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Účinek hnojení na obsah vybraných forem draslíku v půdě
Jelínek, Jiří
The thesis deals with the impact of intensified fertilizing with the potassium fertilizer on the content of watersoluble potassium, exchangeable potassium, available potassium and the reserve of mobile potassium in the soil. The thesis is based on the long stationary experiments founded by the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture. The analysed soil came from experimental localities: the sugar beet growing region (Uherský Ostroh, Věrovany, Žatec) and the potato processing region (Chrastava, Staňkov, Svitavy, Horažďovice, Lípa). Five options of fertilization were included with a different dosage (intensity) of potassium in kg.ha-1 depending on the region (potato and sugar beet growing): 1. A checking option without fertilization (0;0), 2. farmyard manure (35; 35), 3. farmyard manure + N2P2K0 (35; 35), 4. farmyard manure + N2P2K1 (104; 96) 5. farmyard manure + N2P2K2 (143, 132), 6. farmyard manure + N2P2K3 (193, 178). Watersoluble potassium was statistically provable influenced by the increasing of dosage of fertilization. The content of watersoluble potassium is within the producing region very varied. It was the soil type who was the most influential on the variability of the watersoluble potassium (35,3 %). The content of watersoluble K was due to the application of potassium increasing the most in the heavy soil. The content of available potassium increased after the application of 1 kg K by 0,6289 The variant of fertilization participated on the overall variability of the content of available potassium by 32,48 %. In the potato-growing region was the amount of potassium lower than in sugar beet region by 89,5 of soil. The lowest figures were found in cambisol. The group of the type of soil influenced significantly the amount of observed form of K. The reserve of mobile potassium wasn't significantly influenced by fertilization. The soil type had a significant impact on the reserve of mobile potassium. The dosages of different intensity of potassium had a significant impact on the increase of the reserve of mobile potassium in heavy soil.
Zhodnocení výskytu polních plevelů na vybraných pozemcích v bramborářské výrobní oblasti
Hromádko, Petr
This bachelor thesis focuses on the evaluation of the occurrence of field weeds in a different crops in the potato-growing region. This thesis also compares a weed infesta-tion in a different crops and proposes their weed management. The observation was per-formed on the selected lands of the agricultural holding I. AGRO Oldřiš a.s. during the year 2018. The weeds were observed in the following crops: spring barley, winter tritica-le and winter rape. The most numerous weeds found in the crops were: Viola arvensis, Stelaria media, Arabidopsis thaliana, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Holcus mollis, Elytrigia repens, Poa annua, Apera spica-venti, Tripleurospermum inodorum, Veronica hederifo-lia, Cirsium arvense.
Účinek hnojení na obsah vybraných forem draslíku v půdě
Jelínek, Jiří
The thesis deals with the impact of intensified fertilizing with the potassium fertilizer on the content of watersoluble potassium, exchangeable potassium, available potassium and the reserve of mobile potassium in the soil. The thesis is based on the long stationary experiments founded by the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture. The analysed soil came from experimental localities: the sugar beet growing region (Uherský Ostroh, Věrovany, Žatec) and the potato processing region (Chrastava, Staňkov, Svitavy, Horažďovice, Lípa). Five options of fertilization were included with a different dosage (intensity) of potassium in kg.ha-1 depending on the region (potato and sugar beet growing): 1. A checking option without fertilization (0;0), 2. farmyard manure (35; 35), 3. farmyard manure + N2P2K0 (35; 35), 4. farmyard manure + N2P2K1 (104; 96) 5. farmyard manure + N2P2K2 (143, 132), 6. farmyard manure + N2P2K3 (193, 178). Watersoluble potassium was statistically provable influenced by the increasing of dosage of fertilization. The content of watersoluble potassium is within the producing region very varied. It was the soil type who was the most influential on the variability of the watersoluble potassium (35,3 %). The content of watersoluble K was due to the application of potassium increasing the most in the heavy soil. The content of available potassium increased after the application of 1 kg K by 0,6289 The variant of fertilization participated on the overall variability of the content of available potassium by 32,48 %. In the potato-growing region was the amount of potassium lower than in sugar beet region by 89,5 of soil. The lowest figures were found in cambisol. The group of the type of soil influenced significantly the amount of observed form of K. The reserve of mobile potassium wasn't significantly influenced by fertilization. The soil type had a significant impact on the reserve of mobile potassium. The dosages of different intensity of potassium had a significant impact on the increase of the reserve of mobile potassium in heavy soil.

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