National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Transcultural approach in nursing by the view of foreigners.
In this thesis, we will deal with problems of transcultural nursing for foreigners who sought medical care in the Czech Republic. Current problems of migration and need of foreigners to go abroad to find better conditions for living. Medical staff will meet with providing the medical care to foreigners in Czech medical facility more often. Much greater emphasis is put on transcultural nursing and its use in Czech medical system. The work is divided in two parts, theoretical and empirical. The first part deals with theory, definition of transcultural nursing, differences in transcultural and multicultural nursing and problems of communication with foreigners when providing the transcultural nursing as well. In the empirical part we will examine experience of foreigners with nursing care, which they were provided with in the Czech Republic. A qualitative research, together with a method of semi-structured interview, were chosen for processing the empirical part. The research cohort consists of 6 foreigners, who met with the medical care in the Czech Republic. The outcomes were processed in 2 categories and 2 subcategories, on the basis of accomplished interviews. The obtained results showed that the foreigners are satisfied with the care provided in the Czech Republic, but they highlight the failings in the field of communication and use of transcultural procedures in practice. Furthermore, we found out, that the medical staff endeavoured to serve the foreigners, who had specific requirements. Unfortunately, they also met with failure and ignorance about their requirements. On the basis of obtained information, we can judge, that the foreigners are satisfied with the care, but they recommend further education in the theory of transcultural nursing to the medical staff.
Problems of social sickbeds in health institutions
Nowadays the insufficient facilities of social and health care institutions in Rokycany region don{\crq}t get a motivation to participate in finance of different institutions, in spite of the fact that they are placed in its territory, and provide services for their citizens.From the point of view of residential structure in Rokycany region it seems to be clear that the region itself has to play a big role so that the services would be provided even in small municipalities, and distant urban areas of the region. The above remarks confirm the hypothesis: 1. Social hospitalization in a health care institution results in insufficient facilities of places in retirement homes and in residence institutions of social care. I propose to improve the organiation of social and health care services for old and handicapped people in SO ORP Rokycany region, which I can regard as an availability of social and health care services in the whole region, as an icrease and enlargement of the social services mainly in non-governmental and nonprofitable sector, and as an increase of the quality of provided social services. The range of social hospitalization in Rokycany hospital, Corp., conditions was investigated within the practical part of my thesis. Both aims were fulfilled by working up the practical part of the thesis, and by carrying out the social demographic analysis. By observing the basic data and information while observing the social care in the health care institution, it definitely bears to the hypothesi 2.: The refund of social hospitalization doesn{\crq}t include the costs of sickbed in a health care institution, which is contributing tounfavourable economical situation in a health care institution. The new law doesn{\crq}t solve this problem of financing the social sickbeds. This law insufficiently solves conditions of social allowance belonging, on the contrary, the allowence depends on agreement.This results in repeated and longtime people{\crq}s hospitalization,who are being given this health care allowance. I think it is necessary to ammend the accepted law 108/2006, of Law Digest, abot social services. The matter of finance of longtime hospitalization in health care institution could be solved by the items up increase for longtime lying people. I can see the other aspect of solution in setting up the clear conditions to provide the social care allowance.
Private and Public Health Care Institutions and it's evaluation in the Czech Republic
Čibera, Roman ; Krabec, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šmídová, Radana (referee)
This text considers a possibilities of using business valuation methods in an evaluation of the private and public health care institutions in the Czech Republic. It tries to explain the specifics associated with the functioning of health care institutions and their influence on the choice of the valuation standards, valuation methodology and the selection of the final method of valuation. The first part describes health care institutions and their operation in the health care market. Other parts deal with the possibilities of the evaluation separately for private and public health care institutions. Differences are summarized in the conclusion.
Finance and accounting of allowance organizations in factual conditions of health care institutions
Šálová, Monika ; Takáčová, Hana (advisor)
Allowance organizations are included among non-profit associations whose operation, method of financing and accounting are different from other economic entities. First chapter focuses on non-profit associations, legal regulations of allowance organizations and general definition of public health care institutions. Next two chapters are devoted to financing and accounting of allowance organizations. Financial relations of allowance organizations with their founders, agenda of money funds, general system of accounting for allowance organization and selected specifics of accounting are mentioned in these chapters. Last chapter is dedicated to financing and accounting of health care institutions, including demonstration of described regularities on factual health care institution - the allowance organization Hospital Ivančice.

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