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Specifics of nursing care of devotees of Hinduism at the nursing unit
The aim of this work was to investigate specific aspects of care at a nursing unit when treating Hindu worshippers. To achieve this objective four research questions were selected. This thesis was divided into theoretical and practical part. In the first half of the theoretical part the basic elements of Hinduism, its history, directions and expansion to the Czech Republic, but also the customs, rituals and lifestyle of its worshippers were described. The second half of the theoretical part was focused on multicultural and transcultural approaches that are very important in nursing care for patients/clients of different beliefs. In the empirical part of the work the very investigation using qualitative research method was performed. This took the form of semi-standardized interview. The interview contained 40 questions which were further extended with additional questions to get the most detailed information. In the last part of the empirical part we summarized the results in a discussion. With our research survey we answered all the research questions. It was found that the respondents are not satisfied with the Czech health care system, especially with the availability of health care. The respondents said that they did not like long order times for medical procedures and tests. They were bothered with full waiting rooms at the doctors. From the results related to the second question it was found that, despite some negative experience, the respondents are rather positive about the hospitalization in the Czech Republic. Mainly, the respondents did not like the hospital environment. The answer to the third research question was given to us by another group of questions focused on nursing care. The experience with nursing care was both positive and negative. Although respondents often expected different behavior from nurses than was really encountered, the results of our survey showed that the respondents are satisfied with nursing care. None of these outcomes relates to their religious beliefs. The last group of questions gave us the answers to the fourth research question. We investigated the specifics in the treatment of Hindu worshippers in the field of nutrition, hygiene, religious belief and prayers during hospitalization, leisure time spending during hospitalization, dying and death. In the field of nutrition we noticed certain specifics. Hindus are vegetarians and lacto vegetarians who regulate their diet according to strict religious rules. Hospital food does not respond to their rules, therefore they let their food be brought from their friends. Further specifics resulted from the issues relating to religion and prayers. Hindu worshippers perform their prayers each day even during hospitalization. Hindu prayers may be performed by whispering or mutedly, lying in bed, therefore they do not require any special prayer room. Their prayers are quiet and do not disturb anyone. That closely relates to the answers to questions about the specifics of leisure time spending during hospitalization which the Hindu worshippers mostly spend by activities associated with belief. In their free time they mostly listen to spiritual music, read sacred texts and perform prayers. In the field of dying and death we have not discovered any specifics. Only in the understanding of death. For the Hindu worshippers, death is seen as a new beginning, so they are looking forward to it and getting ready for it for all their life. Hindus believe that, after death, they are born again in a new body. With our survey we were able to answer all the research questions and thus achieve the aim of the thesis, which was to find out what the specifics in the treatment of Hindu worshippers at a nursing unit are. Based on the results of the research, information material for nurses was developed, in which the specifics of treatment of Hindu worshippers are described.
Meeting the needs of foreign in-patient at the isolation unit of tuberculosis treatment according to the principles of the holism.
Abstract:Even today tuberculosis is a major health problem all round the world. The Czech Republic belongs among countries with low incidence of tuberculosis these days. In recent years the representation of foreigners in the total number of patients suffering from tuberculosis in our country has been increasing due to migration. In practice this results in the increase of number of foreigners hospitalized at isolation wards ? units for treating tuberculosis. Due to differences concerning culture, language, eating habits, customs, rituals and traditions, the stay at the isolation ward is for those patients traumatic experience for those patients. Hence, the thesis deals with the issue of meeting the needs of patients ? foreigners hospitalized at isolation ward for treating tuberculosis according to holistic principles. Two objectives were set at the very beginning. The first objective was to find out whether the needs of patients- foreigners hospitalized at isolation wards are met according to holistic principles. The other objective was to find out whether there are differences in the patients´- foreigners´ perception of the hospital environment. The theoretical part deals with holistic approach in patients care, present multicultural nursing, communication in providing nursing care, specificities of nursing at isolation ward and cultural specificities of hospitalized patients. The research part is based on qualitative data collection. An interview, observation and content data analysis were the methods applied in the research. The research set consisted of 5 patients-foreigners, who were hospitalized at isolation wards for treating tuberculosis in Hospital of České Budějovice, plc. and in the Lung Hospital in Humpolec. On the basis of information collected from patients during interviews, case histories were completed and these histories say that during hospitalization patient?s ? foreigner?s needs are met according to holistic principles. However, meeting the needs is to some extend influenced by the necessity to follow hygienic - epidemiological standards, relating to specificities of the ward operation. The environment of the isolation ward is perceived by the patients ? foreigners, due to the cultural and language differences, very intensively. Hospitalization, where these people are in a foreign country isolated from their relatives and friends, influences their behaviour, perception and reactions in a negative way. Language barrier makes the problem even worse. We are able to provide multicultural friendly care respecting opinions, traditions, habits and cultural specificities of an individual and non- traumatic adaptation to new environment in hospital.
Language barrier and accompanying issues as seen by a midwife while providing nursing care to Vietnamese women giving birth.
With an ever-increasing number of ethnic Vietnamese residing in the Czech Republic, midwives see a growing number of Vietnamese women giving births in Czech maternity hospitals. New trends in nursing care and the holistic approach have midwives provide all women, no matter what race, with such level of nursing care that meets their bio-psycho-social and spiritual needs. The essential element in meeting the needs of ethnic Vietnamese clients is effective communication. The objective of the bachelor?s thesis at hand is to observe specifics of nursing care provided to Vietnamese women during a childbirth and postpartum period and to find out whether nursing staff see a language barrier while providing care to Vietnamese women. The empirical part of the thesis is based on quantitative and qualitative researches, in which two research corpora were scrutinized. The technique used in gathering data in the first research corpus was a questionnaire completed by midwives working in maternity hospitals. The outcome of the quantitative research is shown in graphs. The technique used in gathering data in the second research corpus was a semi-structured interview, which was held with Vietnamese women giving births in Jindřichův Hradec maternity hospital. Following the interviews, case reports were created to provide for a research base that was used while compiling categorization tables containing summaries of the most important outcomes of the research. The outcomes of the research see the main problems in the areas of informed consents, communication while admitting the women giving births to the delivery room, and communication during the second stage of birth. Based on both of the researches, two information leaflets were compiled in order to help improve the communication between the midwives and Vietnamese women giving births.
Tradicional Chinese medicine and current nursing
Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the oldest curative methods in the world. It is focused particularly on the support of a body to recover balance and harmony that have become impaired. Owing to the growing number of the Chinese and the Vietnamese minorities in the Czech Republic, the medical staff providing healthcare may meet members of these minorities for whom this medicine may be of a large importance both when being ill and when being healthy. The new conception of the Czech nursing is outlined to provide every individual, regardless of the race, with the care which is able to satisfy their bio-psycho-social-religious needs. The nursing staff must possess a basic knowledge of the traditional Chinese medicine so that they are able to satisfy the needs of these patients/clients better. The objective of this diploma work is to ascertain what health problems are treated by members of the Chinese and the Vietnamese minorities through the traditional Chinese medicine, and what curative methods are used most frequently by them. The empirical part was processed in the form of a qualitative research. The data collection technique was a semi-structured interview of selected informants of the Chinese and the Vietnamese nationalities living in the Czech Republic. Based on the interviews of individual minorities, case studies were established and used as the research base for elaboration of categorization tables and charts presenting the most important results of the research. The main results of the research include the ascertained heath problems which are treated by means of the Chinese medicine by members of both minorities, and the ascertainment what curative methods are used most frequently, and whether the members of both minorities wish to make use of the medicine also during hospitalization. Based on the results of the research, the information material was elaborated that may be of use for the nursing staff in healthcare facilities and for other specialized public as a brief summary of methods of the Chinese medicine and of their application by the members of the Chinese and the Vietnamese minorities.

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