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Processing of upper respiratory tract specimens
This bachelor thesis focuses on the processing of upper respiratory tract specimen, primarily on the cultivation of throat swabs. The theoretical part introduces the anatomy and physiological flora of upper respiratory tract and the individual bacteria that can, under specific circumstances such as the body being weakened by virus infection, cause illness. It details diseases that can affect the respiratory system such as tonsillitis, which is the focus of the practical part. The culture media used to isolate microbes from throat swabs are also concisely described. The practical part is solely focused on the cultivation of throat swabs on blood agar. Group A, C and G streptococci, which cause acute tonsillitis or pharyngitis, were considered pathogens. The streptococci groups were determined by latex agglutination test. The data provided by the Department of Clinical Microbiology of Nemocnice Písek, a.s., were processed and compiled into statistics comparing the occurrence of individual streptococci in the samples. Furthermore, the occurrence of pathogens over the year and within different age categories was compared. The data provided were from the span of twelve months (from the 1st April 2018 to the 31st March 2019). The aim of this thesis was to introduce the upper respiratory tract diseases, primarily the streptococcal infection of the tonsils and pharynx. Furthermore, the aim was to get accustomed to laboratory methods used in the examination of throat swabs and the subsequent compilation of statistics from obtained data.
Beta hemolytic streptococci in the upper respiratory tract.
HOUDKOVÁ, Michaela
This thesis focuses on beta-hemolytic streptococci which are most commonly found in the upper respiratory tract. The aim is also to detect occurrence of this bacteria as well as diseases caused by this streptococci, especially beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A (Streptococcus progenies). The practical part includes description of material sampling, swabs from the throat in this case and further processing in microbiology laboratory.
Cultivation and sensitivity of the stems of Streptococcus pyogenes from the mucus of nasopharynx and ears in children and their sensitivity to {$\beta$}-lactam antibiotics and makrolids
SIVOKOVÁ, Jaroslava
The topic Cultivation and sensitivity of the stems of Streptococcus pyogenes from the mucus of nasopharynx and ears in children and their sensitivity to {$\beta$}-lactam antibiotics and makrolids occupied my mind because I was interested in the question if the increased consumption of antibiotics and the following resistance occur also in this bacterium. Except for gaining practical knowledge on cultivation and identification of Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria the objective of the thesis was the investigation of its sensitivity to {$\beta$}-lactam antibiotics and makrolids. Further I was intersted in how the doctors for children and teenagers proceed in case of suspicion of streptococcus disease of upper airways. Also this topic was one of the objectives. The thesis is composed of two parts, theoretical and practial ones. In the theoretical part I first came out of available information on Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. I describe its morphology and characteristics, factors of patogenics and virulence. This information is used during the cultivation of bacteria and its following identification. Further I mention the diseases which are caused by pyogenous streptococci. The part is also the description of antibiotics which are recommended for the treatment of the diseases caused by this bacteria. The second part includes the methods of cultivation and identification of Streptococcus pyogenes which are used in microbiology laboratory Laboma mikrobiologická laboratoř s.r.o. (Laboma microbiology laboratory Inc.). Identification methods come out of the application of PYR-test, latex agglutination and the use of identification system Api 20 Strep in ambiguous results. The results gained in microbiology laboratory show that the capture of Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria in diseases of upper airways created 4,4% from all smears sent into the laboratory. These diseases showed seasonal occurrence with the maximum in spring and winter. The results of sensititivity have shown that the sensitivity to penicilin was in 100% and to erythromycin in 91.6%. Cross-resistance between erythromycin and clindamycin ocurred in 57 cases (4.5 %). According to my investigation Streptococcus pyogenes caused otitis in 13 cases (2.7%). The highest ocurrence of otites caused by Streptococcus pyogenes emerged in spring. The stems isolated from ear mucuos were sensitive to penicilin in 100% and to erythromycin in 92.3%. These results apply to the material sent to microbiology laboratory Laboma mikrobiologická laboratoř s.r.o. (Laboma microbiology laboratory Inc.). To gain a complete picture I visited 20 doctors for children and teenagers who were willing to fill in my questionnaire. After the evaluation I found out that all questioned doctors are waiting for the results of cultivation and sensitivity of the stem to antibiotics if the clinical state of a patient is not serious. In preference they apply penicilin. Control smear is carried by most of the doctors only in recurrent infections. From the data of the laboratory I found out that three doctors send the material to the culture investigation and the following sensitivity of the stem to antibiotics after the failure of treatment in a patient.
Determination and diagnostics of beta-hemolytics streptococcus in clinical microbiology
The genus of Streptococcus includes gram-positive catalase of negative coccus, which rank into pairs and chains and their colonies are also sometimes very small in enriched soils. Most of species are selectively anaerobic. This genus includes a large number of species with different significance for people ´s disorders, and also the species significant for veterinary medicine. Beta-hemolytic or pyogenic Streptococci important in human medicine include first of all streptococci of A and B group. Streptococcus pyogenes (A group) is the cause of either localised purulent infections, or invasive and toxic diseases, and also late consequences of these infections. The carrying of beta-hemolytic streptococci of B group (Streptococcus agalactiae) is significant especially in pregnant women because it can threaten the mother and the newborn as well. They are the most important causers of newborn meningitis and sepsis. The aim of the thesis is to find out information of determination and detection methods concerning beta-hemolytic streptococci. It is necessary to devote our attention to each streptococcus and determine its type by cultivation, eventually by further supplementary methods. The main role in diagnostics is played by classical cultivation in common (blood agar) or special enriched soils. Each microbiological laboratory chooses its own laboratory procedures. The use of cultivation for capture of beta-hemolytic streptococci and determination of their types by PYR test (for the proof of A group streptococci) and latex agglutination (for confirmation of other groups) seem to be the most convenient. CAMP-test is still the most frequently used method for the proof of group B streptococci. For exclusion of later consequences the assessment of anti-streptolysin O (ASLO) or antideoxyribonuclasis B (ADNB) in serum are often used. All beta-hemolytic streptococci must be regarded as important pathogens namely in whatever locality, that is why the knowledge of basic and special laboratory methods which lead to identification of particular types of these streptococci is very important for clinical microbiology and the treatment of patients.

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