National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ethical dilemmas in work of social curator for children and youth
BÖHM, Bohumír
The work is devoted to a socio-ethical topic from the field of work of a field social worker, namely a curator for children and youth, with a focus on his most frequent dilemmas that accompany him at work. The goal of this qualification work is to find an answer in which activities, during which actions, the curator for children and youth encounters the most vexing dilemmas, and what criteria he chooses when deciding on a specific type of educational measure in connection with the emergence of dilemmatic problems. Simultaneously with the search for an answer to the first question, another related target question arose, namely, what is the success of the imposed educational measures in the case of children and youth, and what kind of feedback can be observed in this regard. I searched for answers to the research questions through a qualitative research strategy using thematic analysis and using a semi-structured interview, which was carried out with curators for children and youth at three municipal offices and one municipal office. The work also maps the educational situation of children and youth, with how it took place before the disease of COVID-19, in the covid and post-covid era from the point of view of curators for children and youth. The research found that the biggest dilemma in the work of a curator for children and youth is deciding whether to leave a child in a dysfunctional family or to propose institutional education for him. If the educational measures imposed by the curators did not bring the desired effect, they proceed to submit a proposal for institutional care. The subsequent effectiveness of the imposed educational measures can be monitored in connection with the different ages of the children. For minors, educational measures are imposed at a minimum, juvenile courts usually waive them. In the case of juveniles, if it is a first or rare excess, the court also proposes to waive the imposition of an educational measure. In the case of children's educational problems in the covid era, during it and after this time, the curators mainly faced truancy and failure to fulfill their school duties.
Social work applied to Roma families from a socially excluded location in Tábor
KLEJMOVÁ, Jaroslava
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the cooperation of social workers involved in social work applied to Roma families in the socially excluded location "Fišlovka" in Tábor, and to outline the possibility of discussed cooperation in addressing ethical dilemmas related to social work with the target group. The subject of this analysis is an attempt to identify the main reservations and barriers of this cooperation and the possibilities of improving it. The thesis also explores the ethical dilemmas that social workers working with Roma families encounter, and the strategies that they most often use to deal with these dilemmas. The thesis consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts that govern the work topic. The practical part offers an interpretation of data obtained through qualitative research that involved nine respondents among social service workers working with the discussed target group.

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