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Awareness of general nurses about the treatment of celiak disease
Abstract Objective: The bachelor's thesis deals with the awareness of general nurses about the treatment of celiac disease. The first chapter of the theoretical part is focused on the digestive system, small and large intestine. The following chapter is devoted to the definition of celiac disease, its history and clarification of the concept of gluten. The next chapter presents the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease and the health risks associated with it. The fourth chapter is devoted to gluten-free foods, their labeling, basic rules for buying gluten-free foods and preparing gluten-free food. The fifth chapter is focused on the contributions of health insurance companies to gluten-free food. The following chapter deals with the hospitalization of a celiac in a medical facility and provides some tips for hospitalization. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with education, the role of the general nurse in the education of patients with celiac disease, forms of education and lists the most common myths associated with celiac disease. In the empirical part, the first goal was to map the awareness and knowledge of general nurses about celiac disease, its symptoms, manifestations and treatment. The second goal was to map the specifics of nursing care for patients with celiac disease. Method of achieving the goal: The set goals were achieved through a research survey, which was carried out using a qualitative approach, the method of questioning. The method of semi-structured interview was chosen for data collection. The examined group consisted of eight general nurses working in inpatient departments at the Tábor Hospital, a.s. Scientific benefits of the work: The research shows that general nurses have awareness and knowledge of celiac disease, its symptoms, manifestations and treatment, although the answers to some questions were only partial, sometimes inaccurate and in minimal cases incorrect. The identified specifics of nursing care for celiacs can be used in hospital facilities to improve the quality of care provided. Furthermore, the work can be used by people who are interested in obtaining information related to celiac disease and a gluten-free diet. Acquired knowledge and conclusions: The research survey revealed the specifics of nursing care for people with celiac disease, which are mainly associated with the gluten-free diet provided. Furthermore, celiac disease has been found to be incorrectly associated with allergies.
Specifics of nutrition in patients with celiac disease
Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder affecting the small intestine caused by gluten intolerance. This disease is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world and the number of diseased still grows. Prevalence of the celiac disease is stated to be between 1 in 100 and 1 in 200 in the Czech republic according to most actual sources (1 affected in 100 to 200 healthy persons), that means there is 50 000 to 100 000 patients suffering from celiac disease. The only know effective treatment is a strict lifelong gluten-free diet.The goal of this work is to find out nutrition specifics of patients affected by celiac disease. Four research questions were set down: 1. Which sources of information do patients use most often? 2. How good is availability of gluten-free foodstuff and food services offering gluten-free meals? 3. What is patients' attitude to observing the diet recommendations? 4. To which extent is social status of patients suffering from celiac disease affected? The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. Theoretical part includes general information about celiac disease, about its history, diagnosing, treatment and complications which can occur when gluten-free diet isn't kept. The work is dealing with gluten-free diet where I concentrated on less know foodstuff for gluten free diet and their nutrition facts besides other things.Empirical part was realized by qualitative method where semi-structured interview was used for collection of data. Respondents were 14 patients with diagnosed celiac disease who were recruited by snowball technique. Interview was divided into 5 areas related to demographic data, symptoms, information sources, situation on gluten-free food market, patients' attitude to keeping the gluten-free diet and diet recommendations and about influence of disease on respondents' lives and social status. Output of this work is a leaflet about celiac disease and gluten-free diet. Results shows that respondents mostly use web pages as a source of information where they pointed out forums as the most useful. Valid sources of information aren't much searched for. Availability and supply of gluten-free foodstuff has considerably improved in the last few years. Similar improvement occurred in the area of food services as well. Respondents usually abide by the gluten-free diet and they try to keep healthy lifestyle and follow the diet recommendations. Despite the fact that celiac disease had big impact on respondents' lives their social status wasn't much affected.
Coeliac disease as a health, nutritional and social problem.
Coeliac disease is a serious, life endangering disease that affects both children and adults. Diagnosing the disease is very straightforward, it is sufficient to conduct specialised blood tests and, if the results are positive, to carry out a biopsy of the small intestine. Despite being relatively simple to diagnose, the disease remains undetected in most patients for various reasons. Curing it is a rather uncomplicated process, merely requiring the removal of gluten from patients{\crq} diets. However, this is not as easy as it sounds in today{\crq}s society. Gluten is used in a number of industrially manufactured foodstuffs. Furthermore, a gluten-free diet is financially demanding, and the government does not subsidise special dietary foods anywhere near as much as those of other European nations. The net result is not only intense labour as regards food preparation at home, but there is a psychological effect due to the severity of disease, as well an impact socially as patients have to face the financial demands of the diet. Unfortunately, culinary staff tends to be poorly informed about the disease, added to which there is a need to prepare meals in a special manner. Hence, the main goal of this thesis was to conduct research on the literature available and put together a simple instruction manual, intended as a convenient aid for nutritional therapists and even people newly diagnosed with coeliac disease.

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