National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Non-pharmacological procedures in the treatment of stroke - the role of nurse
Cerebrovascular accidents have attracted the attention of physicians since ancient times. A stroke is a global problem and one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality, but also one of the causes of long-term disability. In recent years, a stroke has become an urgent condition. The division of stroke into ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke has become common. In ischemic episodes, the effect of acute, follow-up and rehabilitation care in stroke centers has been demonstrated, as has revascularization therapy. Thanks to modern methods of treatment of stroke, we have moved forward. The aim of the thesis is to describe non-pharmacological procedures in the treatment of stroke and to emphasize their great importance in patient recovery process, their wide range allows some patients to return to normal life in whole or partly. In patients with higher disability, they help to improve their quality of life. An important part of the entire spectrum of care is a general nurse, who ensures continuous care of the patient both physically and mentally, an integral part of the nurse´s work is satisfying the basic needs of the patient. Qualitative research was chosen to achieve the goal, the research will be conducted through a semi-structured interview with non-medical health professionals (nurses) who care for patients after a stroke at the neurological department of the district hospital of the Vysočina region. From research shows that in the rearched department, non-medical staff know thein role in education, they consider the application of Fraxiparin, nutrition and self-care to be the most common area sof education. Among the most commonly used forms of education, non-medical staff ranks explanations and demonstrations. The output of the diploma thesis dealing with non-pharmacological procedures in the treatment of a stroke - the role of the nurse, should serve as an insight into the issue and point out the importance of prevention and the scope of non-pharmacological procedures.
Non - pharmacological methods of a solution agitation in patients with dementia
BUCHTOVÁ, Kristýna
Current state: Dementia is a very actual theme. The occurance raises every year. My bachelor´s work is focused on behavioral symptoms of dementia and nonpharmacological methods of a solution agitation in patients with dementia. The theoretical part of my work dealts with primary division of dementia, causes of development, symptoms, diagnostics and treatment of dementia. The last part was focused on pharmacological and mainly non-farmacological methods in demented patients. The objective: 1. The mapping of all using non-pharmacological methods for demented patients which are used in solution of agitation. 2. The comparison of knowledge of nonprofessional carers and nurses in the field of non- pharmacological methods in patients with dementia. Methodology: There was chosen the qualitative research method and the intentional choice of respondents for research survey. In the field of evaluation of the results of interviews and observation there were determined three fields. The field focused on dialogues with nurses included 15 categories. The dialogues with laic tenders created 14 categories and 4 categories contained observations of nurses. The collection of information was made up by using observation and half-structured dialogues. The research was situated into the care centre with special mode for elderly people. The scientific sample: The research sample was created by 4 non-professional carers and 8 nurses. The research: The research checked out the most frequent using methods in practice: individual attitude to a client, keeping the principles of the right communication, relationship of the patient and nursing staff, memorial treatment, pet therapy (especially canistherapy), basal stimulation, validation method, energisation of the clients and enviromental improvements. The recommendation for practise: The results of our work confirmed importance of using non- pharmacological methods in prevention of the troubled behavior at the persons with disease. The research results can be used by all nurses and non-professional carers who are concerned with it.
The possibility of pain management in prehospital emergency care
GUIDA, Mario
I chose the topic Possibilities of pain management in pre-hospital emergency care for my bachelor thesis as pain belongs to the most frequent symptoms of patients in the care of the Emergency Medical Service. The goal was to map the possibilities of pain management in pre-hospital emergency care in South Bohemian Region. The second goal was to map the awareness of pain management in pre-hospital emergency care among South Bohemian medical rescuers. The theoretical part deals with the present situation of the Emergency Medical Service, education and competences of rescuers. In the next part I focused on various types of pain, assessment and subsequent treatment of pain. The last, theoretical part describes the caring process in pre-hospital emergency care for a patient in pain. The research was performed by means of quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire with semi open and closed questions. The questionnaires were distributed at Emergency Medical Service regional centres of South Bohemia. The results show that pain is sufficiently managed in pre-hospital care. Another fact was confirmed, that rescuers are familiar with the pain management possibilities and prefer pharmacological methods of pain management. We also found out that non pharmacological interventions were used less frequently than they could be. One of the hypotheses was refuted, two were confirmed. The quantitative research results show that there is still a relatively large reserve in using non pharmacological methods. Rescuers might use them more, particularly the quick emergency crews, or they might be applied in situations not requiring immediate pharmacological treatment. Educational seminars at the individual workplaces might improve the awareness of non pharmacological intervention techniques. A patient in pre hospital emergency care suffering from pain of various intensity should be given primary professional care from qualified rescuers.

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