National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Possibilities for Financing of Activities in the Construction Company
Veselý, Daniel ; Matyáš, Pavel (referee) ; Hroníková, Marta (advisor)
This thesis summarizes the options that are offered in the financing of corporate activities. The theoretical part examines the individual sources of finance, factors affecting financing, outlines the information that can be obtained from a financial analysis and mentions financial planning as a tool for future ideas for funding. The practical part describes the real construction company and the way it uses in terms of financing their activities. Financial analysis of the company serves as the basis for consideration alternative options.
Valid Cost Reduction in Tender Offers Price
Vrbková, Jiřina ; Chovanec, Dušan (referee) ; Chovancová, Jitka (advisor)
Master’s thesis “Valid cost reduction in tender offers price” is divided into a theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the issue of public tenders, process theories of tenders and company’s ownership structure. The practical part explores the cost reduction in the already specified offer to a public tender. The aim of this work is a compilation of the checklist steps for the process of preparation contract in the offer stage, which could lead to a reduction in the cost price and increase the probability of success in the public tender.
Capital structure of a company
Průdek, Jakub ; Štamfestová, Petra (advisor) ; Machek, Ondřej (referee)
Thesis on The capital structure of the company deals with the most suitable form of financing business activities. The aim is to clarify the most important types of capital that businesses can use to raise funds and to summarize the main theories about optimal capital structure, including their impact on the Czech market. The practical part is dedicated to find a weight average cost of capital function based on the classical theory of capital structure and the subsequent search for her optima. To outline the real environment on the capital market, there were presented some previous research indications and foundations of literature. For modeling the WACC function and search its minimum there were used some of recent economical conclusions and basic mathematical principles. The thesis is concluded with a quadratic model, resulting in abstract terms, which demonstrates the influence of each variable and could also be used to track the influence of each one, or as a basis for managerial decision making.
Valid Cost Reduction in Tender Offers Price
Vrbková, Jiřina ; Chovanec, Dušan (referee) ; Chovancová, Jitka (advisor)
Master’s thesis “Valid cost reduction in tender offers price” is divided into a theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the issue of public tenders, process theories of tenders and company’s ownership structure. The practical part explores the cost reduction in the already specified offer to a public tender. The aim of this work is a compilation of the checklist steps for the process of preparation contract in the offer stage, which could lead to a reduction in the cost price and increase the probability of success in the public tender.
Possibilities for Financing of Activities in the Construction Company
Veselý, Daniel ; Matyáš, Pavel (referee) ; Hroníková, Marta (advisor)
This thesis summarizes the options that are offered in the financing of corporate activities. The theoretical part examines the individual sources of finance, factors affecting financing, outlines the information that can be obtained from a financial analysis and mentions financial planning as a tool for future ideas for funding. The practical part describes the real construction company and the way it uses in terms of financing their activities. Financial analysis of the company serves as the basis for consideration alternative options.
Analysis of company's capital structure and its optimalization
Pagáčová, Šárka ; Šmídová, Radana (advisor) ; Langmaier, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis "Analysis of company's capital structure and its optimization options" explores the choice of financial resources of the company. The aim is to summarize the main theories of capital structure optimization and present empirical studies on the factors that affect the choice of structure. Then practice the idea of optimizing the capital structure on chosen company. The practical part deals firstly with the recent development of the capital structure in the industry in which selected company operates. Followed by analysis of the cost of capital of the company itself. The analysis of the capital structure showed that companies in the Czech Republic in the NACE 28 during the years 2003 to 2012 increased the use of equity. Companies rarely finance their needs by long-term debt, more used is short-term debt. The cost of capital calculations of chosen company showed that the model of average cost of capital corresponds to the theory of MM II. Recommendations for the company's increase debt to achieve lower cost of capital.
Majetková a finanční struktura podniku
Mandryková, Lucie ; Mejzlík, Ladislav (advisor)
Cílem práce je analýza majetkové a finanční struktury společnosti podnikající v oblasti provozování nestátních zařízení ? lékáren základního typu, společnosti Česká lékárna, a.s. První část zahrnuje teoretické vymezení majetku a zdrojů jeho krytí, které je následně doplněno o konkrétní položky dané společnosti. Navazuje problematika oceňování a odpisů, jakožto faktorů, které mohou významným způsobem ovlivnit hodnotu účetních informací zobrazených ve finančních výkazech, které jsou při hodnocení majetkové a finanční struktury primárním zdrojem dat. Druhá část práce pak obsahuje samotnou finanční analýzu za využití analýzy poměrových ukazatelů. Společnost je hodnocena z pohledu likvidity, rentability, aktivity a finanční struktury a zadluženosti.
Rébus volby kapitálové struktury podniku
Dolák, Pavel ; Kohoutová, Helena (advisor) ; Hnilica, Jiří (referee) ; Marek, Petr (referee)
Cílem práce je ukázat, jak firmy přistupují k volbě své kapitálové struktury, které faktory berou v úvahu a jak tyto faktory ovlivňují jejich finální mix použitých kapitálových zdrojů. Práce popisuje nejvýznamnější soudobé teorie kapitálové struktury podniku a zkoumá jejich využití podnikovou praxí na vzorku podniků z několika evropských zemí, včetně ČR. Srovnání teoretických přístupů s reálnou podnikovou volbou kapitálové struktury ústí v nalezení v současnosti hlavních determinant kapitálové struktury podniku.

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