National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
E-mail as a communication tool
Quaiser, Jakub ; Měsíček, Libor (advisor) ; Šabata, Josef (referee)
As the theme of my Bachelor thesis I have chosen "E-mail as a communication tool". The reason for choosing this was the fact that a lot of people uses this communication method for its distinct advantages everyday. The number of people who communicate constantly grows. I belong to this group too and that is why I have decided to penetrate the functioning of this form of communication and discover what options e-mail offers to users. In my thesis I pursue several objectives. The first one is to chart history, present and possible future development of e-mail. I also deal with the issue how and in which environment e-mail works and what its forms of exploitation and abuse are. The next target is to compare six selected free mail providers on the basis of multi-criteria analysis and to compare its results with the results resulting from the questionnaire drawn up by me. For theoretical part of my thesis I use literature and information from the Internet as a source of information. At the practical section I work mainly with portals of individual free mail providers and the findings of the questionnaire. I can see the benefits of my thesis in the fact that through to this thesis the reader can obtain a complete picture of e-mail without wasting their time searching information in different sources. It can also serve as a help in selecting an appropriate provider. The thesis is divided into two parts: the theoretical and practical one. In the theoretical part I explain basic concepts needed to understand the next part which deals with the construction and operation of e-mail. The practical part compares the free mail providers on the basis of my own analysis and analysis of information from the questionnaire.
Elektronická pošta - přehled služeb free-mailu a hostingu
Převrátil, Martin ; Lukašovská, Renáta (advisor) ; Maryška, Miloš (referee)
Práce si klade za cíl seznámit se službami a funkcemi, které jsou dostupné při využívání bezplatného e-mailu (tzv. free mail) prostřednictvím webového rozhraní a jeho komerční verze (tzv. e mail hosting). Začátek bude věnován základnímu přehledu a typům přístupu ke schránce elektronické pošty, poté bude uveden základní výčet dostupných služeb spolu s jejich stručným popisem a tabulkovým porovnáním. Zvláštní ohled je brán na vytvoření celkového obrazu elektronické pošty, jakou je například problematika nevyžádané pošty, viry a spolehlivost. V závěru se pokusím nastínit budoucnost e-mailu a zhodnotit přínosy mé práce, ke kterým jsem dospěl.

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