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Risk management for selected healthcare providers.
The goal of this thesis was to find out the current state of the operation of the risk management in selected health service providers. For this purpose, there was a questionnaire survey conducted together with a form of interview. There was created a questionnaire for selected health service providers (Annex 1). It was necessary to set certain criteria for the selection of the health services providers. The first criterion was to cover health service providers in the whole Czech Republic. The second criterion set that it should be a inpatient facility. The third criterion definded that only hospitals should be covered. The forth criterion excluded University Hospitals from the selected sample. The fifth criterion required that there will be hospitals with more than 400 medical beds in their facilities. Reviews of annual reports of hospitals were drawn up to implement all the criterions for selecting the sample of health services providers and there were excluded facilities with less than 400 medical beds. The theoretical part deals with health care in the Czech Republic defining the providers of health services and health care system. Furthermore, it deals with crisis management in health care including crisis preparedness of health care, crisis documentation and exercises. There was specified a health risk management and risk analysis methods. There was a questionnaire containing 13 closed and 12 opened questions created for selected providers of health services used in the practical part. The questionnaire was divided into five categories related to the definition of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., crisis management, namely analysis and evaluation of security risks, planning, organization, implementation, control of activities (Annex 1). The questionnaire was distributed via the Click4Survey internet portal, it was an online questionnaire and the interviewed persons were also contacted by telephone. The interviewees were persons engaged in risk management at a particular selected health service providers. There were 18 hospitals out of a total of 33 hospitals surveyed participated in the survey. The results were processed into graphs, tables and interpreted in the discussion section of the thesis. The goal of the thesis was "To find out the current state of the operation of the risk management in selected health service providers." The results show that, risk management in the hospitals surveyed does not reach sufficient knowledge and experience in some cases.
Crisis readiness of the hospital Jihlava relating to selected extraordinary events
There are currently many emergencies that may affect the security environment of the Czech Republic. No extraordinary event chooses time or place to intervene. Among the most vulnerable people we can rank people in social facilities or health facilities because these people are dependent on the help of others. Healthcare facilities have their own specificities, which need to be given increased attention, especially in the event of emergencies. Currently, patients' entitlement to health care is high. Care should be provided in its entirety and at a high level. The aim of this thesis is to increase the readiness of Jihlava Hospital for selected emergency events. A research question has been set for this work: What is the readiness of Jihlava Hospital for selected emergencies? Data acquisition will take several forms. The research and analysis of legal norms and documents related to the issue will be crucial. Analysis of synthesis, document induction and environmental observation will be used. Subsequent interviews with employees of Jihlava Hospital and other relevant people will also play an important role. To evaluate the readiness of Jihlava Hospital, a risk analysis will be performed using the KARS method. The result will be a Plan of Emergency Preparedness, which will be given to the hospital. Thesis can also serve research purposes for hospitals to increase their preparedness for emergency situations.
Crisis readiness of the hospital in Frydek - Mistek relating to selected extraordinary events.
The diploma thesis "Crisis readiness of the hospital in Frydek - Mistek relating to selected extraordinary events" deals with issues concerning current state of readiness of the Hospital in Frydek-Mistek for selected extraordinary events and the tries to create methods and approaches to improve the hospital's emergency preparedness. I chose mainly qualitative research with quantitative elements for answering research question. First step was random choice from hospitals in Moravian-Silesian Region, so I visited the hospital in Frydek-Mistek and I made data retrieval dealing with extraordinary events. Based on my own observations and the provided documents I detected an incorrect crisis preparedness plan and because it is important to have such an operative plan, which deals with extraordinary events and the inaccurate plan could place hospital to risk, I decided to revise the plan by using special methology, which is set up for this issue. Since the risks involved in the crisis preparedness plan were insufficient in my opinion, I conducted my own risk analysis of the external and internal environment focusing on hospital operation in risk. Then I used the "KARS" method, which is a qualitative risk analysis within its correlation. I determined the risks that should be resolved primarily and after that I revised the plan by using new knowledge. The result of the diploma thesis is a draft plan for crisis readiness of the hospital in Frydek - Mistek, which could be used and refilled by hospital managment alternatively. The plan will be handed over to the hospital management.
Protecting the Health Operations Centre of Emergency Medical Services Pilsen Region as a Critical Infrastructure Element
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to assess the conservation status of the critical infrastructure element, in this case medical operations centre of the Emergency Medical Service of the Pilsner region. Firstly, the work deals with situations of the imminent danger of the building on the basis of emergency or crisis situations, which are based on the risk analysis. This risk analysis is a part of the Emergency Plan of the Pilsen Region, which has been prepared by the Fire Brigade of the Pilsner region. On the basis of local investigations there are evaluated some current measures in the context of already existing documents, namely the processed crises preparedness plan. These most probable "classic risks" are then further elaborated including evacuation as a typical measure for some of them. In the next section this Bachelor thesis has focused on the "new threats", mainly on a violation of a cyber security, with an assessment of the current state of backup systems and their own security, storage and the backup of the electronic data. Analyzing the current hardware and software of the operating medical centres and related infrastructure network, there are identified configurations of some individual elements, their relationships and especially their security. Some remedial measures are suggested in case of the unsatisfactory situation. The benefit of this work is the inclusion of results of the investigation related to cyber security in the current crisis preparedness plan, which has not included this issue yet. The results and conclusions of this bachelor thesis are therefore used to improve crisis preparedness of Emergency Medical Services of Pilsen region in terms of the protection of the critical infrastructure element.
The tasks of Regional Directorate Police Czech Republic resulting from the crisis plan of the region
PETŘÍK, Jindřich
In the practical part I have proposed an emergency plan for the Regional Police Directorate of South Bohemia (RPD). The main question was: "what are the potential threats to (i) building (ii) day-to-day operations of the Directorate?" The question was addressed through an expert research and security inspection of the building; identified threats were analysed and an adequate security measures were proposed in the concluding paragraph.Some threats were taken from the Emergency Plan of South Bohemia, some of the other security documentation that establishes a Regional Police Directorate of the South Region. In another part of the Plan of emergency preparedness are contained details of the processor and its activities, which in the case of the RPD of the South Bohemian region only to protect internal security and public order in the region
The preparedness of the Emergency Medical Service of Zlin Region for Crisis Situations
MANA, Štěpán
Impacts of global climate changes in the form of repeated natural disasters are becoming a part of the day-to-day life of the present-day society. The issue of preparedness for extraordinary and crisis situations is becoming more and more topical. The Czech Republic is no exception; it regularly faces heavy rains, floods or snow. The key prerequisite for successful management of these emergencies is an effective prevention and preparedness in the form of crisis plans or crisis preparedness plans. The objective of my thesis is to find out whether Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region is sufficiently prepared for the occurrence of emergencies and to propose solutions if shortcomings are identified. The Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region constitutes a basic component part of the Integrated Rescue System of Zlín Region. As a provider of emergency medical services, it is included in the Crisis Plan of Zlín Region. Capacity for action and the activities of the Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region have to be ensured not only in day-to-day operation, but also if an emergency occurs and continues. The theoretical part of my thesis provides a general overview of emergency and crisis planning, competencies of administrative authorities with respect to emergency medical services in case of an emergency situation announcement, traumatology plan and pandemic plan. This chapter includes also characterization of the legal entity of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region and description of special antropogenic and natural threats. The theoretical part is followed by qualitative research, which involves in particular a detailed study of available professional resources in printed and electronic form, especially crisis and emergency planning documents of Zlín Region and internal documents of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region. The practical part of the thesis contains an analysis of external and internal threats at respective ambulance stations of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region. The external risks analysis is based on the Crisis Plan of Zlín Region and Emergency Plan of Zlín Region, while the internal risks analysis is based on an expert estimate of potential risks at respective ambulance stations of EMS ZR. I assigned the potential impact on the activity of EMS ZK to each identified risk in the risk analysis. The outputs from the analysis became the main source for the preparation of the crisis preparedness plan. The analysis of external risks confirmed that agility and EMS ZK activities may disrupt in particular the following threats: natural flood (ambulance station in Zlín Peroutkovo nábřeží, Uherské Hradiště, Vsetín), special flood (ambulance station in Zlín - Peroutkovo nábřeží, Karolinka, Vsetín), risks arising from climatic conditions (especially heavy snow in Wallachia), disruption of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies (secondary consequence of the crisis) and electricity cuts (especially ambulance stations that do not dispose of emergency power unit). The thesis result is a proposal of Crisis Preparedness Plan of Medical Emergency Service of Zlín Region. A legal entity or an individual who secures the performance of measures resulting from the regional crisis plan is responsible for the preparation of the crisis preparedness plan. The particulars and manner of preparation of the crisis preparedness plan are described in detail in the Government Decree No. 462/2000 Coll., which implements the provisions of Sec. 27(8) and Sec. 28(5) of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on Emergency Management and Amendment to Some Acts. When drafting the plan I proceeded according to valid legislation. This plan is an internal document of the legal entity to solve the challenges of security in crisis situations.
Emergency preparedness of municipalities with authorization of the municipal office Březnice resulting from Crisis Plan MEP Pribram
PINKAVA, František
The thesis analyses municipality with a delegated local authority's preparedness for critical situations which results from the critical scheme of a municipality with extended powers. The results of this work are Crisis Preparedness Plan for the particular municipality which may be applied in practice. Processing of this part of the work is based on data gathering and solving when I mainly used factual and analytical method. Consultation with experts was also important since some sources were not always topical due to frequent legal decrees changes. The data gathering was done in a qualitative way when I worked with particular valid laws, government regulations, public notices and other legal norms and with available literature data, expert publications including website information, especially from official website of individual Integrated Rescue System units and the Home Office. In the research part itself, the city of Březnice is characterized and for which the Crisis Preparedness Plan is being made. General administrative characteristics of the city and municipalities which arise under are stated here as well as demography, infrastructure, geographical and climatic characterization. Important facilities from the point of view of population protection, such as schools, school and social facilities are graphically shown here; followed by characteristics of Integrated Rescue System units in the city together with instruments which are available to them. Another important part of the thesis is the hazard analysis which I had been given by the Czech Republic Fire Brigade from the Crisis Plan of Příbram's Area with Extended Powers and it has become the crucial source while writing this work. The hazard analysis identifies 14 threats which may occur in the Příbram Area. The most important part of this thesis is, in my opinion, the hazard analysis of the city of Březnice. Not all of the hazards may appear in the administrative area of the city Březnice, however, there may occur certain threats in this administrative area which are not underpinned in the Crisis Plan of the Příbram Area. Here I have come to the key findings crisis plans of the areas with extended powers are rather general and insufficient for preparing solutions of critical situations development in administrative areas with a delegated authority. I have come to those findings after having made a SWAT analysis and thanks to this I have discovered threats which were not dealt with in the crisis plan.There are several findings as a result of this thesis and the suggestion of the Plan of Crisis Preparedness of a municipality with delegated authority of Březnice. The first finding answers the research question of "Which are the hazards threatening performance of the tasks of a municipality with delegated authority of Březnice resulting from the Crisis Plan of Příbram's Area with Extended Powers and whether the municipality is ready to deal with these threats?" The city of Březnice is not quite prepared for upcoming hazards since there are not analyzed all threats which may occur, because these plans are too general to analyze well the setting of lower administrative districts and this has become the next finding. Further, I may claim that the city of Březnice is, in many ways, independent while dealing with certain crisis situations due to sources which the city provides. This is another aim of the work. The created suggestion of the Plan of Crisis Preparedness should contribute to effective solutions during crisis situations in a municipality with delegated authority of Březnice and thanks to created cards; the solution of crisis situations should become better-arranged with the plans. The created suggestion of the mentioned plan may become a model for processing crisis documentation in other municipalities.
The position and function of municipal bodies in prepare for emergencies and crisis situations.
One of the duties of each municipality, regardless of the size of the administrative territory, number of citizens or type, is to protect its population against imminent danger, i.e. to be duly prepared for solution of extraordinary or crisis incidents that can affect the municipalities. I have chosen the name of the thesis, "Place and role of municipality bodies in preparation for extraordinary incidents and crisis situations" mainly due to the fact that, according to my experience, the area of safety is neglected and underestimated, or postponed, or the municipality bodies deal with this issue only marginally. Municipalities with extended competence or bigger municipalities have some advantage as they are better equipped in terms of staff, professionalism and material and a lot of tasks within preparation for extraordinary incidents and crisis situations are performed, for their benefit, by regional fire brigades. The first goal of the thesis consists in presenting the principles of working of the municipality and its bodies, in defining the duties and competences of the municipalities in extraordinary incidents and crisis situations. It consists further in drawing up a basic summary of legislative tools of territorial self-government units and their essential position within crisis management and safety system of the Czech Republic. The second goal consists in evaluating the crisis potential of the administrative territory of the municipality of Loučovice under use of crisis plan of the South Bohemian Region and of the crisis plan of the municipality with extended competence, Český Krumlov. The following research question was created to fulfil the goals of the thesis: Do risks and tasks of the municipality constitute a motive for the municipality bodies to elaborate a crisis preparedness plan? To answer the research question, I made use of specialized literature, lectures and legal standards. That allowed characterizing the public administration system with focus on the competence of territorial self-government units and their bodies when preparing for and dealing with extraordinary incidents. Subsequently, the safety risks of the municipality of Loučovice in case of potential danger to its territory were evaluated, and the acquired information served as base to elaborate a draft of crisis preparedness plan, as one of indispensable parts of crisis management, i.e. planning. The dangers and their causes were identified under use of the crisis plan of the South Bohemian Region, of the crisis plan of the municipality with extended competence, Český Krumlov, and of the extract from the plan of actions for protection of citizens under the Lipno I and II Dam against special flood for the municipality of Loučovice. Further important information was acquired thanks to the cooperation of the Fire Brigade of the South Bohemian Region, the employees of Povodí Vltavy, s. p., and from archive documents of the municipal authority. The own data collection served to elaborate a comprehensive document with a list of the most important tasks of self-government in preparation of and dealing with extraordinary incidents and crisis situations that will be used as a manual for the mayor and the bodies of the municipality of Loučovice within expansion of knowledge in the area of preparation for and dealing with extraordinary incidents and crisis situations. The practical part of the thesis includes the crisis preparedness plan of the municipality of Loučovice that can be used in case of emergence of and dealing with a crisis situation on the territory of the municipality. At the same time, the plan will be used for training of employees of the municipality and for familiarization of corporate bodies and citizens with the character of potential danger.
Plan of crisis dispositions for University of South Bohemia - Hall of residence and university canteen providing discharge of precautions following the county crisis plan.
During our lives, we encounter various situations which we must learn to face so that the impacts on the lives, health and the environment can be as small as possible. One of the means of help usable for the crisis management is to prepare emergency and crisis plans. Given the frequency of natural and anthropogenic threats the planning has become an essential part of our lives. After the amendment of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on crisis management, the obligation to process emergency preparedness plans for individual entities ensuring implementation of the measures resulting from the emergency plan of the region was updated. For this reason, I have focused in my thesis on the development of the emergency preparedness plan for South Bohemian University Colleges and Canteens. In the theoretical part, I first explained some basic terms. I continued with the description of threads and risks along with the evaluation methods. I also focused on measures to protect population which are on a very good level in CR, some of them has even become a model for the neighbouring countries. I mentioned the crisis situations that are declared when an incident event grows into a crisis situation. Then, I formulated the role of state authorities, local government bodies, security councils and emergency committees. I closed up the theoretical knowledge with the issue of safety planning which aims to reduce the consequences of situation that endanger us. The theoretical part is followed by research conducted by the qualitative form of data collection. The main question that the thesis wants to answer is: What are the risks that endanger performance of the tasks arising from the crisis plan of the region to South Bohemian University in ČB ? Colleges and Canteens? As regards the methodology of the thesis, it was crucial to gather data needed for the processing of the emergency preparedness plan, which are achieved through controlled interviews with the Director of Colleges and University Canteens, safety officer of the University, Head of University Canteen, maintenance staff and through cooperation with the ČHMÚ. I obtained other relevant information through cooperation with the South Bohemian HZS which provided the necessary cooperation needed to prepare this plan. It mainly included information needed to analyze external threat. Then I analyzed the internal risks which could interfere with the function of the entity and thus performance of tasks from the regional emergency plan. At this stage it was necessary to examine the University College and Canteen buildings. When analyzing the risks I came to a conclusion that the operation of the South Bohemian University Colleges and Canteens may be discontinued by the following hazards: natural floods (only in the case of Colleges K5 and K6), special floods, road transport of dangerous substances, risks resulting from climatic conditions (snow calamity and long-lasting frosts, storms, hurricanes, torrential rains), building fires, gas leaks (endangering the buildings of Colleges K1, K2, K3 and Canteens where gas is used for cooking appliances), power supply failure, heat supply failure and failures in the supply of food and water. The thesis findings can serve not only to deal with crisis situations but they can also be used by South Bohemian University students as a source of information or a basis for other work aimed at e.g. creating suitable conditions and environment for communication with people affected by the crisis situation who were forced to leave their homes and temporarily stay in the buildings of the University Colleges and Canteens. As these events cause pressure on human mind it is necessary to provide assistance to these people.
Crisis management in current and emergency situations at separate faculties of the University of South Bohemia.
The aim of my work is to verify the real state of the critical management in case of an emergency event or critical situation at the University of South Bohemia, and on the basis of the analysis propose the way to secure necessary critical preparedness of the university in this respect. In the thesis I delt with the dangers and threats specific for České Budějovice, Nové Hrady and Vodňany concerning the University of South Bohemia. I ground my work on the hypothesis that the preparedness of faculties and colleges at the University of South Bohemia for emergency events and their resolution is not sufficient, which was proved true in the course of elaboration. I compared the existing plans and precautions at the University of South Bohemia with the present laws and notices valid in the Czech Republic. The obtained information thus led to the preparation of a Plan of critical preparedness for the University of South Bohemia with assuming that other elaboration by all the faculties and colleges in practice will be realized. The result of my thesis is the Plan of critical preparedness of the University of South Bohemia in electronic form that will be used as a proposal of precautions and solutions of emergency situations at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

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