National Repository of Grey Literature 32 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Encapsulation of plant extracts containing phenolic compounds into nanoparticles and nanofibers
Petrželková, Markéta ; Bokrová, Jitka (referee) ; Skoumalová, Petra (advisor)
The presented bachelor thesis was focused on the encapsulation of extracts containing phenolic substances in order to apply these materials in cosmetics. At work were prepared aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts of coffee and cocoa. All extracts were characterized on the content of all polyphenols and flavonoids. Their antioxidant aktivity and SPF were also determined. Then the selected extracts were encapsulated into liposomes and polyhydroxybutyrate nanofibres. The basic characteristics of the prepared liposomes were also observed and also their SPF and antioxidant aktivity were monitored. The highest antioxidant aktivity and SPF had liposome particles containing ethanol cocoa extracts. The liposome particles were applied to cosmetic emulsion. These creams evince high antioxidant acitivity and stability determined by analytical centrifugation. Also the prepared nanofibres had high antioxidant aktivity and confirmed the gradual release of the active substances. In conclusion the test cytotoxicity on human keratinocytes confirmed the safety of prepared nanomaterials using the MTT test, which are therefore suitable for cosmetic applications.
Correlation between the onset of beadless character of nanofibrous webs and rheological characteristics of electrospun polymer solutions
Zelenková, Jana ; Peer, Petra ; Filip, Petr
An overwhelming majority of applications of nanofibrous webs requires sufficiently smooth character of nanofibres surface. This character is apart other parameters strongly influenced by a concentration of chosen polymeric material in the solvents. Qualitative attributes roughly depend on the prepared concentration, specifically whether it belongs to one of the four basic regions: dilute, semidilute unentangled, semidilute entangled and concentrated. A concentration separating the latter two regions is often taken as a zero-th approximation indicating an onset of beadless nanofibrous webs. The present contribution uses as a more precise indicator behaviour of so-called phase angle relating viscous and elastic moduli, in other words mutual participation of viscous and elastic components. To this aim three frequently used polymers were used: copolymer of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-co-HFP), poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(vinyl butyral) (PVB). For materials exhibiting first a constant behaviour or moderate decrease in a phase angle for lower concentrations, an approximation of the starting concentration is given by a concentration value where a phase angle curve starts to decrease, apparently reflecting a more progressive viscoelastic nature. As shown, such approximation provides relatively very good approximation enabling to eliminate a traditional trial-and-error method.
Toxicity study of antimicrobial wound dressings and perspective novel nanomaterials
Kozlíčková, Hana ; Vojtová, Lucy (referee) ; Zajíčková, Lenka (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the study of toxicity of selected commercial antimicrobial wound dressings (StopBac STERILE, containing silver ions and Traumacel Biodress Disinfect, containing chlorhexidine) and antimicrobial nanomaterial, provided by CEITEC BUT laboratories. The experimental part of the work describes the preparation of this polycaprolactone nanomaterial, on which a layer of copper was subsequently deposited by the magnetron sputtering system BESTEC (MAGNETRON). Furthermore, a method was designed to study the cytotoxicity of individual shelters with antimicrobial additives. These tests were performed in vitro on cell cultures by leaching the materials in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno. We found that, with the exception of chlorhexidine, low concentrations of active substances extracted from the materials promoted the proliferation of the studied cells, while at high concentrations there were also cytotoxic effects. The analysis of individual materials was also performed using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
Nanofibre membranes as carriers of drug 10.
Nguyenová, Jana ; Doležal, Pavel (advisor) ; Dittrich, Milan (referee)
The theoretical part of thesis provides information on the biopharmaceutical classification system of drugs and its context in the research and development of pharmaceuticals. The methods used to increase the solubility and acceleration including electrospinning are presented. The experimental part is the pilot study on the evaluation of conditions suitable for dissolution testing of newly prepared nanofibers made from polyvinylpyrrolidone membranes with a high content (up to 35 per cent) gatrin as a substance poorly soluble in aqueous vehicles. The parameters of determination of gatrin by HPLC using C18 sorbent and a mobile phase of acetonitrile: phosphate buffer pH 8 were preliminarily evaluated as perfectly applicable to vehicle type-phosphate buffer pH 6.0. The same conditions were found to be in a severe collision with a polymer material of nanofibrous membrane during the dissolution evaluation or with acetonitrile in the mobile phase, an accurate determination of gatrin was not obtained in this case. These findings lead to the proposal to change the formulation of the nanofiber membranes using polymer different from polyvinylpyrrolidone (eg. hydroxypropylcellulose) or the replacement of acetonitrile for methanol at the mobile phase for HPLC. However, in all cases, all the analytically...
The study of sulphonated polystyrene nanofabrics with encapsulated sensitizer
Hrdinková, Veronika ; Mosinger, Jiří (advisor) ; Vojtíšek, Pavel (referee)
The diploma thesis is dedicated to the exploitation of sulphonated polystyrene nanofibres as ion exchange nanomaterial. Ion exchange capacity of these nanomaterials has been determined by titration method and AAS. The effect of sulphonation on photophysical, photooxidative and photocytotoxic properties of sensitizer 5,10,15,20-meso- tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) encapsulated in polystyrene nanofibres has been studied as well. Properties of TPP have been examined with time-resolved spectroscopy, photooxidation of uric acid as substrate and bactericidal tests on Escherichia coli DH5α with pGEM11Z plasmid. It has been discovered that following the sulphonation of the nanofabrics, the encapsulated sensitizer is partly present even in aggregation form. The polystyrene nanofabrics with encapsulated sensitizer keep its bactericidal efficiency also after sulphonation.
Advanced preparation of inorganic (ceramic) particles and nanostructures
Šťastná, Eva ; Martinovou,, Lenku (referee) ; Vojtová, Lucy (referee) ; Částková, Klára (advisor)
Elektrostatické zvlákňování (v literatuře též uváděné jako electrospinning) bylo použito pro příprvu čistě polykaprolaktonových nanovláken a kompozitních nanovláken na bázi polykaprolaktonu s hydroxyapatitovými nanočásticemi. Připravená vlákna byla analyzována za použití rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie. Mechanické vlastnosti vláken byly určeny prostřednictvím zkoušky jednoosým tahem. Testy prokázaly silnou závislost mechanických vlastností vláken na jejich směrovém uspořádání a fázovém složení (především přítomnosti hydroxyapatitových částic). Směrové uspořádání vláken přispělo k výraznému zlepšení napětí při přetržení a celkové tažnosti. Zajímavý jev byl pozorován v případě kompozitních vláken– hydroxyapatitové částice zhoršily mechanické vlastnosti neuspořádaných vláken (napětí při přetržení a celkovou tažnost), ale vliv částic nebyl tak patrný v případě směrově uspořádaných vláken. Povrchové vlastnosti vláken byly modifikovány prostřednictvím nízkoteplotní plazmy. Změny povrchových vlastností vláken byly analyzovány pomocí měření kontaktního úhli a XPS analýzy (rentgenové fotoelektronové spektroskopie). Měření kontaktního úhlu ukázalo výrazný vliv plazmového opracování na povrchovou smáčivost vláken, kdy kontaktní úhel byl zcela neměřitelný. Výsledky analýzy ukázaly vliv plazmového opracování struktur na mikroskopické úrovni – plazmové opracování ovlivnilo pouze polymerní složku vláknitých struktur, zatímco hydroxyapatitové částice nebyly ovlivněny vůbec. Na vybraných strukturách bylo provedeno několik biologických zkoušek. Test v simulovaném tělním roztoku prokázal bioaktivitu kompozitních (polykaprolaton/hydroxyapatit) nanovláken prostřednoctví precipitace fází na bázi fosforečnanů vápenatých na povrchu kompozitních struktur. Následné in-vitro buněčné testy (dle normy ISO 10993-5 a WST-8 test) prokázaly významný pozitivní přínos hydroxyapatitových částic ve vláknitých strukturách, stejně jako kladný vliv plazmového opracování, kdy kompozitní oplazmovaná vlákna vykazovala 1,5násobnou bioaktivitu v porovnání s neplazmovanými čistě polykaprolaktonovými vlákny.
Pvdf —AN Ideal Candidate For Use In Nanogenerators
Pisarenko, Tatiana
In this work, the PVDF composite, also known as polyvinylidene fluoride in the formof thin nanofibres, was created. Subsequently, a single-fibre characterization was performed, whichproves its piezoelectric properties and describes its structure. Electron microscopy, atomic forcemicroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were chosen as characterization methods. Thediscussion in this paper deals with the ability of these fibres to use PVDF as a nanogenerator.
Preparation and characterization of nanostructured resorbable substitutes for accelerated skin healing
Kacvinská, Katarína ; Muchová, Johana (referee) ; Vojtová, Lucy (advisor)
Spolu s narastajúcimi nárokmi na kvalitu liečby v oblasti popálenin a plastickej chirurgie existuje možnosť ako uplatniť nové technologické riešenie na liečbu porúch s celkovou stratou kožnej vrstvy. Diplomová práca sa zaoberá prípravou nanoštrukturovaného, dvojvrstvového skafoldu pre využitie v tkánivovom inžinierstve, ktorý nahrádza kožnú časť dermis (dolná porézna vrstva) a bazálnu membránu (horná a tenká nanovlákenná vrstva). Zákaldom dolnej pórovitej vrstvy je kolagén, charakterizovaný v prítomnosti ďalších polysacharidových aditív: chitosan, vápenatá soľ oxidovanej celulózy (CaOC), sodná soľ karboxymetylcelulózy (NaCMC). Zároveň prídavok dopamínu a fibroblastového rastového faktoru (FGF), s cieľom zlepšiť biomechanické vlastnosti, regulovať a podporovať hojenie kože. Tenká nanovlákenná vrstva je zložená zo želatíny, polycaprolaktónu (PCL) a CaOC. Sú navrhnuté dva rôzne mechnizmy prípravy skafoldu, ktoré sa odlišujú sa v prítomnosti sieťovaných a nesieťovaných nanovláken. Skafoldy boli charakterizované z hľadiska biomechanických, štruktúrnych vlastností a in vitro. Vrchná nanovlákenná vrstva poskytuje mechanickú podporu, ktorá je výrazne zvýšená prítomnosťou polydopamínu (PDA). Test botnania poréznej vrstvy skafoldu ukázal na dostatočne veľké póry, umožňujúce filtráciu buniek. Táto botnatosť bola znížená v prítomnosti PDA, ktorý má zároveň významný vplyv na časové predĺženie degrádácie v prítomnosti kolagenázy a lyzozýmu. Spolu s FGF výrazne podporil proliferizáciu a životaschopnosť myších fibroblastov. Nanoštrukturovaný, dvojvrstvový skafold má potenciál pre budúce aplikácie pri hojení rán, kedže sa vyznačuje dobrými mechanickými vlastnosťami a umožňuje bunkám adherovať, proliferovať a formovať extra celulárny matrix.
Antibacterial electrospun membrane prepared from poly(vinylidene fluoride)-co-hexafluoropropylene with lauric acid monoacylglycerol
Zelenková, Jana ; Peer, Petra ; Pleva, P. ; Janalíková, M. ; Sedlaříková, J. ; Filip, Petr
The aim of this study was to prepare an antibacterial nanofibrous membrane using electrospinning technique. The nanofibrous membranes were spun from polymer solution of poly(vinylidne fluoride)-co-hexafluoropropylene (PVDF-co-HFP) dissolved in N,N´-dimethylformamide. Monoacylglycerol of lauric acid (MAG C12) was used as an antimicrobial agent at the concentrations ranging from 1 to 3 wt%. The impact of MAG C12 incorporation on the rheological, structural and antibacterial properties was investigated. The rheological tests of polymer solutions, as steady shear and oscillatory shear, proved that addition of MAG C12 changed marginally rheological quantities such as viscosity, elastic (storage) and viscous (loss) moduli. Measurement of mean nanofibres diameter indicated a slight decrease with increasing MAG C12 concentration. Antimicrobial activity of PVDF-co-HFP nanofibre membranes with incorporated MAG C12 against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli was studied. An antibacterial activity was revealed for the samples containing MAG C12 at all concentrations against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus by the disk diffusion method.
Magnetic properties of electrospun polyvinyl butyral/Fe2O3 nanofibrous membranes
Peer, Petra ; Cvek, M. ; Urbánek, M. ; Sedlačík, M.
In this contribution, magnetic Fe2O3 nanoparticles (MNPs) were successfully incorporated into the polyvinyl butyral (PVB) nanofibrous membranes using the electrospinning process. The effects of the MNP concentration on the morphology of the nanofibres and their magnetic properties were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy confirmed their concentration-dependent, yet uniform diameter, and the presence of well-embedded MNPs inside the PVB nanofibres. The magnetic properties of the PVB/MNP membranes were studied using the vibrating-sample magnetometry. The saturation magnetization increased from 6.4 to 45.5 emu/g as the MNP concentration in the feedstock solution increased from 1 to 15 wt%. The fabricated PVB/MNP nanofibrous membranes possessed the ability to respond to the external magnetic fields, which determines their potential in the development of the advanced smart textiles.

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