National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Ruderální flora a vegetace tramvajových kolejišť města Brna
Navrátilová, Eva
Bachelor thesis deals with the research of ruderal located in tram tracks in Brno. Lists of species were recorded on sections divided by tram stops. Recorded plants were evaluated according to their origin and possibility of invasion. Focus was taken aslo on rare and allergenic species. There was 117 species found on the whole lengh of the study tram track. The most frequent taxon was prostrate knotweed (Polygonum avicu-lare agg.). Native species number was higher than number of archaeophytes and ne-ophytes. There were 10 invasive species found in total, Erigeron annuus and Portulaca oleracea were found as most frequent among invasive species. There was only one rare species found according to the current Czech Redlist, the japanese brome (Bromus ja-ponicus). Frequent species causing pollen alergies were Taraxacum sect. Taraxacum and Plantago lanceolata. Character of the track was found as a main factor for plant species distribution, where the most species were found in gravel type track. The use of gravel is therefore more suitable for suporting biodiversity. Asphalt and concrete are on the other more suitable for easier tram track maintanence.
Synantropní flóra v okolí Brněnské přehrady
Melicharová, Montana
This bachelor thesis deals with the synanthropic flora located in the surroundings of the Brno Reservoir, which is situated on the northwestern outskirts of Brno. This thesis provides an insight into the findings of plants occurring in the studied area based on literature excerpts and data taken from major botanical databases. The thesis also includes a floristic survey, whose results will be added into the database of a project aimed at mapping of the Brno flora. The territory was defined by two squares of network mapping (6765CAa, 6765CAc). The total number of found plant species, whose occurrence has not been confirmed in this territory yet, was 306. The occurrence of Snowdrop Anemone (Anemone sylvestris), White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium) and Burr Chervil (Anthriscus caucalis) can be counted among the most important findings. The results in the form of lists of found plants serve for better knowledge of the flora located at the Brno Reservoir.
Diverzita flóry tramvajových kolejišť
Navrátilová, Eva
The thesis deals with the research of plants growing in tram tracks. There were selected 5 cities for this research – Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava, Plzeň and Praha. Lists of species and character of tracks were recorded on stops and between them. There were 200 species found in total. 103 of them were native to the Czech Republic. The most frequent ones were for example prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare agg.), wall barley (Hordeum murinum), groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola). There were also found 7 endangered species – for example salt sandspurry (Spergularia marina). Statistical analysis also discovered that there was a difference between the flora of particual cities. In every city except Praha there were species typical for the city. For example, buck's-horn plantain (Plantago coronopus) in Plzeň.
Identifikace přírodních hodnot Černovické terasy
Kovářová, Kristýna
The bachelor thesis describes the natural conditions, potential and current state of geobiocenoses, history of the territory, current state and planned landscaping in the future. It also processes and evaluates inventory surveys carried out in the territory in 2006-2022. The area of 5.17 km2 is located in the south-east of Brno. The subsoil consists of sands and loess covered by anthropogenic deposits. The ground cover is chernozem. The territory falls into a warm region. Human activity in combination with succession influences has given rise to unusual biotopes that host a number of protected animal species. By synthesizing surveys, 498 plant species were obtained, of which 2 are protected by law and 43 are endangered according to the Red List. 17 species have been found in mammals, of which 3 are protected by law and 10 are endangered according to the Red List. 146 bird species have been registered, of which 56 are protected by law and 63 are endangered species according to the Red List. In amphibians and reptiles, 8 species have been recorded, the law protects 7 of them, and according to the Red List, 8 species are endangered. Of the insects, 176 species have been registered, of which 17 are protected by law and 31 are endangered according to the Red List. A floristic survey was also carried out. In which 200 plant species were found, none of which are protected by law and 18 are endangered according to the Red List.
Synantropní flóra a vegetace severozápadního okraje města Brna
Melicharová, Montana
This diploma thesis focuses on the survey of synanthropic flora and vegetation on the northwestern outskirts of the city of Brno. It includes the northwestern part of the Bystrc and Kníničky city districts, the adjacent surroundings of the Brno Reservoir and a substantial part of Mniší hora. The explored area is precisely demarcated by 4 squares corresponding to 1/16 of the basic field of the Central European network mapping (6765CAa+b+c+d). The abundances of the found species were noted and information about their origin and degree of threat was added later. The most important findings include the information about their exact location. Selected specimens of determined, well collected and pressed species are prepared to be stored in a herbarium. The phytosociological plots were sampled to characterize diverse habitat types located in the area. On the whole, I found 522 plant species in the defined area, of which 134 are non-native and 37 species belong to the category of plants with a specific threat level. The most interesting findings are Stachys annua and Anthriscus caucalis belonging to the strongly endangered category (C2 t). There are two more interesting findings that were located on the bridge to the ZOO, Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica, and the expanding Cornus sericea on the bank of the river Svratka. I found overall 25 invasive species, 19 of them are neophytes and 6 of them are archaeophytes. The acquired data will be included to the freely available database of Flora of Brno. A large number of other botanists contribute to this database, who record new, but also the most common plant species that get sometimes overlooked.
Nature park Stráž nad Ohří and its perspectives
This thesis examines the influence of management on vegetation at selected locations in the natural park ?Straz nad Ohri?. The main objective is to determine the current botanical composition of the stands and compare it with the previously collected data. The work will also contain assess of the current management and a design of possible measures to protect nature. Botanical survey of selected sites was conducted during the 2012 period. There are protected species of plants at these locations that need special management for their maintenance or possibly reproduction.

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