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Letničky a dvouletky na východočeských a jihomoravských hřbitovech
Kalousová, Iva
My thesis deals with species composition and assortment of ornamental annuals and biennials planted in cemeteries in the Krkonose and Kralicky Sneznik mountainous regions, in medium-elevation regions of East Bohemia and in the South Moravia lowlands. The Work also includes monitoring of the relevant species growing wild off the graves. Simultaneously, annual and biennial species of accompanying weeds have been monitored, their botanical classification has been carried out, as well, as comparison of their occurrence changes with available historical sources. Botanical research has been conducted in the total number of 130 visited cemeteries (48 in mountainous areas, 53 in medium-elevation areas and 29 in the South Moravia lowlands). 98 ornamental species and 150 weeds have been found there. Within the monitoring course, several endangered plant species according to the latest Red List of the Czech Republic Flora have been found. My work resulted in findings that there are no substantial differences in the species composition of plants grown in individual regions. Horticultural firms offer similar assortment. However, I have found differences in the accompanying weed vegetation composition. While cemeteries in South Moravia are maintained carefully, old cemeteries in the mountainous areas are often neglected and abandoned and they are penetrated by the surrounding vegetation.

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