National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Small cats (subfamily Felinae) in Zoos in the Czech and Slovak Republic.
Felidae are an attractive group of carnivores for research and the general public. In the wild, they are threatened by habitat loss, persecution and hunting, and in some species by a reduction in genetic variability. Zoos play an important role in halting the process of extinction, specialised breeding programmes play a crucial role in saving endangered cat species. The thesis provides an up-to-date overview of the taxa of small cats kept in zoos in the Czech and Slovak Republic. By analysing breeding data from UCSZOO yearbooks from 2015-2022, the most reproductively successful species were the caracal (Caracal caracal), the Bengal cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) and the margay (Leopardus wiedi). The most successful zoo in breeding small cats were Zoo Dv. Králové, Zoo Ohrada and Zoo Jihlava. The cooperation of member zoos with European zoos creates a functional unit in the breeding of felids themselves, ensuring geonetic variability, thus contributing to the continuous strengthening of captive populations of small cats.

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