National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Stochastic discrete modeling of progressive damage of concrete structures
Kučera, Michal ; Sadílek, Václav (referee) ; Vořechovský, Miroslav (advisor)
The work focuses on the use of deterministic discrete modeling with representation of spatial randomness in material parameters to simulate a series of experimental tests of concrete specimens in the shape of a dog bone, loaded in excentric uniaxial tension. The main focus is on the influence of the size of the structure on its mechanical properties, especially nominal strength (Size effect). The specimens are modeled as a plane stress problem using available discrete computational methods.
Stochastic discrete modeling of progressive damage of concrete structures
Kučera, Michal ; Sadílek, Václav (referee) ; Vořechovský, Miroslav (advisor)
The work focuses on the use of deterministic discrete modeling with representation of spatial randomness in material parameters to simulate a series of experimental tests of concrete specimens in the shape of a dog bone, loaded in excentric uniaxial tension. The main focus is on the influence of the size of the structure on its mechanical properties, especially nominal strength (Size effect). The specimens are modeled as a plane stress problem using available discrete computational methods.

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