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Hodnocení vybraných vlastností trvalek pěstovaných z přímého výsevu
Šikulová, Magdalena
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of nature-like vegetation with a narrower focus on perennials with a higher aesthetic value grown from direct sowing. The aim of this work was to participate in an ongoing experiment, which was established in the Mendeleum area. The purpose of this experiment was to verify the properties of 100 taxa of perennials, which are potentially suitable for the formation of directly sown vegetation. The work evaluates the ability of perennials to self-seed (spring 2020) and properties extending the attractiveness outside the flowering period (autumn and winter 2020/2021), ie structure, texture, ornamental seedpods, or seed heads and ability to stay evergreen. Based on the observations, summary tables with results were prepared.
Dynamika klíčení semen vybraných druhů dřevin ve vztahu k průběhu půdní vlhkosti a teploty na experimentální ploše v lokalitě Hurufa Shamena v Etiopii.
Veselský, Marek
The aim of the study was to compare the success rate of germination and survival rate of selected tree species with of soil moisture and temperature trough the course of time. 20 tree species (indigenous and non-indigenous) planted on an experimental plot in Hurufi Shamen, Ethiopia were tested for drought susceptibility and tolerance. Thesis includes an evaluation of the survival success rate of individual species. Two prospective species Acacia saligna with treatment and Dodonaea viscosa were found based on the information obtained. These species are able to survive on degraded soils and can be used for land recultivation through direct sowing in areas with similar natural conditions such as the location of the experimental area. The worst performance showed species Juniperus procera and Pinus patula.
Vytrvalé bylinné směsi zakládány výsevem v urbánním prostředí
Zimová, Tereza
The diploma thesis deals with perennial vegetation established by direct seeding technology. The first thesis part is dedicated to the review of perennial herbs usage in urban environment, the perennial sowing mixtures composition, their establishment, maintenance and currant market availability in Czech Republic. Further in the thesis the evaluation methodology has been established, which is divided to four parts: 1) realization and maintenance of an analyzed site 2) attractiveness evaluation of flowering during a season 3) the sawing mixture evaluation 4) the current state evaluation. The methodology was applied to twelve chosen sites located in the South Moravian, Olomouc and Zlin regions. In majority grass-herb mixtures were used. Perennial mixtures with higher esthetic value has not been almost used in Czech Republic. The thesis outcomes are structured to the list of recommendations for on-site practical realizations together with an inventory of species that are long flowering, fast reseeding, reseeding several times during a season and being dominating in the site.
Hodnocení vybraných vlastností okrasných trav založených z přímého výsevu
Březinová, Zdeňka
The information gathered in this diploma thesis is devoted to the creation of naturalistically and ecologically oriented plantings. The work also deals with the application of ornamental grasses as another effect in perennial mixtures with a higher aesthetic value, which are established by direct sowing. The chapter material and methods follows up on the ongoing research project Verification of direct sowing of grasses and perennial mixtures with higher aesthetic value in the context of climate change, which is solved within the project IGA-ZF / 2020-AP009 at the Department of Green Biotechnology at the Faculty of Horticulture, Mendel University in Lednice. .The following attributes were evaluated for thirty taxa: seed emergence, phenological phases, height of the taxon in full bloom, endurance of the taxon in winter. The last was a selection of potentially suitable taxa of ornamental grasses, intended for verification from direct sowing in the conditions of the Czech Republic.
Květinové záhony z přímých výsevů
Novosadová, Vladěna
The dissertation dealt with sowing annuals in the establishment of flowerbeds from direct sowing of taxon which are potentially suitable for autumn and spring sowing. In the experimental part was attempted to annuals of direct sowing. There were realized three sowings, in autumn 2013 and 2014 and in spring 2014, when were sown 26 same taxon of the seed. The aim of the experiment was evaluated the germination of seeds, height and flowering taxon, aesthetic effect of fetus, effect of taxon in the composition and suitability growing and seeding taxon. Based on all these results there were performed the comparison and evaluation and the conclusions and recommendations were defined for following experiments and practice. After evaluation all the results, interesting and perspective annuals for directautumn sowing appeared Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam., Bupleurum rotundifolium L., Clarkia pulchella Pursh. 'Mix', Consolida ambiqua (L.) P. W. Ball & Heywod. 'Hyacintokvětá', Nigella damascena L. 'Cramer s Plum', Nigella orientalis L., Papaver rhoeas L. 'Shirley Double Mixed'. There were evaluated the best and the most perspective annuals for direct spring sowing - Borago officinalis L., Bupleurum rotundifolium L., Calendula officinalis L. 'Pacific Beauty Směs', Consolida ambiqua (L.) P. W. Ball & Heywod. 'Hyacintokvětá', Cosmos bipinnatus Car. 'Sonata', Cosmos sulphureus Car. 'Redcrest', Nigella damascena L. 'Cramer s Plum'..
Experimentální ověření možnosti použití přímého výsevu vybraných druhů dřevin pro rekultivaci erozí postižených půd - klíčení a počáteční růst dřevin v lokalitě Hurufa Shamena, Etiopie.
Buchtová, Barbora
In my bachelor's thesis there I deal with the problematic of seed germination in the experimental plots in the village Hurufa Shamena in Ethiopia. In large areas there came to degradation of vegetation because of trees' and bushes' grubbing and the herbal vegetation was also destroyed by cattle grazing. Presently there is problem with the soil erosion that is scoured by heavy rains in the wet season of the year. Because of that there appear areas without any vegetation and with deep erosion furrows. Reforestation of these areas is problematic and currently it is done with seedlings that were precultivated in nurseries. Growing of seedlings in nurseries brings another costs that could be eliminated if there is used the direct seeding of seeds for reforestation into the affected areas. On that ground there were based our experimental plots to identify the wood species that are capable to sprout unaided in these conditions and growth on, so that they could be used for forestation by direct seeding.
Experimentální ověření možnosti použití přímého výsevu vybraných druhů dřevin pro rekultivaci erozí postižených půd - klíčení a počáteční růst dřevin v lokalitě Hurufa Shamena, Etiopie.
Mejzlíková, Anetta
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate and identify species that are able to germinate and survive drought stress in erosion affected area in central Ethiopia. In addressing the issue of recultivation of soils degraded by erosion a method of direct sowing was utilized. Nine representatives of the Fabaceae family were chosen in the selection proces. The essence of the experiment was to evaluate the growth rate and the height of each individual. The experiment established that the most suitable species for recultivation through direct sowing in central Ethiopia are Acacia tortilis that underwent pre-sowing treatment of seeds, Sesbania bispinossa with or even without pre-sowing treatment and Acacia saligna with pre-sowing treatment. The findings of this thesis open up possibilities to be followed within the proces of recultivation.
Vliv vybraných pěstitelských opatření na zaplevelení kukuřice seté (Zea mays)
Kubínek, Marek
This diploma thesis deals with different tillage technologies from the point of view of the development of weed communities in the corn monoculture stand. The field experiment was carried out in the cadastral area of Višňová. During the experiment, three long-term tillage variants were monitored. The weeding results were processed by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The least weeds were found in conventional plowing technology. The most common annual weeds were Chenopodium strictum, Chenopodium album, Echinochloa crus-galli and Setaria verticillata. The least weed species were found in the tillage minimization technology - 16. Late spring weeds Chenopodium strictum, Panicum miliaceum, Setaria verticilata and the perennial species Convolvulus arvensis were the most common. The direct number of weeds and the most species was found in the technology of direct sowing - 20. The largest number of non- raditional perennial weed Calamagrostis epigejos occurred in the largest number. There were also perennial species Convolvulus arvensis, Urtica dioica and Cirsium arvense.
Krátkodobé, každoročně neobnovované, květinové záhony z přímých výsevů
Zhurauskaya, Nastassia
This bachelor’s thesis presents information about short-term, non-restorable flowerbeds from direct sowing with particular focus on mixtures with high attractiveness and action within two to four years from the moment of foundation. These flowerbeds consist of annual, biennial and short-term perennial flowers, taking into account the natural and ecological approaches in creating such floral displays. In the practical part of this thesis, a list of suitable taxons for direct sowing in the Czech Republic has been developed. The information obtained for this thesis is used to create a unique sowing mixture, designed especially for dry and sunny urban environments. A technology of creating and managteming this mixture on a particular site has been developed. It is also noted in the thesis how this technology differs on each individual site, such is a lawn, ore ruderal area and flower bed, taking into account the achievement of stability.
Osevní směs letniček pro přímý výsev vhodná pro městské parky
Strejčková, Veronika
This work deals with the use of direct sowing in the urban environment. Literature on this topic and also available range of seeds of annuals on the market was evaluated. The important role of urban green areas in human life was described. Also some of the already completed projects of direct sowing at home and abroad were described. In the practical part, climatic conditions of particular location in Brno were evaluated, and sowing mixture of annuals suitable for direct seeding in this area was prepared. In 2013, the mixture was seeded and the effect of the flower bed during the season was monitored. Subsequently, the adequacy of the species in the mixture was evaluated.

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