National Repository of Grey Literature 62 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The relationship between a computer game and its audiovisual pattern
Šírová, Tereza ; Šlerka, Josef (advisor) ; Šisler, Vít (referee)
Diploma thesis The Relationship between the Computer Game and its Audiovisual Pattern deals with the similarities and differences between the computer games and audiovisual works. The thesis presents some theories reflecting different points of view to the influence and blending of these media forms. Those theories are the base for a suggestion of typology of games and movies adaptations that were made according to a pattern. In each of three suggested categories, there are mentioned some particular examples of computer games that were inspired by movie or series and also examples of movies that were inspired by computer game. The final chapter is a case study which compares the computer game Lost: Via Domus to its audiovisual pattern - series Lost.
The transformation of Czech film and its critics in the Film a doba journal (90s)
Fiala, Tomáš ; Štoll, Martin (advisor) ; Novotný, David Jan (referee)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the image of Czech film and its criticism in the post- revolutionary period. The view of Czech cinematography in the 1990s is showed by professional reflection in the magazine Film a doba, traditional periodical published since 1955. The analysis reflects the form of critical pieces and the state of Czech film under the influence of new possibilities and production conditions in 1990-1999. The development of Czech cinematography is illustrated in the theoretical part with the help of literature, essays and critics. The paper also finds an answer to the question of how domestic cinematography and its criticism used an opportunity for development and whether it was successful. The research also includes external influences such as the gradual development of multiplexis, the privatization of film studios and the interest in films by Czech viewers under the influence of foreign titles.
The Technology of Subtitles in Films and other Media
Tobiášová, Eliška ; Jašková, Jana (referee) ; Froehling, Kenneth (advisor)
Účelem bakalářské práce je prozkoumat technologii titulkování. Ta je rozebrána historického, současného a budoucího hlediska. V práci jsou zmíněny i specifické způsoby využití titulků pro určité typy médií a součástí je i rozbor cílových skupin, pro které jsou titulky určeny. Kromě teoretického rozboru technologie titulkování je na závěr proveden experiment, jehož účelem je porovnat přesnost titulkování mezi strojově generovanými titulky, profesionální prací a amatérskou prací. Toho je dosaženo porovnáváním titulků ze stejných filmových scén vedle sebe v tabulkách. Výsledek výzkumu, který je odvozen na základě kritérií, zmíněných v práci, ukazuje, že profesionální titulky jsou nejspolehlivější cestou.
Movie Recommender System
Janko, Pavel ; Zbořil, František (referee) ; Šůstek, Martin (advisor)
This thesis primarily addresses various methods of constructing a system for movie recommendations. Both basic and advanced techniques required for creating a recommender system are also covered in the thesis. The core of the thesis is designing, implementing and experimenting with a system for movie recommendations based upon the data originating from publicly accessible datasets. In order to predict ratings that the user would give to movies after watching them, the system utilizes a factorization model based on collaborative filtering. This thesis also describes the relation between model hyperparameter configuration and prediction accuracy, experiments that were conducted in order to further improve the model accuracy and finally compares the implemented model with existing solutions.
Film Suggestions Based on CSFD User Profiles
Janko, Pavel ; Šůstek, Martin (referee) ; Uhlíř, Václav (advisor)
This thesis covers the topic of utilizing neural nets for recommending movies. The principle of using neural nets with machine learning and both the general and the advanced techniques of creating a recommender system are also covered in the thesis. The core of the thesis is the design, implementation and finally the evaluation of a system for movie recommendations based upon the data mined from the user profiles from the ČSFD (Czech-Slovak film database). In order to accomplish this goal the system utilizies an explicit factorization model based on collaborative filtering between items to predict an accurate rating that the user would presumably give to a movie after watching it. This thesis also describes the relation between dataset size and prediction accuracy and demonstrates this accuracy by analyzing user feedback.
The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava opens the House of Art and new exhibitions
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě (GVUO) po více než dvouměsíčním uzavření otevírá Dům umění výstavami PAVEL NEŠLEHA - Vidět jinak a ZISKY 2018/19 GVUO: JOSEF BOLF - Planeta, která neexistovala. Oba výstavní projekty budou zpřístupněny veřejnosti od úterý 26. května v běžné otevírací době, to je od 10 do 18 hodin. V Domě umění, GVUO budou k vidění do 30. srpna 2020.
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Acquisitions 2018/19 GVUO: Josef Bolf – The Impossible Planet
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě
Výstava Planeta, která neexistovala obrůstá kolem animovaného filmu a malby, které GVUO získala spolu s dalšími Bolfovými kresbami při akvizičních nákupech českého umění poslední doby. Krátkometrážní film Těžká planeta z roku 2014 nebyl první transpozicí Bolfovy poetiky do média pohyblivého obrazu. Na druhou stranu dosud nikdy, ať ve filmu nebo v malbě, v takové míře nevycházel ze vzpomínek na dětství, které strávil (podobně jako tisíce jeho vrstevníků) v kulisách stále ještě dostavovaného sídliště Jižní město v Praze. Ostravská výstava tento dosud nejosobnější výstup Bolfovy úzkostné a přízračné představivosti včleňuje do halucinačního světa jeho nových obrazů, v nichž jako by už definitivně zmizel předěl mezi sněním a bděním. Práce dvou okruhů si tak navzájem aktivizují vztahy mezi osobní a kolektivní pamětí, narativitou a vizualitou, a rovněž vnější a vnitřní realitou, v jejichž předivu je zapleten člověk.
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American Ways of War and Strategic Culture: A Reflection in Domestic and Foreign Cinematography
Kondrótová, Katarína ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Špelda, Petr (referee)
American Ways of War and Strategic Culture: A Reflection in Domestic and Foreign Cinematography Katarína Kondrótová Abstract This thesis examines the portrayal of American strategic culture in movies from the USA and two countries with which the USA has been in conflict with - Vietnam and Afghanistan. The research focuses on comparing them with official US strategies and contrasting the different national portrayals among themselves. The aim is to discover how the USA and its way of war is depicted at home and abroad through movies - a popular medium with the power to shape perceptions. The research is anchored in the international relations theory of post-structuralism and the concepts of strategic culture and national ways of war. They serve as a lens through which the most popular war movies from each country are analyzed. The findings showed that American movies were more precise in depicting their real-life strategic approaches and tended to be more derogatory in their portrayal of their adversaries. They also showed a more critical depiction of US conduct in Vietnam compared to Afghanistan. When it comes to the foreign movies, Vietnamese films were more critical of the USA than Afghan films, but not as disdainful of the enemy as the USA. Afghan depictions exhibited the dual nature of their opinion of...

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