National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Minority{\crq}s problems and their engagement into the social life {--} with respect to Romany community (social aspect)
FRÍD, Lukáš
To highlight the most serious problems of Romany ethnic minority in Czech Republic and to reveal the reasons of that problems, it was my main aim in the thesis. I traced the long history of the Romany ethnic group (see the 2nd chapter) and I tried to find out the roots of nowdays problems of Romans in ours, especially in social area and in the way of coexistence with czech majority. The 3rd chapter reflects the present day situation of Romany in the Czech Republic {--} their social and societa status. In the last part of the thesis (chapters 4, 5, 6), I described three topics where I want to show the obvious link between the insufficient Romany education {$\rightarrow$} the deficit in skilled qualification {$\rightarrow$} the high unemployment rate in Romany community {$\rightarrow$} and the subsequent social exlusion with all the pathological phenomenons such as criminality, drugs and prostitution.
The Criminality of Romany Ethnicity in the Czech Republic and the Project of the System of Mentoring in the Criminal Justice
Thesis is dedicated to the criminality of Romany ethnicity in the Czech Republic and the project of the System of mentoring in the criminal justice. The introduction part is about the history and criminality of the ethnicity. This part contains statistical data and possible causes for the criminality. The main part is dedicated to the most common illegal ways of earn living. This part is connected with part which describes the System of mentoring in the criminal justice. The practical part is aimed at check on the hypothesis of the effect and function of the project. This part is supplemented by statistical data and outcomes of the research.

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