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Onomasiological Analysis of English Bahuvrihi Compounds
MIKSA, Tomáš
The topic of this thesis is Onomasiological Analysis of English Bahuvrihi Compounds. In this thesis it is explained what bahuvrihi compounds are, and their main properties are described. Subsequently, it is explained what the branch of linguistics known as onomasiology is concerned with. Furthermore, in this thesis it is observed to what concrete types of characteristics of human or non-human entities bahuvrihi compounds may draw attention. It is also observed what morphological schemas bahuvrihi compounds may follow, depending on the type of a characteristic of human or non-human entities to which they are meant to bring attention. Also, it is observed how bahuvrihi compounds may be created so that they would draw attention to those types of characteristics. Each of the manners in which bahuvrihi compounds may be created so that they would draw attention to any of the given types of characteristics is shown on concrete already existent bahuvrihi compounds.

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