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The impact of smoking on women's health from a midwife student's point of view.
MEDKOVÁ, Kateřina
The thesis describes the influence of smoking on the health of women from the viewpoint of students of midwifery. Because of the topic is in the theoretical part described health, educational activity of a midwife, nicotine addiction and negative effects of smoking on health of women. In the research two objectives were specified. The first was to find out if the students of midwifery educate women about healthy lifestyle during their studies. The second objective focused on the stance taken by students of midwifery on women addicted to nicotine. With these objectives were asked two research questions. The first research question was finding out how students of midwifery educate women about healthy lifestyle. The second research question found out how students of midwifery look at women addicted to nicotine. The thesis research was conducted in the home environment of the students of midwifery during the month April in the year 2019. To conduct this research a qualitative method was chosen. The gathering of data was conducted using semi-structured interviews. The selection criteria were students of midwifery. The interviews were recorded and literally rewritten based on previous agreement with the consent of all the students which were previously introduced to the topic and research objectives of the thesis and informed about the usage of data only for the thesis with keeping their anonymity. Further the students who participated in the research given their approval to the data gathering while recording the interviews for which 17 research questions were defined. If needed, complementary questions were asked. For keeping anonymity, the students were marked S1-S8. The gathered data were processed using the method "pen and paper" and then coded with colors. Based on the analysis two main categories and their subcategories were created. The first main category is the Problematics of Smoking which has 6 subcategories: The Stance Taken by Students to Women Addicted to Nicotine, The Effects of Smoking on the Pregnancy and the Fetus, The Source of Information about the Negative Effects of Smoking during Studies, Passive Smoking, Realizing the Dangers of Smoking. As the second main category was fixed the category Education again with 6 subcategories: Healthy Lifestyle, The Source of Information about the Negative Effects of Smoking, Education of Women, Education of Women by Students of Midwifery, Realizing the Addiction to Smoking. The research shown that some students have knowledge about healthy lifestyle and know how to educate women about it. Some students would educate them in the way that would lead them to regular physical activity, keeping drinking regime, eating enough fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, the students would recommend women to get enough rest, consuming alcohol only is small amount and keeping in mind to care about their mental health and relaxation. Every one of the students named at least one of the listed recommendations, but not all students educate women. In the research was also found out that two students do not educate women at all. They said that they do not have competences, or that the education is not that important. The second research question found out the stance taken by students of midwifery on women addicted to nicotine. Students had negative opinions about women - smokers, but some of the students said that this problematic is not connected with them at all and that they do not care about those women.

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