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Socio-economic barriers jeopardizing the right to education of the zimbabwean girl child
Mbiba, Buhlebenkosi
Education is one single most effective way and weapon of breaking the generational cycle of poverty and vulnerability such as barriers to girl child right to education. After all, the right to education is the United Nations’ conventional right for all. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), goal number 4 also advocates for inclusive and equitable quality education for all. It also promotes lifelong education, yet not all groups of people benefit as required, such as the girl child. The purpose of this study is to explore the socio-economic barriers to girl child education in Zimbabwe. The paper analyzed enrolment rates of girls and boys in all levels of education in Zimbabwe, identified and discussed the socio-economic factors that are restrictive to girl child education. This study made use of secondary data retrieved from national and international database agencies. To analyze the data, the study applied the time series trend analysis and to show the relationship between variables, correlation analysis was applied. The findings of the study indicate that factors such as poverty, parental perceptions, parental level of education, and the issue of early marriage and pregnancy further impede girls’ education. Poverty was reviewed as the major socio-economic barrier to girl child education in Zimbabwe. It is recommended that for education for all to occur, the right kind of support (deliberate investment in education of girl child for better standard of life) and policies are required from the government and other key-stakeholders.
The socioeconomic importance of tourism in South Africa
Shevtseva, Alexandra
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industry nowadays. With the process of globalization, people got more freedom to travel. The direction of tourist routs tends to cut across both developed and developing countries. African countries, such as South Africa stand a chance of heavily benefiting from the industry if the necessary infrastructure, peace and security are maintained and sustained in the regions. The general aim of this study is to analyse the contribution of tourism to the socioeconomic development in South Africa. This work use both Correlation and Regression analysis to investigate the impact of tourism on economic development in South Africa, which is represented by one of the component of Human Development Index (HDI)-Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, using variables such as tourist arrivals, employment, and tourism receipts. The correlation analysis shows that that tourism is positively related to economic development in South Africa. The tourism receipts show a very high statistically significant relationship with GNI per capita in the country. The qualitative analysis indicates that South African International Tourism may have partly contributed to socioeconomic development. Mainly it can solve two important South African problems: unemployment and poverty. For more deep community changing effect there is the need in educational reforms. With the regard to South African tourism development, national tourism organization should create proper destination image of South Africa. Wine tourism in Western cape, as a destination image, will be the best solution for the country for both to attract more overseas tourists and to decrease unemployment in rural regions.
Finanční situace lidí v důchodovém věku
Chabinioková, Anežka
The bachelor thesis deals with the financial situation of people of retirement age. The first part of the thesis defines the basic concepts, which are then put in connection with the theme of the thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis is based on a research problem that further develops research questions. The research is based on the method of semi-structured interview. Based on the results of the in-terviews, the work includes recommendations for people of retirement age and for employers.
Income inequality and its factors in the Europen Union
Angelovski, Filip
Angelovski F., Income Inequality and its Factors in the European Union. Diploma thesis, Mendel University in Brno, Brno 2020 The income inequality around the world has been gradually increasing and surly starts to become more noticeable and actual topic. Although some EU countries are leading in income equality, there is substantial number of European countries in which income inequality is at a relatively high level and where the situation requires improvement. The thesis explores some factors that can possibly influence income inequality in Europe such as: GDP, GDP per capita, government spending on research and development, government spending in education as a percentage of GDP, income tax rates, HDI, Risk of poverty after social transfers, and the percentage of the working population that works in small and medium enterprises (0-249 workers) or large enterprises(250 workers or more). Both cross-sectional and panel data are used to provide wider perspective of the issue. OLS model is used for cross-sectional data analysis and ARDL model is used for panel data analysis. Based on the obtained results and knowledge from the literature, constructive recommendations are provided that can be implemented in reducing income inequality and creating more egalitarian society.
The Contribution of the SME sector to the economic development in Ghana
Amoako, Agnes
Abstract The Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) sector in Ghana is one major area of utmost concern. The sector is highly unregulated and unstructured with visible characteristics which comprise the lack of regulation and official protection, there is little job security, low income, and wages, there are no benefits from institutional sources and non-involvement of trade unions. The SME sector undisputedly has a larger growth as compared to the formal sector in Ghana, this is because it has proven to be an easy avenue and a possible means for individuals and families to survive or get out of hardship and poverty. Transactions across the sector tend to be very easy and there is easy access to and fro. The study is centered on small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in the Ga East Municipal Assembly which emerged through the informal sector. A major focus on its contribution to job creation and poverty alleviation and its impact on economic development. According to findings, the establishment of SMEs in the study area has contributed a lot to income generation, family sustainability, poverty alleviation, and employment creation. Ultimately the existence of SMEs has had a positive effect on the development of Ghana. Further research indicated a significant rise in employment and a substantial decrease in poverty levels in the proposed study area. Concurrently some major setbacks were further identified and addressed. The work also elaborated on the need to have the sector regulated and supported by the government which will have an overall positive growth on economic development and increases GDP. Key words : Economy, Development, Poverty, Government, Growth, Employment, Sector
Poskytování potravinové pomoci dětem ve školách ve vybraných zemích Afriky
Zelinková, Karla
The thesis provides an overview of development and food aid with a focus on Czech non-profit organizations providing this aid to children in schools in Africa. The aim of the thesis was to find out what is the strategy and success of these organizations. The literature review covers the general framework of development and food aid, the concept of food security or food safety and thus provides a theoretical basis for the practical part of the thesis. It also includes a general and informative summary of non-profit organiza-tions operating in the Czech Republic providing food aid in Africa by analyzing annual reports and publicly available information on the internet for the period 2011–2022. The practical part includes the results of semi-structured interviews with representatives of selected organizations. The strategies and success rates of their activities between 2011 and 2022 are identified. The data are further interpreted in the form of a table and a graphic visualization of their activities in Africa. The organizations are successful in their food aid projects and target local communities for self-reliance, however, not all of them provide food aid to school children.
Child labor in Ghana: a case study of fishing communities in Accra
Dautey, Felix
The general objective of the study was to examine the effects of child labour in fishing communities in Ghana with specific reference to Jamestown, Chorkor and Mamprobi. The study adopted a descriptive survey and a qualitative approach. This is where interviews responded by the parents/guardians (heads of household), assembly men and staff of Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Council (GRCC). A sample of one hundred and twenty-five (125) was considered. The snowballing sampling technique was used to select the children, purposive was used to select the staff of GRCC and heads of fishing households. Data obtained from questionnaire was analysed using content analysis was used to analyse data obtained from interviews sessions. The main findings of the study revealed that major causes of child labour are single parenting, foster parenting, poverty, lack of education, broken homes, ill health, lack of basic social amenities, high teenage pregnancies cases and absence of male household heads. It was further revealed that that child labour limits the development of communities since the education of the children are truncated and there is absence of smooth transition quality development from childhood to adulthood. The study recommends that metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) should economically empower parents of children in fishing communities by creating sustainable jobs. Again, government should empower the National Communication on Civic Education (NCCE) with the needed resources to carry out consistent but intensive and extensive education on the child labour laws, dire consequences of child labour and the relevance of child education in fishing-communities.
The impact of poverty on human development in the Obuasi municipality of Ghana
Badu, Sandra Anokyewaa
The extent of poverty among the people, particularly the youth in the Obuasi Municipality has become a major concern. These people are facing among others the following challenges; they lack the basic needs such as food to feed their households, water, shelter, basic health care and clothes. There is therefore the need to assess the effects of poverty on human development in the Obuasi municipality. Specifically, the study is to: Ascertain the incidence of poverty among residence in Obuasi municipality; determine the most common forms of poverty among the residence of Obuasi municipality and understand how poverty affects the human development of residence in Obuasi municipality. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to analyze the findings with the help of regression analysis. The study reviewed poverty of the people of Obuasi municipality of Ghana. The study showed that the people living within the Obuasi municipality are facing challenges related to poverty due to the fact that the vast majority of their arable and fertile lands are being used for mining activities in which the benefits are expatriated from the community. Also, very little opportunities are given to the locals who come from the Obuasi community because they lack the expertise to undertake the gold mining activities. From the regression analysis, R-Square is 0.84. This means that 84 percent of variation in employment rate in the Obuasi municipality is explained by the rate of (tertiary) education or qualification obtained which eventually determines their level of income. The study recommends that, proper health facilities should be provided at the Obuasi Municipality because the health status of people within the Obuasi Municipality is a significant determinant of poverty. Through the gold proceeds, healthcare should be made affordable and water sources should be accessible to all the indigenes.
The causes of extreme poverty among women within the Yendi district in the Northern region of Ghana
Spio, Queenie Bessie
This study investigates the causes of extreme poverty among women within the Yendi district in the northern region of Ghana. The study adopted the mixed research and therefore meaning that the study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The mixed method research was used because it focused on the positives and strengths of both quantitative and qualitative methods and by so doing, enabling the study to have in-depth appreciation and understanding of the factors causing extreme poverty among women in the Yendi district. The poor women of Yendi as well as selected officials constituted the target population for this study. Data was collected from 150 participants using simple random technique. The purposive sampling technique was used in collecting data from the Municipal Development Officer and one Assembly member.With respect to the first objective, it was found that main factors causing extreme poverty among the participants are traditional practices that frown on women owning assets and properties, low education and therefore lacking the skills and capabilities to be employed, lack of access to resources and opportunities, inadequate access to credit facilities and poor access to quality health and limited health care facilities. In relation to the second objective of determining the effects of poverty on the livelihood of Yendi women, it was found that poverty among the participant’s results in the inability to educate children (high illiteracy rate), inability to attend to the hospital when sick, low life expectancy etc, inadequate access to social amenities such as good drinking water, health care and security, being excluded from society and not having a say in family decisions, low income levels and hunger and malnourished children, high infant mortality. In relation to the third objective, it was found that the efforts being made by women to reduce their poverty situations include seeking assistance from family members and friends, buying food stuffs on credit, borrowing from money lenders to start a business, withdrawing children from school and not attending the hospital when sick. Recommendations made to reduce extreme poverty included making sure that policies makers, municipal assemblies, opinion leaders and religious heads all work together to change the practice of denying women the right to own properties; that the women of Yendi should be encouraged to enroll in adult education programmes which will not only teach the women how to read and right, but also equip them with live skills that will enable them start earning decent income to support themselves and their households. Other recommendations include the central government focusing more on developing purposive developmental and poverty alleviation projects and strategies; insisting on a more geographical balance when it comes to the allocation of resources and development projects. It was in addition recommended that the women should use family planning methods since it will ensure that the women have the number of children they believe they are capable of taking care of and in the process, reduce extreme poverty.

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