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Seniors as victims of domestic violence
The thesis is about seniors as victims of domestic violence in the Czech republic. It allows you to see old age and the changes that aging brings. It also allows you to see how society perceives seniors. The second part of the thesis describe victims and offenders of domestic violence and forms and signs of it include consequences wich violent behavior brings especially to victims of domestic violence. At the end are offered some of forms how to help to victims including institute of espulsiton. There are some own suggestions to improve this problem.
Public Opinion on Domestic Violence
This bachelor thesis describes the issue of domestic violence. Domestic violence is considered as one of the biggest and most hidden forms of violence in our society. Perhaps it can be found all around us and it is not related to women only but also men and also cases of domestic violence against children and seniors are increasing. The aim of the study was to determine the views and attitudes of the public about domestic violence, because the opinion about this increasingly important issue and the informed society has an impact on early detection and follow-up of the cases of domestic violence. The theoretical part of this bachelor thesis summarizes the basic information as what the domestic violence is, what are its signs, forms, dynamics, prejudices and myths. Vulnerable people, violent people and causes and prevention of domestic violence are briefly outlined here. At the end of the theoretical part assistance for victims of domestic violence is listed by the helping institutions and organizations and a review of current legislation of the Czech Republic, which is related to the topic. In the research part of the bachelor thesis there are two hypotheses set on the target. Hypothesis no. 1 "The public perceive domestic violence as a private matter in which you can not interfere," and hypothesis no. 2 "The public is not informed about the ways how to help victims of domestic violence". The survey for the purpose of this thesis was made out of using a quantitative research and was made in January 2014. For the data collection public survey was used in the selected location, which is Vltavotýnsko. The survey was conducted by questionnairy. The sample was 400 respondents who were approached randomly. The only criterion for completing the questionnaire was adulthood reaching. 337 of 400 distributed questionnaires were returned, which is more than 80 percent return. The questionnaire in the thesis was compiled on the basis of the scientific literature and it contains the basic information that the public should know about domestic violence. Questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part examined the respondents' awareness about domestic violence and the second part the awareness of the respondents about the help to the victims of domestic violence. Answers to questions were summarized in tables and graphs with a spreadsheet program Microsoft Excel first. Subsequently, due to the fact that the vast majority of data acquired through questionnaires were categorical, adequate statistical evaluation methods were chosen. Statistical analysis of the results of the survey was conducted in SPSS. The research showed that the public in Vltavotýnsko is relatively well informed about what is domestic violence, and only a small percentage of respondents perceive domestic violence as a private matter. Thus, the hypothesis no. 1 "The public perceive domestic violence as a private matter in which you can not interfere," has not been confirmed. Conversely, the public is not sufficiently informed about the ways how to help victims of domestic violence, who to turn to for help when they become victims of domestic violence by themselves or when they are asked for help, and it means that the hypothesis of no. 2 "The public is not informed about the ways how to help victims of domestic violence" has been confirmed. Furthermore, the survey results showed that the education of the respondents, their age, the place where they live and whether they are men or women has some impact on awareness, attitudes and opinions of the respondents. This thesis can be used as an informational or educational material for the general public and thus to contribute to its greater awareness about domestic violence and the resulting research data can be served to raise the awareness of the institutions that provide assistance to victims of domestic violence.
Analysis of domestic violence within families in Písek
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of domestic violence in families in Písek and its surroundings. The main topic of this work is to map the issue and the dynamic of domestic abuse commited on women in Písek and its surroundings. The topic of this work was chosen with regard to my work orientation. I am working as a social worker in the organization NADĚJE. The mission of this organization is to help people who find themselves in difficult social situations. Among the clients are often found abused women. First half of theoretic part is dedicated to term definition domestic violence and its development. Till 1990, the domestic abuse has been perceived as personal matter. The radical turn came between 1990 2000, when the debates and discussion started through media. The public changed its mind and it was acknowledged that domestic violence repesent serious society wide problem that needs to be in centre of attention. The second half of theoretic part works with domestic violence cycle and descibes more detailed possible effects on victims. The attention is paid to law aspects of domestic abuse. The practical part of this thesis maps the dynamic of domestic violence commited on women in Písek and surroundings. To ensure the necessary information has been used qualitative research. A methodology of interviews and for key data collection technique was chosen the form of interview with using the instructions according Hendl. Research was attended by 11 women from the Pisek region, who lived with the aggressor at least 3 years. The main objective was to explore the issues and dynamics of domestic violence against women in Písek and its surroundings. Research questions were focused on the physical, psychological and socio-economic violence, "Institute of ejection" and the reasons why the interviewed women stay with the aggressor in the same household. On the basis of frame analysis that was carried out, and interpretation were induced these theoretical concepts: 1. The forms of any kind of violence are belittled and excused. The victims of domestic abuse learn how to live with the aggressor and his behaviour and accept it as part of their life. 2. The women as victims of domestic violence are aware that it has negative impacts on the children who are present in most of the cases, but they do anything to change. 3. Most of the battered women agree that their partner gets easily jealous and nags or humiliates them frequently. 4. The victims are not in touch with their families and friends that confirms the social isolation. 5. The knowledge of "Institute of ejection" is very low. 6. Prolonged exposure to domestic violence has a negative impact on self-esteem of women as victims.
Domestic violence of a view of police work
Bachelor thesis "Domestic violence from the perspective of police work " is a compendium of information on the causes , signs and forms of domestic violence . The main goal of this work is to outline the issues happening " behind closed doors" , to identify factors associated with domestic violence and also to remedy their shortcomings , and help victims of domestic violence. Bachelor thesis introduces important legislation and amendments to existing laws when these changes started in the 2004 amendment to Act No. 140 /1961 , which anchored in the Criminal Code new facts of the crime , namely § 215a Cruelty to a person living in a shared flat or house . The most significant change is associated with Act No. 135/2006 Coll . The law on protection against domestic violence is based on the cooperation of three components: police, courts and intervention centers. Police of the Czech Republic can protect a victim of domestic violence through the institute reporting . The work also contains such information about the organizations that deal with victims of domestic violence and procedures of law enforcement in dealing with these cases. The practical part of the thesis is the result of research that was carried out between police officers in London. A short questionnaire was distributed to several district The Department of Police and colleagues filled it anonymously.
Domestic Violence Against Women and Men from the Perspective Undergraduate Students.
Bachelor thesis Domestic violence against women and men from the perspective of undergraduate students is focused on the views and opinions of students of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice on domestic violence. In the theory there is made a comprehensive view of the problem of domestic violence. It describes the basic concepts that the problem of domestic violence is related to. This part is focused on different definitions of domestic violence, forms of behavior, the personality of offenders and on the victims of domestic violence. The conclusion includes the possibility of helping victims of domestic violence and a safety plan. Domestic violence is a problem that is currently receiving a lot of attention in the society. Some countries spend considerable resources on services for victims and on training for professionals who help the victims. Many nonprofit organizations also create advertising campaigns that affect not only the aggressors and victims, but also general public. Their aim is to make everyone aware that domestic violence is not acceptable and people should not be afraid of talking. It is certainly good that much attention is paid to domestic violence. The aim of the research was to map experiences, opinions and attitudes of undergraduate students to the issue of domestic violence. The research was also carried out in order to let the students think about this topic and get them to realize that it can happen to any of them. So it is important not to be afraid to speak openly about this topic. As already mentioned in the theoretical part, violence can really relate to everyone, from children to seniors. They do not have to be aggressors or victims of domestic violence directly. They can become witnesses or they can meet it in their future professions. A quantitative research strategy was used for the research. The data collection was conducted through a questionnaire survey. The research group was formed by students of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Respondents were selected by stratified random selection, where the stratification criterion for the selection was sex. Given the number of students of the University of South Bohemia is the sample size of 200. Answers to the questions were then processed into tables and graphs using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To the answers of the questions related to the hypothesis different values were assigned. To compare the level of awareness were calculated two average values, one for male and the other for female students, from the previously assigned values. If the difference between the male and female students is statistically significant, was verified using an independent samples t-test. In the context of the work a hypothesis was formulated: Female students of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice are better informed than male students in the issue of domestic violence. Between the responses of students was statistically significant difference only for one question (question 14), for other questions the difference was not statistically significant. The hypothesis was therefore refuted. The results of research yielded interesting findings about the knowledge of students in the field of domestic violence. Remarkably, the male and female students are dealing with the knowledge of the problem almost the same. However, the results also revealed many wrong answers and uncertainties. We can say that male and female students have still significant gaps in many ways. Although, the research results provide an insight into the views of students and we can learn about their attitudes and experiences. The work can be used as a source of information for general public, as a base for preventive measures in specific areas, as a base for the study of a similar theme, or it could be also provided to an intervention center and used as an information material for the victims of domestic violence.
Aspects which have an influence on creation of home violence and ways of procedure Police CR in home violence.
The objective of this thesis is to determine the procedures used by the Police Republic of the Czech Republic to tackle domestic violence cases and the factors affecting the occurrence of violence. And also to find out whether regulations provided by the legal system of the Czech Republic are sufficiently effective. For this purpose, hypotheses were stated: Whether the rapid and effective police procedure in handling the situation on the scene of domestic violence leads to the threat avoidance on the part the brutal person and if the measures implemented to eliminate the danger are insufficient, which may affect the final solution to a specific case. As a source of information all the cases with signs of domestic violence that occurred in the Strakonice district throughout the calendar year 2009 were used. Conclusions have been based on the use of literature, mandatory and methodical guidelines and laws concerning domestic violence. The survey was conducted though quantitative research and the entire sample of 87 registered cases were analyzed by studying written sources and the typological method application. The outcomes of investigation of the registered cases have proved that the measures implemented by the police, ie. the situation analysis the legal expertise were correct and adequate in the context of the situation on the scene of crime. As shown in my research, currently used legal standards in the context of domestic violence are sufficient and effective. The results of the thesis may be used for presentation of the obtained findings, ie. the level of effectiveness of existing social tools and procedures used by the Czech Police in tackling situations with signs of domestic violence. I will also be actively involved in the issue of domestic violence and actively promote the findings.
Domestic Violence and its Offenders - Psychological and Legal Points of View
The bachelor work deals with domestic violence as a modern sociological topic. In the framework of this question it is aimed at offender of domestic violence in its chosen points of view. The bachelor work also maps over the present possibilities for offenders of to their voluntary reparation in view of the České Budějovice region.
Institute of Banishment in Context with Home Violence
MIHOLA, Ludvík
Thesis deals with the Institute of banishment in the context of domestic violence. The introductory part of the work is devoted to a brief history of domestic violence and the definition of various concepts of domestic violence. There are also listed authorities dealing with help and solving cases of domestic violence. The work is focused on cases of domestic violence by the banish of violent persons from the common dwelling. Furthermore, the work described things that are directly related to the banish of violent persons from the common dwelling and domestic violence. The chief of work is focused on the exact and latest procedure and activities Police of the Czech Republic in the event of banish.
Prevention domestic violence
Radmila Šafářová. Prevention of domestic violence. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical faculty and Jindřichův Hradec: University of Economics, Management faculty, 2009. 79 s. Bachelor´s Thesis The aim of myBachelor´s thesis is to try to describe problem of domestic violence and to analyse the possibilities of prevention in the range of domestic violence not only on the level of single person, family, working group, social group but even non-profit-making organization and national institution and state agencies dealing with the protection and help of the victims of domestic violence operating in České Budějovice territory. Theoretical part of my bachelor´s thesis determines fundamental terms and causes for rise of domestic violence characteristics of personality of the victim and offender, institutions which provide help the victims and possible ways of prevention of domestic violence. There is in practical part of bachelor´s thesis according to results by evaluation of question-forms from questioned persons of small research connected to problem of prevention of domestic violence found out and based on statistic datas made analyse of appearance and character of domestic violence in particular groups of České Budějovice inhabitants. On the basis of the results that were found out are determined the ways of utilization possible prevention remedies that should prevent of the rise or continue domestic violence to its victims. It is all mentioned at the end of my bachelor´s thesis.
Domestic Violence Victims Care at Diocesan Charity České Budějovice
Main theme of the thesisis a domestic violence issue, specifics of this social-pathologic fact and domestic violence victims needs for expert assistance. Abstract part of the thesis describes domestic violence, its difference from other sorts of aggression. Futher the thesis describes ministerial care if victims, covers clerical marriage issue of married couples who live in separation, eventually nullity of marriage. The last section of the abstract part characterizes charitable care, Diocesan charity České Budějovice and its two projects which focus on help for home violence victims in South Bohemian region. Practical part of thesis examines the charakteristic of the provided services of charitable projects: Centre for women and young Women in nedd EVA and Support centre of crisis help for home violence victims.

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