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Development of the system of state social support
Janková, Eva ; Vysokajová, Margerita (advisor) ; Zemanová, Jana (referee)
Key words: System of state social support, high-income families / low-income families, childless families / families with children, minimum subsistence level, income - tested benefit / non - income - tested benefit, one - off benefits, child allowance, social allowance, housing allowance, parental allowance, foster care allowances and grants - the foster child allowance, the foster parent allowance, the fostering grant, motor vehicle grant and the allowance after ending of the foster care, birth grant, funeral grant. The topic of the thesis is the development of state social support. Through the state social support the state contributes mainly to families with dependent children who are faced with a recognized social situation that the family is unable to cope with via its own efforts and means. The system of the state social support was established in 1995 and is regulated by Act No 117/1995 Coll. on State Social Support, as amended. The present system of state social support consists of the following benefits: child allowance, housing allowance, parental allowance, birth grant and funeral grant. Child allowance, housing allowance and birth grant are income tested. Parental allowance and funeral grant are non-income tested benefits. The thesis takes down development of separate benefits of state...
Redistributing processes in attachment to income situation households
The bachelor thesis is focused on social security system at Czech Republic, mainly on system of state social support. In this way the system moderates economic risks and improves the situation of households with children. The bachelor thesis describes the benefits, which are pouring into this arrangement. Also it describes the element concepts which are applying with this arrangement. The present state social support system consists of the following seven benefits: child allowance, social allowance, housing allowance, parental allowance, foster care allowances and grants, birth grant and funeral grant. The bachelor thesis includes futher quantitative analysis these benefits and analysis selected segment beneficiaries these benefits. And finally my work, I appraise current the legal amendments, the aims and the effectiveness hereof system. Also I suggest to potential changes of the system of state social support towards increase in the effectiveness.

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