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Implementation of a test for comparison of database systems' performance
Matějka, Martin ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Kaltoun, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to create a program, which will be able to perform a performance testing of relational database systems supporting query language SQL with an emphasis on open source systems. The test should simulate a real usage of tested database systems. In the introduction is shown the necessity of such program (which is supported by the analysis of existing theses and programs in the second chapter) and the fact, that it is convenient to base the test on the TPC-C as a standard for this type of testing in the proprietary sphere, so all the given requirements could be met. The third chapter gives insights into the history of transactional testing and what were the circumstances of the formation of Transaction Processing Performance Council, which authored the TPC-C specification. The main characteristics of TPC-C are decribed in the following chapter, while the fifth one addresses the implementation, i.e. the creation of the program, which can be used for testing of database systems. The sixth chapter deals with the usage of this program for the comparation of two well known open source database systems in their default configuration - MySQL and PostgreSQL. However, the goal of this testing is to find out whether the created program is fully functional, while the seventh chapter elaborates more on this. The most important outcome of this thesis is a program, which can be used for comparation of real-usage-like performance of (not only) open source relational database systems. This program is an open source, which increases its value since a user has a possibility to find out exactly what is tested and how it is done. Furthermore, it supports the future development of this program. Another outcome of the thesis is the comparation of two open source database systems.

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