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Strategický plán zvoleného neziskového subjektu
Gavlíková, Eliška
GAVLÍKOVÁ, E., Strategic plan of a selected non-profit entity. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno. Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies,2020. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to formulate a strategic plan for the non-profit organization SPONDEA, z.ú. based in Brno. The organization provides a wide range of services and programs aimed at children and their families. The aim is to help children survive difficult life periods and help their families to deal with problems associated with divorce or strained relationship, whether in the family, at school or among peers. People who cannot control their anger, victims of domestic violence and abuse can also find help there. The first part anchors theoretical concepts and procedures. The second part deals with their application and interpretation of results, which serve as a basis for developing a strategic plan of the organization.
Socially Therapeutic Workshop for People with Mental Disorder
This bachelor´s thesis deals with the topic of socially therapeutic workshop for people mental disorder. The purpose of the socially therapeutic workshop which serves as ambulatory social service is a long-term regular support aimed at the development of working habits and skills through social working therapy based on the objectives determined for the patients within their individual planning. The objective of this bachelor´s thesis was to determine what ways are used to provide social service of socially therapeutic workshop (its aims, the mission of the services, terms and principles, realisation of the service, benefits of the service for the users, the role, and activities of the social worker). The service is intended for the clients with mental diseases in Fokus, registered association, in České Budějovice. The qualitative research strategy was chosen for the methodical section and the method of questioning technique using semi-structured interview was used. The method of open coding was used to evaluate the results, the method - pencil, a sheet of paper. Three mind maps created in Mindmaster application were prepared to demonstrate the results. Four clients of the social therapeutic workshop and four social workers of this service took part in the interviews. It is obvious from the results of the research that the social workers as well as clients consider the obtaining of social contacts and provision of psychological support, which is important for the clients, to be the greatest benefit of this service. The workshop provides a cooking, a memory training, support groups, a literary club for the clients that help them to gain competences for everyday life. This bachelor´s thesis may be used as a feedback for the social therapeutic workshop where the research was realised. Furthermore, this thesis may be used as a source of information for the general public on how the socially therapeutic workshops for people with mental disorder are operated.
Program "Rozvodem bez újmy" as a new method of social work with a family in Krizové centrum v Českých Budějovicích
This bachelor thesis focuses its attention on working with families which, due to a divorce, face a difficult situation, and on conflict parent agreement about caring and contacting their children. The ´Through the Divorce without Harm´ Programme is a therapeutic programme inspired by experience acquired abroad about working with the complete family system, and it is focused on mitigating conflicts between parents aiming at creating a safe environment for a healthy development of their children. The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with the terms of family, divorce and its impact on the parents and their children, with Cochem practice, crisis, with the Crisis Center for Children and the Family in the region of South Bohemia, and especially with its programme called ´Through the Divorce without Harm´. Further, I mention the original No Kids in the Middle approach coming from Netherlands, as well as the only certified developer of this programme in the Czech Republic. The practical part is focused on the research methodology itself, on the research itself and its interpretation which follows. The aim of this thesis is to map out the changes which the partcipants of the ´Through the Divorce without Harm´ Programme noticed in themselves, their children, and in the other parent, especially changes concerning communication and mutual setting. The other aim is to find out what pros the programme has brought to the participants. The research question, with regard to the chosen aims, focuses right on the noted changes in the programme participants. To fulfill the aims, a qualitative research strategy has been chosen, the questioning was done via a semi-structured interview. In my research survey I focused on 3 parental couples and their children, who participated in one of the ´Through the Divorce without Harm´ Programme´s runnings. The research took place during one of the programme runnings, from mid-September 2016 until mid-January 2017. Participant interviews took place straight in the Crisis Center in České Budějovice. The bachelor thesis might become an outcome for evaluating the efficiency of the programme for workers in the Crisis Center, as well as for other nonprofit organizations interested in the programme.
Even you are able to work - with your voice.
The Bachelor´s Diploma thesis deals with project "Even you can work with your voice!", which took place in Arpida, rehabilitation centre for disabled people in Budweis. Two adult clients became involved in the project, who were working in a local library and they had the use of a special voice control computers. The thesis consists of three parts - the theoretical part, research and appendices. The theoretical part of my thesis deals with basic terms of disability. The second chapter describes the physical disability especially focused on cerebral palsy, on its causes, forms and associative conditions speech disability and intellectual disability. Next, the thesis deals with education of physically disabled people, integration and inclusion are mentioned. I also pay attention to the importance of supporting disabled people in the workplace and the impact of legislation. I deal with personal assistance and the importance of ethical treatment of social workers with their clients. In the last chapter I describe the project "Even you can work with your voice!", the organisation "Polovina nebe" (Half of Heaven), which put the project into practice and the Arpida centre, where the project took place in the South Bohemian Region. The thesis aim is the evaluation of the project "Even you can work with your voice!" and the evaluation of information technologies application, which clients used for their work. I tried to find out, which benefits the realisation of the project provided. I want to gain the information about, how the organization emloyees were satisfied with provided service from the clients, who were involved in the project. For achieving the practical goal I used the qualitative survey. The data winning was made with the use of participant observation method and structured interviews. In view of the fact that I worked as a personal assistant who helped clients with their work content skills, I had the opportunity to watch, how the project has been naturally developing. I was a participant observer, then. The survey group was constituted by two clients, who were the direct participants of the project and Arpida centre employees, who used the offered service in the local library. From the results of the survey it is evident that the main goal of the project, to teach the target group to control a computer with their voice, could not be achieved, regarding to the clients´ degree in speech-language pathology, who were chosen for the realization of the project in Arpida centre. The next specific goals and benefits, which were defined at the beginning of the project, were achieved. As emerged from the survey, employees evaluated the provided services very positively, clients were fully knowledgeable in their work and they were willing to provide the required information and arrange things individually according to the emloyees´ needs. There are structured interviews included in an appendix part with open questions not only for the clients but for the employees of the centre, too. The exact written transcript of all the interviews with the employees of the centre is available in the next appendix. There is also mentioned a monthly account of workers and a personal assistant involved in the project. The monthly accounts belong to the necessary administration, which was regularly filled in at the end of the month. The thesis can be contribution to our society. It can show other people, that physically disabled people have the chance to get a good job and they can find their use at the open labour market. The thesis can provide a view on how the clients themselves describe their opportunity to work and become integrated.

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