National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Zapojení lokálních aktérů v místních akčních skupinách ve vybraných krajích České republiky
Sadloňová, Pavla
This diploma thesis with title „Involvement of Local Actors in Local Action Groups in Selected Regions in Czech Republic“ deals about the partitipation of the local action group’s members from the following five regions: South Moravian, Moravian-Silesian, Olomouc, Pardubice and Zlín. The involvement of local actors in selected regions shall be identified by: evaluations of currenty available informations about LAG’s members, the value of decision makers, spatial concentration of local action group‘s members and the subsidies for local action group‘s members in program period 2007–2013. The database containing data about all LAGs existing in the year 2020 was set up in collaboration with the rest of the research group. As a base dataset the database containing supported projects in the program period 2007–2013 was also used. The numbers of representatives from public, private non-profit and private business sectors in LAG's members were calculated for each region. Based on the data, it was found out that the highest proportion belongs to private non-profit or private business sectors (based on the region). Similar fragmentation as for LAG's partners applies also for LAG's authorities. The dominant type of partner (in all regions) is the legal entity. The outputs of the research are segment distribution of the LAG members and their positions in the LAG authorities, typological distribution of LAGs by participation of their partners in the LAG authorities (public administration‘s LAGs, business LAGs and non-profit’s LAGs). It was found that members of the LAGs are not evenly spatially concentrated and that membership at the LAG authorities is not the key reason for obtaining subsidy on the own projects.
Integrované nástroje a jejich průnik v území: CLLD a ITI
Videnský, Adam
The subject of this bachelor thesis is to get acquainted with the specifics of regional development in the context of integrated tools Community-led local development (CLLD) and Integrated territorial investments (ITI), the extent of their use and verification of the hypothesis of possible benefits for municipalities, resulting from the availability of these integrated tools. The work also focuses on issues concerning region, the reasons for emergence of regional disparities and regional policy within the European Union and the Czech Republic and briefly outlines its development. It also introduces the area of strategic planning and its importance in terms of regional development.In order to verify the above mentioned hypothesis, an analysis of municipalities was performed in the selected area, which were divided into four groups depending on the affiliation to the territory. These groups of municipalities were further compared and evaluated on the basis of set indicators.
The effect of air pollution on the incidence of asthma symptoms
Velická, Helena ; Štípek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Bencko, Vladimír (referee) ; Rychlíková, Eva (referee)
The effect of air pollution on the incidence of asthma symptoms MUDr. Helena Velická ABSTRACT The aim of the thesis was to establish the effect of short-term ambient air pollutant concentration changes on asthma exacerbation and symptom variability. The study concerned 147 child patients (age 6 - 18 years) and 304 adult patients (age 19 - 62 years) with confirmed diagnosis of asthma. Their respiratory symptoms and other complaints were recorded in diaries during the heating season (November 2013 - February 2014) in the high- polluted industrial city of Ostrava, Czech Republic. The concentrations of PM10, NO2 and SO2 were measured and provided as smoothed daily maps. GPS coordinates of two addresses of each respondent (the residence and the school/work) were linked with the maps and 24-hour exposure of the respondents to each pollutant was determined, regarding the individuals'daily pattern. The relationships between exposures and health effects were analyzed using Generalized Additive Models (GAM) and expressed as odds ratios per 10 µg/m3 increase in the mean 24-hour exposure at the same day, and also in lag days (1-5), both separately and as moving averages (1-5). Significant associations were found between increase of one- to several days exposure to air pollutants and asthma symptom incidence both in...
The role of social capital in development of periphery areas: An example of local action groups in the Český Krumlov region
Čechová, Eva ; Chromý, Pavel (advisor) ; Hupková, Martina (referee)
This master thesis focuses on factors concerning the quality of cooperation between municipalities and regions with emphasis on the influence of local actors. The case study focuses specifically on the Local Action Groups (LAG)s within the Český Krumlov region. We applied the concept of social capital as a tool to clarify the importance of endogenous conditions of regions, and endogenous factors that influence the quality of cooperation between personalities and institutions. The concept of social capital has gained the attention of foreign and Czech researchers during the last twenty years and it is considered to be an important element of comprehensive regional development. The research was held in two phases. The first phase was a pilot analysis based on publicly available sources. We compared scores of LAGs based on various factors including their success in grant applications. Based on information collected from this, we continued the research in the form of structured interviews with key actors in concerned LAGs. The structure of these interviews followed chosen aspects of social capital, such as social networking and cooperation between personalities. The research demonstrated the importance of social capital in the process of regional development. The impact of collective form of social...
Analysis of the resources provided through the "local action groups"
Hejdánek, Michal ; Ochrana, František (advisor) ; Vítek, Leoš (referee)
The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to find financial allocation postpaid funds from Local action group Lípa pro venkov o. s. and qualify transaction costs. Theoretical frame is focused on policy of rural development and an explanation of the LEADER method with a specific example. Further there is a brief description of transaction costs and a method of their research in the text. Research objective is divided into 3 parts. In the first part the sector analysis is examined and in the second part it is the industry analysis of postpaid funds. Last part deals with administrative costs of LAG and on the recipient side the induced costs with the aid of questionnaire survey are calculated. Key words: Local action groups, LAG, Leader, analysis, transaction costs
The role of the LEADER programme in the development of the Chelčicko-Lhenicko region
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the LEADER programme and to determine its potential applications in the Chelčicko-Lhenicko region. The theoretical portion of the thesis defines both the details of the structural funds for the implementation periods 2004 {--} 2006 and 2007 {--} 2013, as well as the contents page of the LEADER+ programme, which includes a brief overview of the LAG {--} Local action group. The practical portion focuses on describing the monitored area and on the potential applications of the LEADER+ programme in the Chelčicko-Lhenicko region, as evaluated using a SWOT analyses. The conclusion of the thesis presents the benefits of the LEADER programme for the monitored region and includes other suggested LEADER+ type programmes.

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