National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
This paper examines the importance of communication for people with visual impairments. Communication is a basic human needs and information is its tool, whose shortage may occur when eyesight is damaged or lost. The beginning of the paper introduces the basic concepts associated with visual impairment and it also presents a historical overview of the issue. The importance of communication intertwines through the following chapters, based on a general description of communication but also its division into non-verbal and verbal communication that is divided into spoken, written and computer-aided communication, with a focus on speech input and output, and other forms of communication. The paper also describes the functions of communication and communication in various fields such as in teaching and working processes, in health care, but also in communication with a social worker. The theoretical part is concluded with a brief mention of communication of people with hearing and speech impediments. The objective of the practical part is to map the views of visually impaired people on the importance of communication in their lives, while finding the most common ways of mediated communication not only in people with visual impairments but also in those without visual impairment. For this purpose, a research, which is further evaluated and discussed in the following chapters, was created. Seven case studies of people with visual impairments, focusing on the history of their visual impairment and on communication, were also elaborated in detail. This paper can be used in TyphloCentres and this paper may also serve to a wide professional public who encounter visual-impaired people during their work.
Typhlopaedic practice and its influence on leisure time activities in persons with impaired vision
My thesis gives a brief insight both into the history and the present-day approach to people with impaired vision (diminished eyesight). I describe troubles caused by the vision impairment, the Early Care Center, possibilities of verbal and nonverbal communication of visually impaired persons with other people, guidance and reading services and some low vision aids, including guide dogs. The thesis focuses on visually impaired persons´ leisure time spending. I am concerned mainly about sport and cultural activities of persons with impaired vision. Specific kinds of sports suitable for these persons are presented in this study. I also mention the experience of intuitive drawing and the possibility to employ this activity in persons´ with impaired vision leisure time spending. This activity proved to work well in the primary school and kindergarten for visually disadvantaged (impaired) children in Plzeň. I also deal with computer usage as a leisure time activity. The objective of my thesis was to compare persons´ with impaired vision and persons´ with no visual impairment opinions on the life of persons´ with impaired vision. The data collected by the questionnaire method were analyzed and discussed. The conclusions of my thesis could be used as information resource for TyphloCenters to provide education on the need of a regardful approach to persons with impaired vision.

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