National Repository of Grey Literature 35,431 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.01 seconds. 

Evaluation of the grants influence on economy and development of municipality or city
Scholzová, Pavla ; Homolka, Jaroslav (advisor) ; František, František (referee)
This thesis is focused on to the impact assessment of the grants on overall economy and development of the town Police nad Metuji and village Suchy Dul. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part includes general theory of management models for municipalities, using professional sources of information. The second part includes analysis of the budget revenue and expenses of Police nad Metuji and Suchy Dul during the period 2010 - 2015. The conclusion of the second part is the evaluation of two major projects being realized by the town Police nad Metuji and municipality Suchy Dul during the period 2010 - 2014. The theoretical part includes a literature search, in which terms like a city, a village, a farming, municipal authorities, subsidies are described and characterized. The practical part consists of detailed analysis of the grants management. There is the detailed description of selected entities and their revenue & expenses analysis. The main focus is on economical and socio-cultural impacts of the selected grants. Finally, the survey research is used to determine the inhabitants´ satisfaction / dissatisfaction with management and development of the analysed town/ municipality. The final conclusion contains summary of findings and results of comparison between the impact of realized projects and its actual inhabitant perception.

ICT support for regional development
Očenášek, Vladimír ; Havlíček, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Vostrovský, Václav (referee)
There are many of different rankings in the world, which relate to information and communications technology. For example, United Nations e-Government survey evaluates expansion of e-government administration in 193 countries in the world every two years and publishes worldwide ranking of EGDI (e-government development index). Since 2003 web portals of the capitals of the largest countries in the world are evaluated evaluated by - Digital Governance in Municipalities Worldwide (Holzer et al., 2014) every two years. This rating is organized by the "The E-Governance Institute" which is part of Rutgers University Newark. Prague (15 in) was included for the first time in 2007. Prague was ranked in excellent 2nd place in 2009, in the period 2011 - 2012 was in 4th place and in the period 2013 - 2014, Prague ranked 10th. Our methods of evaluation are based on methods of Digital Governance in Municipalities Worldwide, which is focused on regional web portals. We evaluated 6 regional web portals using 40 parameters in the area privacy, usability, content, services, citizen and social engagement. For instance, we evaluated if web portal provides: online publications, multilingual access, GIS, calendar of events, searchable database of articles, accommodation reservation etc. For evaluation of regional web portals, we chose two regional touristic headquarters (Centrála cestovního ruchu -- Jižní Morava (, Jihočeská centrála cestovního ruchu, one regional touristic web (Posázaví - vítejte v turistickém regionu kolem řeky Sázavy (, two Austrian web portals, which represents cross-border cooperation between Austria and Czech republic (Urlaub am Bauerhof -- dovolená na selském statku (, Rakousko -- přijeďte a ožijete ( and official touristic web portal of Switzerland (Officielle Website von Schweiz Tourismus ( As it turned out during our model usage, which took into account five important areas, level of regional web portals significantly differ. Some criteria are fulfilled across the all sites, but some of them are partly or completely missing. Individual solutions therefore often prefer different criteria, thus providing different perspectives on the region and its issues. If all criteria were met, the informational content and thus even usefulness of the individual portals would rise. Theoretically, this would lead to a "content compatibility" of individual solutions, which would ultimately bring profit to users and consequently the visitors of their respective regions.

Evaluating of territorial system of ecological stability on the territory of the municipality with extended competence Jilemnice
Maryšková, Ivana ; Vacek, Oldřich (advisor) ; Klára, Klára (referee)
The subject of this thesis is an evaluation of the territorial system of ecological stability (hereinafter referred to as TSES) in the Jilemnice territory in the Liberec Region and, specifically, in the cadaster units Jilemnice and Hrabačov. The evaluation is based on an analysis of a general plan for TSES dated 1993 and, also, town-planning documents; for the analysis, ArcGis software was used. Subsequently, certain remedies including principles aimed at preservation of the landscape sustainability were suggested. In the review of relevant scientific literature, TSES is described from a wider perspective of nature and landscape conservation both in the Czech Republic and worldwide and, also, sustainable development. Based on critical evaluation of data resources, relevant landscape including the territory in question is characterized; an evaluation of the structural parts and their functions provides a picture of the current situation. Based on a subsequent current state assessment, the thesis suggests changes to the structural parts. The information gathered therein provide a basis for defining proper methods to improve the conditions of TSES and, also, all the elements and related sites in order to enhance their ecological stability and function.

Extenzivní výsadby z pohledu udržitelného rozvoje měst
Hrubanová, Denisa
From the perspective development of contemporary urban environment is needed to shape the environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development that respects and creates natural conditions for life and for the next generation. To this development usefully contributes extensive forms of planting greenery that are applied in the public space of urban interior. In this case it means the use of specific living conditions that the area provides. By choosing the natural planting is possible to create a sustainable environment without major costs and demands for future maintenance. Natural systems are ability to show a much greater self-regulation and therefore to some extent, they are resistant to any negative changes in the external environment.

Analysis of the local biomass from the point of view of a chosen enterprise
This thesis deals with the analysis of the local market in terms of biomass and Less Energy. There is examined the potential of logging residues from the selected area is examined further traffic limit for supplying chips. There are used Porter model analysis.

Low and Tax barriers to Development of Small and Medium Business
Svirák, Pavel ; Sadovský, Zdeněk (advisor)
At the beginning of the 21st century it becomes more obvious that the established free market economics systems, even nowadays perceived as universal models, collide with the ecological boundaries imposed by the Earth’s biosphere. Protection of the living environment is also the topic of this thesis. This doctoral thesis presents the research results of investments made to protect the natural environment. The work focuses on the Czech Republic-based manufacturing industry. The doctoral thesis covers the following objectives: • Czech legislation and related information of the living environment protection are processed, confronted and evaluated in the analytical part of the work. This part also features a description of used Macro-economical approaches followed by an evaluation of externality quantification. The work even describes new trends in the implementation of Environmental Managerial Systems. This part presents basic procedures to assess the manufacturers’ environment protection investments. Strong and weak aspects of specific approaches are emphasized. • The environmental investments evaluation methods for the selected manufacturing companies are identified in the practical part of the doctoral thesis based on the primary data sources supported qualified research. Suitable criteria-meeting rating methods are selected, based on the statistical evaluation of multi factorial analysis. Furthermore, the work evaluates the influence and significance of environment protecting investments on the corporate goals. The final part of the work features a critical review of the discovered facts with suggested advanced procedures for the environmental protection investments evaluation.

Economic indicators of sustainable urban development of medium-sized towns
Pavlas, Miroslav ; doc.Ing.Liběna Tetřevová,Ph.D. (referee) ; Šilhánková, Vladimíra (referee) ; Mgr. Michael Pondělíček,Ph.D. (referee) ; Koutný, Jan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse how to measure an economic pillar of sustainable urban development when it is understood in terms of qualitative city development. This principly means achieving economic prosperity which does not lead to damage of the city areas and decrease the quality of life for its residents. This approach requires the creation of an appropriate set of indicators that will cover qualitative aspects of sustainable economic development. The first section summarizes existing approaches to the definition of sustainable development and ways of measuring both on the Czech and the international level. There are also defined basic characteristics of the urban development which are appropriate to express a qualitative development of the city. The second part is focused on existing ways in which sustainable development is measured, i.e. especially in the context of indicator sets. These are under detailed assessment which aim is to show how useful is to measure the economic sustainability from the qualitative point of view. In this part, the limits of using economic macro aggregates (especially Gross Domestic Product) is emphasized because there are still regarded as one of the key economic indicators of sustainable development. In the next part the thesis deals with the definition of economic prosperity and focuses on the characteristics typical for short, medium and long term perspective. Measurement of sustainable urban development in the short term is based on assessment of financial situation. From the medium-term point of view, it is crucial to assess how the city handles its property, i.e. mainly buildings and land. These property components are substantial for a further direction of city development. In the next section are designed indicators aimed at measuring the ability of the city to maintain a skilled workforce which is one of the most important conditions of long-term economic prosperity. The final theoretical part of the thesis is focused on how the long-term sustainable urban development is to be expressed in an economic way through the assessment of investments in urban infrastructure and its operational efficiency. The designed set of indicators is verified on case studies of three medium-sized Czech cities.