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Saturation of nutrition needs of seniors in seniors´ homes.
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of saturation of nutrition of elderly people living in the retirement homes. Nutrition condition in the retirement homes is disturbing. The nutrition condition of elderly people is not rated enough. Insufficient nutrition causes many results and influences overall condition of elderly person organism. Reasons of insufficient nutrition can be influenced. The cornerstone for improving of nutrition condition of elderly people would be implementation of nutrition screenings to everyday care. The nutrition of elderly people has its specifics that should be kept during the elderly persons nutrition care. The bachelor thesis consists of a theoretical part and practical part. In the first part - theory -the main topics are old age, nutrition and malnutrition. The practical part follows on with a research. The aim of bachelor thesis was to find out which obstacles occur during the food intake of elderly people in retirement homes, how nurses satisty the nutrition needs of elderly and how nurses co-operate with other members of nursing care team. For achieving this goal there was used a qualitative research. The research was realized by method of semi-structured dialoques, questioning method. There were 10 nurses working for retiremnet homes who participated in above stated research. The interviews were written down by pencil-paper method and transcribed. As a result was detected that the nutrition condition of elderly people is only minimally rated. In the retirement homes there usually is not implemented any standard, there are only internal procedures. A nutrition specialist usually does not join the nursing care team. If there is neither its own cooking area/kitchen in the retirement home nor the nutrition specialist, there is not served the suitable food for each of the elderly person individual needs. It is neccessary to implement the nutrition screenings to everyday nursing care.
Comparison and validity of new criteria for the diagnosis of malnutrition by GLIM in clinical practise
Boček, Petr ; Vágnerová, Tereza (advisor) ; Topinková, Eva (referee)
Aim of thesis: The aim of this bachelor thesis was to compare the standardized nutrition screening tools and the new diagnostic criterita of malnutrition according to GLIM with the practical findings of muscle mass using BIA in the clinical practice. Methods: Recently admitted and suitable patients aged 60+ at the Geriatric clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague and the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University were selected for this research. Age, weight, height and subsequently BMI were determined at these patients. A standardized screening MUST (according to BAPEN), MUST in the modification of the General University Hospital, MNA-SF, SGA, evaluation according to the new criteria according to GLIM using BIA to determine seriousness of sarcopenia were performed. Results: According to GLIM criteria (SMI value [kg/m2 ] is 10,76 for the diagnosis of sarcopenia and 8,51 for severe diagnosis of sarcopenia for men and 6,76 for the diagnosis of sarcopenia and 5,76 for severe sarcopenia for women), there were 80,4 % of patients sarcopenic. The average SMI for men was 8,6±1,0 and 6,3 ±1,1 for women. The MUST screening had an overall low sensitivity - 61 %. In contrast, the MNA had high sensitivity - 91 % compared to the SGA. The best validity for malnutrition and sarcopenia is given by...
The importance of nutritional support in the treatment of wounds.
This bachelor thesis is devoted to the importance of nutrition support for therapy of wounds. Today the importance of nutrition support is generally known in all branches of medicine. Due to malnutrition bad healing of wounds occurs. From this reason each nurse should be aware of the importance of proper and balanced nutrition together with proper care of healed wounds. Proper nutrition protects people against infections, facilitates the process of healing and improves therapeutic results. The theoretical part is engaged in the importance of nutrition support, malnutrition, nutrition team, peroral support, and enteral and parenteral nutrition. It further deals with acute and chronic wounds, phases of healing, factors influencing healing, and nursing care of wounds. Two targets were set within the research. The first target was to monitor the knowledge of the importance of nutrition support for healing of wounds nurses have. The other target was to find out whether nurses have active attitude towards the questions of nutrition support when healing wounds. The empirical part uses the method of quantitative research survey together with the method of data collection using a non-standardised questionnaire. The research group consisted of nurses working on shifts and charge nurses working in internal medicine wards, surgical wards and after-care wards in the Jindřichův Hradec Hospital a.s and the České Budějovice Hospital a.s. The questionnaire consisting of 31 questions was filled in by 126 nurses. Processing of the survey was carried out using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The questionnaire is stated in Annex No.2. Three hypotheses were assessed on the basis of the targets. H1: Nurses are aware of the importance of nutrition support for healing wounds. H2: Nutrition support is provided to patients on the basis of nutrition screening. H3: Nutrition support records are made by charge nurses.
Nutrition in hospitals as part of comprehensive nursing care
A nutrition of high quality should be an integral part of the complex therapy in all hospital facilities, disregarding these premises results in the decrease of the whole quality of the nursing care. A complex nursing care detects actual and potential health problems, determines priorities and defines the role of the nurse providing those. Nothing but a highly qualified and plan-based nursing care enables the nurse to satisfy the patients´ / clients´ needs. The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to discover and determine the demands of the clients hospitalized in hospital facilities for alterations of the nutrition system, to map clients´ satisfaction with the food served and to find out , if the meals served in the hospital facilities complies with the clients´ needs. The research was realized in the Hospital Strakonice, inc.c. in the internal, surgery and gynaecological ward, in the form of a questionnaire inquiry. Six hypotheses have been determined, of which 5 were confirmed and one was refuted. The first hypothesis tested, whether the clients hospitalized in hospital facilities would appreciate an alteration in the nutrition composition. On the basis of a questionary investigation, the hypothesis was comfirmed. The second hypothesis estimated, if the clients hospitalized in hospital facilities would appreciate the possibility of the choice of the meals, according to the results, it is obvious that this possibility is welcomed by the clients and thus this hypothesis was confirmed. The aim of the third hypothesis was to find out, whether the clients are satisfied with the food served. The results point out to the fact, that for the most of the respondents, the taste, satiety and quantity of individual meals was inconvenient, the results concerning the satisfaction with the temperature of the served meals proved the patients´/clients´ satisfactuion. The third hypothesis was confirmed, because the larger part of the answers proved the dissatisfaction with the food served. The four hypothesis, whether the clients have different demands on the served meals according to their age categories was, after detailed comparison of the results, confirmed and the results point out to a definite difference with the older and with the younger respondents. The fifth hypothesis estimated, whether the clients evaluate the served food as inadequate to their needs. From the results it is obvious, that the sufficiency is superior to the insufficiency and therefore, the fifth hypothesis was not confirmed. The sixth hypothesis evaluated, if the clients have the need to provide themselves with the food outside the hospital facility, from the results it is evident that the clients really have this need and the sixth hypothesis was proved and confirmed. I will hand deliver the results achieved to the head nurse of the Hospital Strakonice, inc.c. and together we will try to realize these alterations that would increase the satisfaction of the patients/clients with the nutrition and meals in this hospital.
The efekt of monitoring the nutritive screening and using the nutritive supplements on shortening hospitalization period in patiens over 70 years old in hospitals
This Bacelor´s work on the theme {\clq}q The effect of monitoring nutritive screening and using nutritive supplements in patients over 70 years and their effect of shortening time hospitalization in hospitals" is divided on theoretic and practical part. In practical parts had been confirmed hypothesis that the range of nutritive screening pursuit by sisters on monitored ward in Nemocnice Znojmo, příspěvková organizace, is not adequate. Another implied trust hypotheses about insufficient effect serve out nutritive supplements on reducing inpatient days for men and women above 70 years prove fake.

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