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The preparedness of selected company and his employees in Tabor District for the release of chemical substance from the operation
NOVOTNÁ, Karolína
The bachelor thesis describes the issue of preparedness of selected company and its employees for leakage of chemicals from operation. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of the selected enterprise, the actual chemical accident that occurred in the selected enterprise, legislation related to the topic of work, the behavior of residents in the event of a dangerous chemical leakage, staff training and terms such as chemical accident, emergency planning, fire evacuation plan are explained here. The aim of the work was to evaluate the readiness of the selected company and its employees in the Tábor district for leakage of chemicals from operation. Employee preparedness was evaluated by means of a questionnaire survey, the preparedness of the company by comparing the applicable legislation with internal documents. The research question was formulated as: "What is the real preparedness of the company for leakage of chemicals from operation?" During the research it was found out that the selected company had prepared internal documents in accordance with the valid legislation and by means of a questionnaire survey it was found that its employees are well prepared for leakage of chemicals. So the real preparedness of the company is good. The methodology of the work describes how research was conducted among randomly selected respondents. Despite good preparedness, it was found that all respondents would not behave correctly when a dangerous chemical leaked out of operation, and not all employees were trained in regular fire protection intervals. The results of this work will be provided to the selected company for the purpose of assessing preparedness for leakage of chemicals from operation.
Planning of evacuation, like a part of crisis preparedness Hospital of the Pardubice region, Ltd. - Hospital of Pardubice
Abstract Purpose of this thesis was composet at two goals. Purpose of the first goal was evaluate present condition of Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice, personal's knowledges about behavior in cause of extraordinary event with emphasis on evacuation. Next goal was evaluate the overal status of preparedness of the Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice for evacuation. The basis of the theoretical part is in applicable legal standards of Czech republic, next this part describe planning of evacuation, including software planning, using modeling programs. In this part are describe events, when the evacuation has been done in real. The purpose of the practical part was to evaluate goals, which has been subsequently established by research questions and hypotheses. The purpose of answering the first research question, was evaluated the survey. The questionnaire has had 37 question and had been divided into 5 parts. The survey was realized during February and March 2018 at 6 departments of the Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice. The return of questionnaires was 58 %. More detailed specifications are given in chapter 4. To confirm whether the refutation of hypothesis nr. 1 was key respondents' answers to the questions asked, whose accuracy was compared based on the set 80% success rate of the right answers. In order to confirm whether or not the hypothesis nr. 2 was refuted, the results were subsequently processed by the 2 test statistic method - test of good agreement, which should confirm, or refute dependence of individual departments on their responses. For confirmation or refutation hypothese nr. 3, was compared results of this theses survey and results of bachelour thesis results. After the examination of the second research question, a comparison of the hospital's internal documentation with valid legal norms was carried out. An interview with the crisis manager was carried out, which examined the issue of population protection in the hospital. Last part of this research the analysis of questions (5, 7, 8, 13, 21, 24 and 25) of the questionnaire (Appendix 1). The overall success rate of staff awareness is 61 %, according to results. The overall preparedness of the hospital to evacuation is very good. The results of diploma thesis will be used especially for the analysis of own prepeardeness of the Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice for object evacuation.
Planning of evacuation, like a part of crisis preparedness Hospital České Budějovice, a. s.
The goal of bachelor thesis was to assess a current state of preparedness in Hospital České Budějovice, jsc for dealing with an extraordinary event. The stress was put on potential evacuation of the hospital. Next thing to assess was awareness of employees of Hospital České Budějovice, jsc about knowledge of recommended behaviour when an extraordinary event occurs. The emphasis was put on evacuation. The goal of the practical part was to answer formulated research questions. For assessment of first research question "How is the Hospital České Budějovice, jsc prepared for potential evacuation of the building?" and for answer of hypothesis no. 1 "Preparedness of Hospital České Budějovice, jsc for potential evacuation of the building meets the current requirements, following from applicable legislation", were chosen 3 criteria (chapter 2.2). For assessment of the second research question "How are the employees of Hospital České Budějovice, jsc informed about recommended behaviour during the extraordinary event with emphasis on evacuation?" and hypothesis no. 2 "Awareness of the employees in the Hospital České Budějovice, jcs about recommended behaviour during the extraordinary event with emphasis on evacuation come up to 80 % correct answers" and Hypothesis no. 3 "Awareness of the employees in the Hospital České Budějovice jcs, about recommended behaviour during the extraordinary event with emphasis on evacuation is not dependent on type of department" was chosen 1 criterion (chapter 2.2). The analysis of internal documents and the survey were done. These things were done for answer of research questions. The research using surveys was done among employees of the Hospital České Budějovice, jsc. The detailed description is stated in chapter 2.2. Questionnaire was consisted from 4 parts. The first part consisted of 6 question, which should characterize a respondent (workplace, sex, age, job categorization, length of practice, highest education level).Second and third part of questionnaire included 29 thematic questions, which deal with problems of protection of population, with evacuation and staff training. The questions of the fourth part of the questionnaire are for completion of these issues. These questions point out to self-evaluation of respondents and especially point out to opinions in these problems. Respondents answered for question, if they study in section of protection of the population alone, if they were acquainted with documents of medical facility, which is redestined for solution extraordinary event and if they consider this documents as sufficiently intelligible. Next respondents appraised own knowledge in part of protection of the population and attention, which is dedicated issues evacuation from side of Hospital České Budějovice, jsc. These question do not serving for answer to research questions, but for complex and unification of this issuess only. The results of the bachelor thesis will be used for preparation of employees in Hospital České Budějovice jsc for evacuation, including deepening their awareness about these problems.

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