National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Adaptibilita lipana podhorního (Thymallus thymallus) po vysazení v závislosti na technologii odchovu
Pospíšil, Kryštof
The diploma thesis is focused on the adaptation of Europen grayling after stocking. Within of this diploma thesis, 3 different technologies of breeding were compared. The group marked grayling stock was monitored at trout fishing ground the Oslava 6 at 4 locations in 2021-2022. Recapture of marked grayling was carried out using electrofishing and fishing with an artificial fly (fly-fishing). During the catches, were acquired the physical-chemical parameters of the water and the length-weight parameters of the fish caught, for the subsequent determination of the nutrition coefficient according to Fulton and the AT coefficient according to Spurný (2000). The abundance and biomass of the fish community was subsequently determined from the recorded data. As part of electrofishing, zoobenthos was collected from all localities, and after laboratory determination, its abundance and biomass were examined. The degree of adaptation of stocked grayling was assessed from the percentage representation of the food component (natural food) from the stomach contents. Stomach contents were collected by a non-lethal method using a stomach pump or a modified syringe. The results show that the stock from each technology of breeding has adapted to the natural food offer, but the amount of data obtained may distort the results.
Zhodnocení rybářského managementu pstruhového revíru Svitava 5
Polívka, Lukáš
The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the biological status of species populations of agriculturally important fish species in the district Svitava 5 and the evaluation of the evidence in the district's ten-year series. Ichthyological surveys were carried out in autumn 2015, on 20th and 21st November. At various locations were determined basic physicochemical parameters of the water and found topographical data. Catches were made by using electrical units. All fish were returned gently back to the territory after finding plastic signs. In all localities have been detected 3 fish species from two families. The total abundance ranged from 899 to 3634 ks.ha-1 and the biomass from 58.7 to 250.6 kg per ha -1. Big drop in the number of caught individuals was recorded at grayling, when it reduce the number of catches from 21 ks.ha -1 to 1 ks.ha -1 in the ten-year series.
Zhodnocení rybářského managementu pstruhového revíru Svitava 4
Mareš, Lukáš
Presented master thesis deals with the issue of assessment of management in salmonid fishing ground Svitava 4. The main aim was to compare the state of fish community with the state after the last survey from 2003-2004 and to evaluate the economic evidence (level of fishermen's pressure, level of reached catch and the stocking of economically important species) for ten years in a row. The ichthyological survey was carried out in summer season in 2014 at four localities within the fishing ground Svitava 4. The topographic data of particular localities were measured by the modern devices. Also basic physicochemical parameters of water were measured. The catching was realized by electric-fishing gear. After measuring of morphometric characteristics all the fish were returned back to the fishing ground. The survey established the presence of 8 fish species in 5 families. The abundance of fish community varied on particular localities in the range from 338 to 1633 pcs.ha-1, the biomass from 53,6 to 199,2 kg.ha-1. The fish community of concerned stream has gone through significant changes since the last survey. Considerable decrease in abundance was recorded mainly in the grayling population.
Zhodnocení rybářského managementu pstruhového revíru Svitava 2
Bromek, Petr
The main aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the fish management of a trout reserve Svitava 2 and to suggest a correction on the basis of results from the performed surveys and information from the Moravian Fisherman's associotion evidence. Field surveys were realized on 3rd and 4th September 2013. During these surveys 12 fish species out of 5 families were demonstrated by electrofishing. Caught fis were released back to the river measuring weight and lenght. The ichthyologic research was evaulated using indi-cators for fish populations. On account of acquired knowledge and data, I recommend following correction: advance quantity biennial brown trout on 200 fish per hectare, reduce rainbow trout 40 fish per hectare and advence quantity biennial qrayling on 200 fish per hectare.
Ichthyology research of the brooks Brodecký, Holčovický and Polánecký and exploring its pertinency for repatriation of minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus).
Ichthyology research of chosen lokalities and exploring its pertinency for repatriation of minnow due to the issues of the research. Concurrently I will examinate this three brooks of the overall assesment as an biotope.
Effect of electrofishing on macrozoobenthos
Experiment has been addicted for observing effect of electrofishing on macrozoobenthos including mechanical stimulus (passing of trawling squad). Reaction on electrofishing and fading has been rebound by drift increment. Sample taking had been done by use of Surber and drift nets. Evaluation has been made both quantitative (standing crop in drift in particular methods), and qualitative (substitution of taxons in particular methods).

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