National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Statistical investigation of physical readiness selected parametrs of professional firefighters within HZS South Bohemia CPS České Budějovice and HZSp JE Temelín
Physical readiness is an integral part of the requirements for the firefighter profession. Getting acquainted with the selected organization of units and mapping their physical training led to an understanding of the problem. Logical methods of applied quantitative research were used to obtain information. A factor (strength part of physical tests) was determined to compare the physical readiness of selected organizations. Using the application of empirical research methods, the parameterization of the selected factor was performed and the first research goal was met. Research hypotheses were positively verified by methods of investigating the obtained data: H1: Selected parameters of strength physical readiness should have an empirical distribution close to the normal distribution (normality was verified by nonparametric testing). H2: Comparison of the parameters of the strength part of physical tests of selected organizations should lead to the acceptance of the null hypothesis at the selected level of statistical significance (no statistically significant differences in the physical readiness of selected organizations were found at the selected level a= 0.05). By verifying the operationalized hypotheses H1, H2, the second goal of the work was fulfilled, the comparison of physical readiness between individual organizations. The verification of hypotheses was supported by the theory of estimates of theoretical parameters of the normal distribution and regression and correlation analysis of measured data with two dimensions of the strength part of physical tests (lying-seats, cranks). The theoretical benefits of the diploma thesis can be considered the proposed and implemented structuring of the theoretical part - a description of the organization of selected units, a description of physical training legislation, new trends in physical training, physical training abroad. The practical benefit of the diploma thesis is to document the chosen structuring of the theoretical part by selecting a suitable comparative factor - the strength component of physical tests. The applied quantitative research could have research connections - to document the chosen structuring of the theoretical part by other parameters of physical readiness and special physical training of professional firefighters.
Development of standards for testing the wrist strength using the Kern MAP 80K1S dynamometer for HC Motor České Budějovice players
The aim of the thesis is to create standards for testing the wrist strength of youth HC Motor České Budějovice and standardize the data. In the theoretical part is created the outline, which is focused on main problems of the theme of thesis. The research deals with the application of the wrist strength test to HC České Budějovice players in the men category, as well as in all youth categories. All obtained values are compared with each other and the results were evaluated. From the given results were observed the mutual interrelations and created the standards. Average values obtained in men are 116.27 kg, in juniors 108.92 kg, in midget 96.8 kg, in bantam 86.43 kg, in peewee 56.97 kg and in atom 41.68 kg.
Specific and fitness testing of junior players at HC Motor Czech Budejovice
The aim of bachelor thesis is a testing focused on fitness capabilities of juniors of HC Motor České Budějovice leveraging technical literature which was structural and content analysis for theoretical part. In theoretical part I focused mainly on problematics within given industry and clarified the period of later adolescence. I also concentrated on history of ice hockey in Czech Republic as well as abroad and evolutionary rules of ice hockey and testing of training. A part of research deals with application of tested battery on every junior player within HC České Budějovice's team. All recorded values, on ice as well as besides, were compared with whole country testing. From given results I observed the correlation between dynamic and explosive power.
Physical eligibility of applicants for admission to the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic and the Police of the Czech Republic.
ELIÁŠOVÁ, Kristýna
The aim of this work was to assess and evaluate the results of the physical ability of the applicants in the tests for the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as FRS CR) and the Police of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Police). Another goal was to compare the success rate of the physical tests for the FRS CR and the Police. In the theoretical part I analyzed what the whole admission procedure is composed of and what the conditions for admission to the security services are. There are detailed dispositions and conditions of the disciplines for the two tests. To compare the difficulty of the tests in our country and abroad, part of this work is dedicated to the USA disciplines. A form of qualitative research was chosen for the practical part of this work. This research is based on the accomplishment of the individual tests. In order to answer the research question, "What is the success rate of managing physical tests for admission to the employment?" I chose the form of accomplishing the individual disciplines with eleven men up to 21 years of age, who are physically active at least twice a week. These tests were divided into the endurance and strength tests, which we performed at the professional sports facilities as it would be in normal admissions. I evaluated the results according to the tables of the individual security corps legislation. The results have proved that the tests for the FRS CR are more difficult than for the Police of the Czech Republic. I rate the success rate in the tests for the FRS in a negative way, as only 23% of the respondents succeeded. The success rate for the Police tests was higher, in which 64% of the respondents completed the tests successfully. The results of these men also show that the physical ability of current younger generation is at a bad level and people should work on their physical fitness.
Specific and fitness testing of Peewee HC Motor Czech Budejovice\\
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to test specific and fitness abilities of peewees of HC Motor Czech Budejovice. Theoretical part of the thesis was made by the content analysis of literature research. Author focused on evolutionary legitimacy to further clarify period of pubescence. We were dealing with physiologic legitimacy of ice hockey along with history of ice hockey, training principles and testing in this part hereafter. Explorational part contains using of test battery, which we apply on each peewee player of HC Motor Czech Budejovice. Measured values of tests were compared and eveluated with motoric tests outside of ice hockey rink. We have found out mutual relationship between dynamic explosive power and results of tests on the ice thanks to that. Better performance by older category in comparison to younger one is apparent as well. The results are described by and presented by charts and tables.
Analysis of improving fitness of rescue brigades and services
Koblic, Milan ; Fiala, Miloš (advisor) ; Vilášek, Josef (referee)
Title: Analysis of improving the physical fitness of rescue brigades and services Cíl práce: The aim of this thesis is to analyze the physical fitness of firefighters ambulance Fire and Rescue Service based on the results of physical tests of individual firefighters for a period of five years. Objective: In this thesis werw used data from regular physical tests Fire Rescue Service. Data were standardized and subsequently evaluated using graphs and T-test. Results: On the basis of the analysis were verified by three hypotheses. Neither of them has not been confirmed. Compared to the expected improvement in physical abilities, the opposite happened, or to their decline. Compared with the general population, they did not reach all members of the Rescue Service of the population average. Key words: physical fitness, rescue brigade, firefighters, physical tests, analysis

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