National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Bayesian modeling of market price using autoregression model
Šindelář, Jan
1 Bayesian modeling of market price using autoregression model 1Šindelář Jan Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Ing. Miroslav Kárný, DrSc. Abstract: In the thesis we present a novel solution of Bayesian filtering in autoregression model with Laplace distributed innovations. Estimation of regression models with lep- tokurtically distributed innovations has been studied before in a Bayesian framework [2], [1]. Compared to previously conducted studies, the method described in this article leads to an exact solution for density specifying the posterior distribution of parameters. Such a solution was previously known only for a very limited class of innovation distributions. In the text an algorithm leading to an effective solution of the problem is also proposed. The algorithm is slower than the one for the classical setup, but due to increasing com- putational power and stronger support of parallel computing, it can be executed in a reasonable time for models, where the number of parameters isn't very high. Keywords: Bayesian, Autoregression, Optimal Trading, Time Series References [1] P. Congdon. Bayesian statistical modelling. Wiley, 2006. [2] A. Zellner. Bayesian and Non-Bayesian analysis of the regression model with multivari- ate Student-t error term. Journal...
Bayesian modeling of market price using autoregression model
Šindelář, Jan
1 Bayesian modeling of market price using autoregression model 1Šindelář Jan Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Ing. Miroslav Kárný, DrSc. Abstract: In the thesis we present a novel solution of Bayesian filtering in autoregression model with Laplace distributed innovations. Estimation of regression models with lep- tokurtically distributed innovations has been studied before in a Bayesian framework [2], [1]. Compared to previously conducted studies, the method described in this article leads to an exact solution for density specifying the posterior distribution of parameters. Such a solution was previously known only for a very limited class of innovation distributions. In the text an algorithm leading to an effective solution of the problem is also proposed. The algorithm is slower than the one for the classical setup, but due to increasing com- putational power and stronger support of parallel computing, it can be executed in a reasonable time for models, where the number of parameters isn't very high. Keywords: Bayesian, Autoregression, Optimal Trading, Time Series References [1] P. Congdon. Bayesian statistical modelling. Wiley, 2006. [2] A. Zellner. Bayesian and Non-Bayesian analysis of the regression model with multivari- ate Student-t error term. Journal...
Markov Equilibrium between High Frequency Traders
Šmíd, Martin
We model an optimal behaviour of a finite number of (perhaps high frequency) traders at a limit order market with a instrument possibly paying dividends. The traders are assumed to trade continuously and to maximize their discounted consumption while keeping the probability of near-bankruptcy states at a prescribed level. The latency times, ie., the delays between the order submissions and the corresponding order books' changes, are taken into account. We show that the process describing the market is Markov given the largest among information sets of the agents.

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