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Zhodnocení exteriéru plemene moravský teplokrevník
Brabcová, Jana
The presented thesis deals with the evaluation exterior of Moravian warm-blooded horse breed. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of statistical five selected effects (year of birth, sex, breed, breeder district headquarters, district headquarters of the owner) for five of the variables, which were points of evaluation "ZZUV" a basic body dimensions measured on the breed MT. The research began by defining comparable basis in the breadth of breeding individuals born between 1980 -- 2009 and registered to 1. 1. 2014 PK MT. It was about 200 breeding mares and 24 stallions. This was followed by the collection of necessary data using Microsoft Excel 2010. This was specifically about gender, year of birth, belonging to the breed, the number of points obtained in "ZZUV" values of body measurements, "PG" %, the highest performance achieved offspring of horses and monitored their color. This data were compiled statistical program continues Unistat 5.1 for Excel using the general linear model with fixed variables (GLM) and statistically significantly affected variables were forwarded to the multiple comparison method of Scheffe effects. All data were then divided into groups and compiled in tables and graphs. They represent the fair value and the percentage achievement on the one hand the whole population, but also compared gender stallions and mares.
Analýza populace moravského teplokrevníka
Sedláčková, Ida
The Diploma thesis called “The Analyses of the Moravian Warmblood Population“ analyses the current situation in the horses‘ population registered in the Moravian Warmblood Stud Book up to Jan 1, 2020. The introduction of the thesis focuses on the development of the breed Moravian Warmblood. It describes the differences from other warmblood breeds that are bred in the Czech Republic. Next it focuses on the correctors in the breed of Moravian Warmblood which are represented by English Thoroughbred and Shagya-Arab. It also concentrates on the breeding standard and breeding goal in the breed of Moravian Warmblood. The practical part uses the frame database, which was provided by the Central Evidence of Horses and the Society of Moravian Warmblood Breeders, together with the data gathered in the Excel programme. The Moravian Warmblood horses, listed in the database, were assigned with the following basic body measures: height at withers (tape measure, stick measure), chest circumference and shin circumference. The horses are also assigned with the percentage of the original Austrian-Hungarian genes, year of birth, gender, and colour. There is a database accomplished, including the ancestors up to the fourth generation. Based on the particular indicators, a difference is carried out between the breed standard and the real measurement. There are also some recommendations suggested for the next breeding of Moravian Warmblood horses. The elaborated analyses’ results of Moravian Warmblood breeding are necessary for the ongoing decision making in the breeding activities. For the Moravian Warmblood breeders it is important to have reliable information reflecting their breeding work. This objective information is vital for their next decision making in their breeding activities.
Analýza chovu moravského teplokrevníka v České republice
Stejskalová, Jana
The bachelor´s thesis with the topic Analysis of breeding of moravian warmblood in the Czech republic deals with the evolution and development of population of the bre-ed up to the present. At first, the work is focused on history and origin of the breed. Within the history, the bachelor´s thesis gives informations about the most important sires participating in evolution of current breed of moravian warmblood. The work afterwards continues with nowadays situation of the breeding of moravian warmblood and within this chapter there is briefly described also the aim of the bree-ding and characterization of the breed which is required today. Moreover, the chapter concentrated on current situation of the breeding includes contemporary sires and their breeding centers overview. The individual sires are in this work desribed primarily from the point of view of their membership in foundation stocks, character and exterior. The bachelor´s thesis contains also the chapter focused on the testing of basic performance of the horses which is very important for breeding of moravian warmblood. The last part of this work deals with nowadays use of theese horses in equestrian sport.
Vliv korektorů na chov moravského teplokrevníka
Sedláčková, Ida
The bachelor’s thesis called “The Influence of Correctors on the Breeding of Moravian Warmblood“ analyses the current population of F1 generation and the situation in the breeding of Moravian Warmblood. In the introduction part I focused on the tree of the breed Moravian Warmblood and its correctors of the English Thoroughbred and Shagya-Arab. For the practical part I used the platform database of 216 horses F1 born from 2004 to 2017 which fulfil the criterion - one of their parents carries 20 and more percent of the original Austrian-Hungarian genes, itself is not an F1 or corrector and the other parent is English Thoroughbred or Shagya-Arab. I divided the horses into several categories which I compared to the real state of the breed Moravian Warmblood. Based on the platform database, it appears clear that the breed correctors are not popular with the breeders. Currently, up to Dec 31, 2017, 261 Moravian Warmblood horses had been listed in the stud book of Moravian Warmblood. Those horses are mentioned that were born in the time when Moravian Warmblood had already been acknowledged as a particular breed, it means just after 2004. Out of this number, just 30 horses are the F1 generation. As a corrector of Moravian Warmblood, much more popular is the English Thoroughbred than the Shagya-Arab. As for the breeding, 7 mares of the English Thoroughbred have been used (14 descendants of F1 generation), 5 studs of the English Thoroughbred (11 descendants of F1 generation), 2 studs of the Shagya-Arab (4 descendants of F1 generation) and just one mare of the Shagya-Arab. Next I found out that just 6 horses of F1 generation have the proven sports performance.

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