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Punitive gynaecology in modern Russia: crafting the docile female
Andriukhina, Mariia ; Sokolová, Věra (advisor) ; Dvořáčková, Jana (referee)
Punitive gynaecology is a set of healthcare-related attitudes and practices that aim to take control of a woman's body, sexuality and reproductive system in order to produce a reformed body. This thesis scrutinizes thephenomenonofpunitivegynaecology in modernRussia.Narrativeinquirywas conducted to provide an understanding of the ways punitive gynaecology works on the female body, restructures it and inscribes meanings. Autobiographical narratives are analysed and located within a wider socio- political context to concretize the dimensions of punitive practices in gynaecology. The main foci of analysis are the medical gaze, the spatial organization of the gynaecological clinic, pastoral power and agency in the gynaecological examination, the sexuality of the examination, the contingencies of shame, pain and embarrassment. The research uses a Foucauldian framework to uncover power relations permeating the doctor-patient interaction in the gynaecological examination. This thesis thus offers a reflectiononthepreferredmodes ofembodiment anddocilitythat punitivegynaecology attempts toinstil in its' subject. Keywords: punitive gynaecology, discipline, power, gaze, agency, body, hegemonic femininity, clinic, doctor-patient interaction, docility
Prevention of cervical cancer at girls
This bachelor thesis deals with the prevention of cervical cancer at girls. Cervical cancer is a serious disease that affects women of every age. The cause of the high mortality is mainly little support of primary prevention measures and late detection of the first signs of cancer. Regular gynecological examinations are the most a Affordable protection against cancer disease for women. Just cervical cancer is one of the only gyneacological tumour, whose formation can be prevented by regular gyneacological examinations. Currently, there is no doubt about the etiological relation between cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV hereafter). Now the Infection with human papillomavirus is seen as an etiological factor in a variety of malignant tumours of anogenital area, particularly of the cervix, but also the vagina and vulva, anus and penis and other skin and mucosal cancers at others sities. Recently, there has been the breaking point in this field. This is the advent of HPV vaccination. The new development in 2006 was the possibility of vaccination against certain types of HPV. The first registered quadrivalent vaccine against tumour disease has become the Silgard vaccine. The vaccine Silgard is designed to prevent from the infection with HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 It is designed for women and girls aged from 9 to 25. The bivalent vaccine against HPV types 16 and 18 Cervarix was bronght to market one year after the introduction of the quadrivalent vaccine. Cervarix is designed prevent for girls and women aged from 10 to 26. The vaccination is also suitable for older, sexually active women, because even in older age still did not meet these high-risk types, the vaccination also protects against repeated infection. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part describes the current state of cervical disease. The thesis also describes the risk factors, diseases of the cervix, further manifestations of HPV infection. In the theoretical part there are also screening, diagnosis and classification. In particular, the description of colposcopy, cytology, biopsy, HPV test and cytology LBC. In the chapter treatoment are ablative and destructive methods. Of course a midwife has an important role in the prevention of the disease. The importance and the role of nurses in the prevention of this disease are described in Chapter 2. Using the educational process and communication the nurse can affect awareness and responsible behaviour of women and thus promote the prevention of the disease. The practical part contains the objective, partial objectives, methodology and results of research. The aim of the thesis was to find out what is the girls´ knowledge concerning the prevention of cervical cancer. The sub-objectives examined what information about the prevention girls have, whether they know the principles of the prevention in gynaecological examinations, whether the price of the vaccine affects the choice of one of the method of the prevention and whether they are aware of risk factors for cervical cancer. The survey was effected by using the technique of quantitative investigation by means of a special questionnaire. The group of respondents consisted of girls aged from 15 to 18 in the Pilsen region. A total of 103 girls participated in the survey. 52 % of the girls study in a school with medical specialization, 45% of the girls without medical specialization, remaining 3 % of the girls work (total 100 %). 60 % of the girls know that one of the risk factors is promiscuity. 45 % of girls knows that this is a disease caused by HPV 47 % of the respondents know that the disease is transmitted by sexual intercouse and even 46 % of the girls carriers my be men. Of the 103 girls 46 % of girls are vaccinated against cervical cancer, 81 % of the girls know that the best time for vaccination is before sexual activity. The relatively low awareness of the disease is from gynaecologists, schools and families.
Womenś Informed Awareness of Cervical Cancer Prevention
The purpose of my thesis was to determine the level of women's awareness of cervical cancer prevention, because cervical cancer is a serious disease affecting women of all age categories. As the occurrence of the disease is relatively high nowadays and there is no organized screening for cervical cancer in our country, it is useful to survey the awareness of women of preventive examinations available, as well as the possibility of vaccination against the HPV infection. The survey was conducted by the quantitative research method. Data were collected by the anonymous questionnaire technique. The questionnaires were addressed to women of all age categories in different places of the South Bohemian region. A total of 160 questionnaires had been handed out, 95 % of which came back filled in. Some of them could not be taken into account due to inaccurate data, so the final number of relevant responses was 148 (100%). The data were gathered in October, November and December 2008. In the thesis I stated six objectives and six hypotheses referring to women's awareness of cervical cancer prevention, vaccination and their attendance in preventive examinations. All the goals were met and the research was to confirm or reject the hypotheses stated. The first hypothesis presumed that young teenage girls under 18 are not informed of preventive gynaecological examinations. The evaluation of questionnaires of that age group did not confirm the hypothesis. All the other hypotheses were confirmed, and so good awareness of women was identified. It is advisable to provide education on cervical cancer prevention in practice. Midwives can inform women in hospitals, consulting rooms and other health care facilities. To spread useful information, special brochures and leaflets as well as other sources such as the Internet can be used and special lectures can be organized. The results of my research can be published in specialist magazines. The purpose of cervical cancer prevention is an early detection, treatment and consequently mortality rate reduction in women with this diagnosis. But every woman is fully responsible for her own health and she is the one to care most.

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