Quality of life of patients with Crohn´s disease
RENDL, Lukáš
Theoretical foundation Crohn's disease is a chronical autoimmune disease categorized, together with ulcerative colitis, in the group of idiopatic intestinal inflammations. But in spite of this categorization, Crohn's disease may not be found only in the intestines but anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. However, the intestinal localization is most frequent and is related with numerous manifestations like stomachake, diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence, belching, loss of weight, etc. The pathogenetic cause of those discomforts consists in disorder of autoimmunity, when the body starts producing antibodies against its own tissues. But the cause of start of that pathogenetic mechanism has not been clarified so far. Experts speak about influence of infections, food, psychosomatics, smoking, genetic perceptiveness, etc. The hope of the patients is pinned on the continuously improving treatment, culminating by biological preparations that have most influenced the health condition of those persons so far. But in spite of the modern therapy, all characteristics of the disease can have negative impact on the quality of life of the patients. Goal of the thesis The goal of this thesis consists in ascertaining the quality of life of Crohn's disease patients. Hypotheses H1: Crohn's disease patients have problems in physical area. H2: Crohn's disease patients have problems in psychic area. H3: Crohn's disease patients have problems in social area. Methodology The practical part of the thesis was implemented based on quantitative inquiry within the grant Project No. 120/2012/S ?Reflection of life quality in nursing?. Two standardized questionnaires were used for the inquiry: the WHOQOL-100 general questionnaire and the IBDQ specific questionnaire, distributed among Crohn's disease patients. Valid licence was bought for both questionnaires. The size of the research set was determined at 100 Crohn's disease patients, the Crohn's disease diagnosis being the only criterion for selection of the respondents. The distribution of the questionnaires among the respondents took place with the help of gastroenterological centres. Results All data obtained were statistically processed in the SASD (Statistical Analysis of Social Data) program. The results of the processing can be divided into three areas, by the three main hypotheses verified. The first area of results provided information on the problems confronted by Crohn's disease patients in physical area. Only one problem was confirmed here: the Crohn's disease patients feel fatigue. All the remaining problems under verification in this area were refused. The second area brought information on psychical problems of the patients. Similarly to the preceding case, only one problem troubling the Crohn's disease patients was found here: feeling of irritation. The occurrence of the remaining psychical problems under verification was not confirmed. The last area of results found out the problems of the patients in social area. The results were the most positive in this case, as none of the problems under verification in this area was confirmed. Based on all results stated above, the hypotheses were evaluated as follows: H1 Crohn's disease patients have problems in physical area - refused; H2 Crohn's disease patients have problems in psychic area - refused and H3 Crohn's disease patients have problems in social area - refused. Conclusion The thesis provides comprehensive view on the issue of quality of life of Crohn's disease patients. The results may be used particularly in the work of so called IBD nurses, endoscopic nurses, but also general nurses working with the patients. The thesis can be also used as study material or as foundation for further research.
Time management
Hanus, Filip ; Franková, Emilie (advisor) ; Motlová, Veronika (referee)
It is of great necessity to know how to manage time. The theoretical part of this thesis is concerned with the definition of time management, its origin and evolution. It covers the basic rules of efficient time management and the principles of efficient work organization. It describes the usage of goals and their setting, circadian rhythms and their influence on our productivity and the most common factors that steal our time. Based on the analysis of time frames and half-structured interviews, the empirical part follows the lives of six university students for two weeks. Our goal is to find out how the respondents use their time, what is their knowledge of time management and also to cover the difference between students living in a room alone and students sharing a room with one or multiple roommates.
The role of innate immunity cells in the pathogenesis of celiac disease
Dáňová, Klára ; Palová Jelínková, Lenka (advisor) ; Černý, Jan (referee)
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease which occurs in susceptible individuals after ingestion of food containing gluten. Gluten and its monomeric fraction gliadin induce inflammatory damage of the small intestine by activating the immune cells that react strongly to gluten peptides. Gluten peptides have the ability to activate cells of adaptive as well as innate immune system. This work is focused on the production of interleukin (IL)-1 in antigen presenting cells stimulated with peptic gliadin digest. We found that monocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from blood of celiac patients secrete significantly more IL-1α and IL-1β than cells of healthy donors after stimulation with gliadin digest. The gliadin-induced IL-1β expression is controlled by a signaling cascade that includes MAPK kinase family molecules and transcription factor NF-κB. Moreover, we found that the adaptor proteins MyD88 and TRIF as well as Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and 4 play a role in the signaling cascade underlying gliadin-induced IL-1β expression by using murine bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDC). The precursor form of IL-1β in gliadin- stimulated PBMC and murine BMDC is maturated by caspase-1. In celiac PBMC the gliadin- induced maturation and secretion of IL-1β depends on the potassium...
Pupils knowledges abou infectious diseases
Rančáková, Hana ; Drda Morávková, Alena (advisor) ; Erhart, Lukáš (referee)
A knowledge about infectious diseases and vaccination is very important in this time. The questionnaire, which is part of this thesis, is designated for 1st to 4th grade high school students and the upper grade grammar school pupils. The questionnaire was used to analyse pupils' knowledge and attitudes about infectious diseases and vaccination. Pupils' knowledge and attitudes are quite good and students are able to voice their opinion. Females have better knowledge than males and older students are better too. The thesis is further focusing on how are the infectious diseases included in the National Curriculum and examine the prevention programmes for schools. The other purpose is to follow up the threat of pandemic diseases and present state of knowledge and awareness about this topic.
Differences between men and women in the Czech labour market
Stroukal, Dominik ; Kadeřábková, Božena (advisor) ; Pavelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
This thesis consists of five articles that apply current world research on labor economics at the Czech Republic and confirms the significant differences between men and women in this market. It shows that gender has a significant influence on the preference on the labor market and, consequently, on employment and health. First, the thesis shows that preferences are relevant determinant of career and then we study the difference in preference of salary for men and women. Subsequently it shows that gender plays a significant role in explaining the relationship between homeownership, and unemployment, as well as unemployment and health. The first chapter was able to demonstrate that the preference for a career has a positive influence on the choice of career. The influence of higher education on prioritizing career proved to be positive and significant. Probability of a career choice is reduced by the presence of children, however, is not dependent on their number, which is contrary to the theory of preferences. The second chapter shows that Czech women prefer more non-monetary rewards than men. It has also been shown that people with university education are same in the preferences of non-monetary rewards regardless of the gender of the respondents, however, compared to the world's research, the Czech higher education increases this preference. It turned out that women prefer risk less than men. The third chapter demonstrates that although the housing market undermines labor mobility and employment in the Czech Republic at the regional level, therefore, that in regions with a higher rate of home ownership is higher unemployment, at the individual level, the owners of housing are unemployed are less likely. The estimates are significantly different for men and women. Men living in owner-occupied housing have a higher likelihood of employment than women. At regional level, however, this thesis shows that the high rate of home ownership increases unemployment for both men and women, in the long run only to women. The fourth chapter showed that men transition to homeownership reduces the likelihood of unemployment next year. For women, this relationship has proved to be insignificant. In addition, as insignificant showed the opposite relationship, the transition from unemployment to the newly acquired home ownership. The last chapter shows that the change in the working status to unemployment will increase in the future probability of worse health. Influence in less than two years, however, proved to be significant. An important conclusion is that men have a significantly stronger relationship between health and unemployment than women.
Multicriteria games
Tichá, Michaela ; Dlouhý, Martin (advisor) ; Lachout, Petr (referee) ; Čičková, Zuzana (referee)
Theory of multicriteria games is a special field of game theory, when one or more players have at least two payoff functions and want to maximize simultaneously. The work introduces a number of new findings. It examined the concept of finding equilibria in pure strategies in noncooperative multicriteria game. It is possible to find all the equilibria in pure strategies by full search and solving two linear programs for each point. Furthermore, two linear programs are formulated for verifying that a selected point is the equilibrium of the game or not. In the noncooperative games is also introduced the concept that with knowledge of the equilibrium of bimatrix game determines preferences of the players. Although finding the equilibrium point of the bimatrix game is nonlinear problem, finding the preferences is linear problem. The latest findings in the noncooperative games is a generalization of the concept that solves multicriteria game by assigning weights to each criterion of each player. The work demonstrates that it may not be necessarily linear weights, but it can be more general function that describes the player's preference. The remaining part is devoted to knowledge in cooperative games. There is considered that the players know their preferences and are able to express them by weights. The game with known preferences is defined and solved with the use of bargaining theory. Then it is generalized to a case where players have more payoff functions, from which they can choose. Finally, the multicriteria case of voting game is defined. It is designed completely new concept, which selects the winning coalition in the voting game. This concept is then applied to the real situation after the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013.
Růst Mycobacterium smegmatis na agarovém médiu a agarovém médiu pokrytém celofánovou folií - morfologická a proteomová studie
Ramaniuk, Volha ; Weiser, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Beranová, Jana (referee)
Biofilm formation is one of the most common bacterial survival strategies. Majority of bacterial species are able to form these three-dimensional structures, including pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Representatives of Mycobacterium genus widely occur in the nature, although they can cause serious problems when they appear in medical equipment and artificial replacements of the human body. Non-pathogenic Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2 155 was used as a model organism in our experiments. We investigated morphology of the three- and six-day-old colonies (in fact biofilms) on agar and agar covered with cellophane using Stereo microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope. We found that a type of surface as well as a carbon source has a great influence on the morphology of the M. smegmatis colonies. We isolated proteomes from the agar and cellophane cultures and from planktonic culture. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used as the main proteomic method. Proteomic data were analyzed using PDQuest software. Then the sets of proteins detected by qualitative and quantitative analyses were compared using Venn diagrams. As a result, we recognized 7 unique proteins that might be specific for recognition and adhesion of bacteria to the cellophane, no unique protein in agar proteome and 46 unique...
Rescuers, disaster and "librarians"?
Zeman, Jiří
Na první pohled se může zdát, že knihovníci mají pramálo společného se záchranáři a děním kolem mimořádných událostí a katastrof. Domnívám se ovšem, že právě specialisté na informace mohou významně přispět ke koordinaci pomoci při záchranných akcích. Vždyť v jaké jiné oblasti jsou tak potřeba rychlé, relevantní a jasně strukturované informace, jako při záchraně lidských životů? Kdo by měl lépe shromažďovat informace pro následné analýzy a závěry pro zlepšení do budoucna? A kdo by měl mít lepší informace o nejnovějších technologiích a možnostech jejich využití pro přenos informací než právě odborníci na informace? Na několika příkladech si uvedeme, jak mohou knihovníci kooperovat na vývoji "záchranáře budoucnosti", pomoci se systémy pro koordinaci pomoci při katastrofách velkého rozsahu nebo testovat nové technologie pro efektivní využití v praxi.
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Analysis of the Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees in a firm
Gonta, Natalya ; Dvořáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Odvárková, Markéta (referee)
The aim of this study is to analyze the motivation and satisfaction of employees at British American Tobacco Ltd. The bachelor thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part describes the concepts and sources of motivation, which affect the performance of employees in the company. The second part describes the aim of the research, its progress and evaluation results in respect of which was carried out to analyze the way of motivation and satisfaction of employees in the company. For the following analysis methods were used questionnaire and a personal unstructured interview. The result of the thesis is mentioned proposal for improving the motivation of employees, which has potential and could be implemented in the company.
The Conclusion of a Contract under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in Comparison with Czech National Legislation
Krčálová, Kristýna ; Boháček, Martin (advisor) ; Levý, Jan (referee)
This Master's thesis focuses on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), better known as the Vienna Convention. The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate conditions for application of this international treaty and to assess the contracting process under the CISG including the similarities and differences with the Czech national legislation. Finally, it seeks an answer to the question, which of these rules (international or national) are more advantageous for a Czech contractual party with respect to concluding a contract. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first one represents an introduction to the CISG, its origin and the Czech Republic's attitude to it. The second part identifies the conditions for application of the CISG and therefore defines a subject and an object of an international contract of sale under the CISG. Both third and fourth parts gradually introduce two phases of the contracting process (offer and acceptance) including the relevant case-law. The last chapter strives to complete the contracting process with an analysis of the exact moment, when a contract is concluded, as well as with an analysis of a potential battle of the forms and its impact on a contract conclusion.