normative permanence and the justification of filthy words in the novel due to its thematic orientation; it sketches out the characteristics of the humour displayed in "Shveik"; it determines the theoretical indications and the functioning terminological apparatus, it lays out the possible links between humour and obscene words on the basis of the comical incongruity; it fixes on the problematic aspects of the translation - the diachronic aspect and its relationship with the constantly developing linguistic situation and the potential necessity of its actualization; it introduces the methods of excerption of the vulgar lexis and the terminological notional instrumentation of K.J.Obratill by outlining the thematic fields...

Japan in the novels of the British writer Kazuo Ishiguro
Kráľová, Martina ; Beran, Zdeněk (referee) ; Hilský, Martin (advisor)
As we have seen, the fact that Japanese culture plays an important role in all three of Ishiguro's early novels appears to be virtually incontestable. In the first two novels, Japan is present not only on the obvious level of setting and characters. Ishiguro employs and simultaneously subverts the Western stereotypes about Japan, like the notion of obedient Japanese women, or the myth about the Japanese propensity to suicide. The novels also share a controlled and almost minimalist style of narration, which shows distinct traces of the Japanese cinema of the 1950's and of the Japanese aesthetic concept of mono no aware. Moreover, Ishiguro cleverly manipulates the speech of his characters and makes the Japanese language filter through the perfect English diction. As for The Remains of the Day, a critical perspective, which views this novel as purely English without any relation to the Oriental culture, provides enough means to cover the novel to a satisfying degree. However, if the reader has a chance to take into account the Japanese background of the author and the context of Japanese culture, he may discover Oriental elements at the very heart of butler Stevens: in his motives, in his conduct, in his understanding of his vocation and in his view of his position in the context of humanity. Such a reader...

John the Fool as a picaresque hero
This bachelor thesis deals with the figure of fool John in Czech literature. It will be analysed his personality and it will be approached him as a picaresque hero. John is compared with the representatives of the same genre in Czech and world literature. It will be focused on common and different features. The thesis will be offered a traditional Czech John as a specific type and it will be approached the picaresque novel and its importance in the literature.

Work with authentic correspondence in František Kožík's romans about Zdenka Braunerová
Braunová, Linda ; Mocná, Dagmar (advisor) ; Hrabáková, Jaroslava (referee)
BRAUNOVÁ, L.: Work with authentic correspondence in František Kožík's novels about Zdenka Braunerová /Bachelor degree thesis/ Prague 2011, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Departement of Czech Literature Bachelor's degree thesis is based on work with authentic correspondence in František Kožík's novels about Zdenka Braunerová. This study examines how the letters were used and processed in both novels (Na křídle větrného mlýna, Neklidné babí léto), in order to reveal changes in meaning.

The Puzzle Novel
Stock, Richard Thomas ; Roraback, Erik Sherman (advisor) ; Peprník, Michal (referee) ; Miller, J. Hillis (referee)
This dissertation is based on the claim that the study of the novel has not capitalized on the designation of the novel's unique properties by thinkers early in the twentieth century. My specific determination of the puzzle novel is in a sense merely one example of the kind of study that I see as necessary to further our understanding of both the novel and narrative. I see the effort of narratology in the twentieth century as a necessary project, but ultimately a failure at its own goals. Theory of the novel, meanwhile, seemed better poised to produce useful criticism in the 1930s, but since then has not had the influence on scholarship that it should have had. To deal with this lack, various philosophical works are discussed and used in the dissertation, especially those from Gilles Deleuze and Maurice Blanchot. Three novels are studied in detail as puzzle novels, and although the novels are chosen purposefully, they do not constitute a complete set: Ulysses (1922) by James Joyce, which I call the first puzzle novel in the terms of this study; Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow (1973), the premier postmodern novel, and also an extreme puzzle novel; and Prisoner's Dilemma (1988) by Richard Powers, a puzzle novel that shows the true possibilities of the novel form. This study does not seek to make absolute...

The development of feminist criticism of Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre: the unusual romance by the Parson's daughter that sparked the literary rebellion
Ondrušková, Andrea ; Beran, Zdeněk (referee) ; Nováková, Soňa (advisor)
In 1847, when Charlotte Brontë was writing Jane Eyre in Haworth parsonage and secretly dreaming of her literary career, not even in her wildest dreams could she have imagined what a life and what a variety of meanings female critics would once give to her first novel, and that one day she would be even studied as one of the female writers who helped to spark the women's literary rebellion and her Jane Eyre would be celebrated as a feminist classic. After all, this is what the fascinating story of this unusual romance has turned out to be. As my thesis has revealed, ever since its publication Jane Eyre has always drawn the attention of female critics. The first woman whose opinion about the novel was publicly heard was the Victorian reviewer Elisabeth Rigby. Interestingly, unlike female critics who came after her, she was not delighted by the appearance of this novel but on the contrary, she felt fully alarmed by it. She condemned it on both moral and religious grounds, disliking Jane's rebellion against the established order, as well as her sympathy towards the poor and the oppressed. Her opinion was nothing unusual concerning the fact that she was both a member of the upper class and a conservative. Yet, what was rather astounding was that as a woman allowed to write, she questioned the propriety of female...

The narrative poetics of the novel La nieve del almirante by Álvaro Mutis
Pichrtová, Šárka ; Vydrová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
Hlavním předmětem rozboru v této práci je román Admirálův sníh kolumbijského spisovatele Álvara Mutise. Přestože je dnes Álvaro Mutis zařazován mezi nejvýznamnější postavy současné hispanoamerické literatury (od roku 2001 je držitelem prestižní španělské Cervantesovy ceny), v českém prostředí jeho tvorba zatím není rozšířena, žádné z jeho děl doposud nebylo přeloženo. První kapitolu proto věnuji základním informaCÍm o životě a díle autora v kontextu kolumbijského literárního dění poloviny 20. století. Literární tvorba Álvara Mutise mne zaujala svou ambivalentní povahou v oblasti žánru, především pak přirozeností, s jakou propojuje svět poezie a výpravné tvorby, užívá prvků lyrických i epických a zachovává zároveň tematickou jednotu. Tento osobitý rys je i významnou součástí poetiky románu Admirálův sníh, považuji proto za vhodné v rámci této práce poukázat i na některé důležité aspekty autorovy poezie, která až do roku 1986 tvoří převážnou část autorovy literární tvorby. Ve druhé kapitole se proto zaměřuji na některé rysy spisovatelovy básnické činnosti, která zásadním způsobem ovlivňuje i jeho pozdější tvorbu románovou a je nezbytnou složkou pro její porozumnění. Třetí kapitola je rozborem poetiky románu Admirálův sníh, se zaměřením na postavu Námořníka Maqrolla, koncept času a prostor příběhu, a pokusem o...